Steelrising has a progression feature featuring modules, which are passive buffs you can give your character. As you progress through the game, you will unlock different tiers of modules, along with further improving those passive buffs. However, to unlock more and upgrade your module slots, you will need an item called Module Keys. Module Keys are essentially the currency you spend on upgrading those slots. Here is everything you need to know on the Module Keys in Steelrising.
Here is a quick rundown on the Key Modules in Steelrising.
How to get Module Keys in Steelrising¶
Throughout the game, you will naturally stumble upon Module Keys without having to put too much effort into finding them. These come from a variety of sources, including looting Titan bosses, Unstable Automat mini-bosses, and even on some of the pre-placed loot sources in the game, especially in the later game levels, side areas, or in little areas you can venture into using your movement abilities.
Once you start a campaign, you will naturally encounter the first mini-boss, the Unstable Lancer. Once you defeat this boss and loot the body, you will pick up a Module Key, that also gives you a short tutorial that you can access in the game’s glossary menu.
If you’re the sort of player that aims to do the main story and most of the side content, you will likely head into the game’s final level with enough collected keys to fully upgrade your modules. Note that the final level has three keys from what we gathered, so you will not be able to fully complete your module slots until you have explored the Versaille map.
If you’re a trophy hunter, be aware that there is a trophy for fully upgrading your module slots. Make sure you are only three keys away from completing this achievement/trophy before heading into Versatile, as you cannot leave the mission. Moreso, while on mission, make sure to grab the three keys. One is on a picnic near two cat robots, and one on a dead robot behind a wall you can knock down in the garden labyrinth. The other is looted from the unstable Automat ou ecnounter while progressing through the level.
How to upgrade modules in Steelrising¶
At the start of the game, Aegis has one tier-one module unlocked. You will then need to spend your keys on unlocking and advancing the rest of your modules. Unlocking a new module costs one, while upgrading them to Tier-2 costs three each. To upgrade a module to Tier-3, you will need five keys.
You can then insert the different tiers of modules into the appropriate slot and improve your build as the game progresses, as long as you have the required module to insert in. You get these from bosses, chests, lootable objects and from the boutique.
In total, it means players can expect to collect 27 module keys in Steelrising throughout their playthrough. Happy hunting.
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