You will be reintroduced to the Magikoopa enemy in this blockade level, which are pretty simple enemies. They stand still and do nothing but fire a blast of magic at you, then they will teleport to another spot nearby. You will have to deal with three Magikoopas in this level.
(1 of 2) The only attack Magikoopas do is shoot a ball of energy
The only attack Magikoopas do is shoot a ball of energy (left), You can tell where they will teleport by following the magic trail they leave behind (right)
Since they can be elusive, a bit, due to their teleporting, you might have a difficult time defeating them. You can defeat a Magikoopa by jumping on them, like most normal enemies, as well as with any power-up. In fact, the Fire Flower is probably the best option against them, since you’re fighting them with ranged attacks. Defeat all three Magikoopas and you will earn the Green Star.
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