The Mysterious Case is a side mission located in the Zaton region of the zone in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. This mission will have you do a favor for Sultan, the leader of the Skadovsk Camp. Find out where you can find the Skadovsk Camp, where you can find Sultan, and how to reach the mysterious briefcase he is after.
The Skadovsk Camp is a large abandoned ship in the center of Zaton.
Table of Contents¶
If you want to jump to a specific section, click on the links below.
Quickjump |
Skadovsk Location |
Sultan Location |
Finding the Cargo Ship |
Briefcase Location |
Hand Over the Briefcase? |
Skadovsk Location¶
The Skadovsk Camp is an abandoned ship located in the center of the Zaton region. If you complete the
Dead Frequency main mission, you’ll have an objective to go there. However, if you want to go there earlier, it’ll take a while.
From the Azimuth Station, take the road east until you reach the intersection, and then follow that south until you reach the next intersection. At this intersection, follow the road east and south until you reach another intersection. From here, leave the road and head directly east to find the Skadovsk Camp.
(1 of 2) Follow the route above to find the Skadovsk Camp.
Follow the route above to find the Skadovsk Camp. (left), The Camp is a big abandoned ship. (right)
Sultan Location - Accepting the Mission¶
Before you can accept the mission, you’ll need to speak to Sonya Kalyna, who is a merchant and can be found opposite the entrance. Ask her if there is any work for you, and she’ll send you over to Sultan. You can find Sultan to the right of the entrance (if you’re heading out), opposite Sonya. Speak to him and he’ll ask you to retrieve his briefcase that was lost in one of his former stashes that he’s unable to reach now due to anomalies and mutants.
(1 of 2) Speak to the merchant, Sonya, and ask her if there is any work.
Speak to the merchant, Sonya, and ask her if there is any work. (left), She will send you to Sultan, who is sitting down on the sofa opposite her. (right)
Finding the Cargo Ship¶
The briefcase is on an abandoned Cargo Ship to the northeast of Skadovsk. This is a long walk, approximately 1km, so stock up on water and energy drinks to shorten the journey. The easiest way to find the ship is to leave Skadovsk and head southeast until you reach the road. From there, follow the road east until you reach the second intersection next to the bus stop (the one with a road heading north), and take the road north.
Continue north until you reach another intersection and when you do, go east to reach the ship location. This journey can be made shorter by running through the fields to the northeast, ignoring the roads, but it may be more difficult to find, and you’ll have more chances of being attacked.
Head northeast from Skadovsk to find the Cargo Ship.
Briefcase Location¶
When you reach the outer perimeter of the Cargo Ship, enter the area from the west, and make your way to the dock in the east. Along the way, you may be attacked by a pack of dogs, so be careful when heading there. The Dock is filled with anomalies (leaves), and can’t be stopped, so you’ll need to make your way around them to reach the ship.
Continue east and go through the open red container to avoid the first set of anomalies. Straight ahead, your path will be blocked by an anomaly on either side. However, if you climb on top of the crates in front of the container, walk up to the anomaly up there, and drop to your left, you can avoid them.
(1 of 4) On the dock, go through the red container.
Proceed east while staying nearer to the left and then head in between the containers underneath the crane. Make sure you’re hugging the back of the red container when you continue going east as there is another anomaly to the right of it. Now, continue east until you reach the open container leading to the ship. There are a few more anomalies along the way, but you can just walk between them. If you see a pile of leaves in the air, navigate around it.
On the ship, climb up the ladder in front of you leading to the higher part of the ship, head west a little, and go up the stairs to your right, where you’ll find a hatch opposite. Open the hatch and take the ladder into the ship. Inside the ship, go into the open room to your left to find the briefcase sitting on the desk. Ensure you pick up the Hilka Detector, and the supplies there while you’re here.
(1 of 2) Climb the ladder in front of the container you just passed through.
Climb the ladder in front of the container you just passed through. (left), Go up the stairs to your left, and open the hatch. (right)
Hand over the Briefcase?¶
With the briefcase in hand, continue through the ship until you reach the door at the end. Make a quick save, and then press the red button to open the door. You’ll be ambushed by a few of the Sultan’s men, who wanted the job instead of you. You’ll have a couple of seconds to either hand the briefcase over to them or to take them out. Fortunately, this choice is an illusion, because if you hand it over to them, they’ll find out it’s empty, assume you’ve taken whatever was inside, and still fight you.
(1 of 3) The briefcase will be on the desk in the first room on the left inside the ship.
Regardless of what option you pick, a battle will ensue. Be careful of Ensign (the guy who talks to you) as he has a SPAS-12 shotgun and can cause serious damage quickly. The best way to deal with the fight is to back up into the ship and peek at them from there, just be careful of grenades getting thrown in. Once you’ve dealt with the ambushers, it’s time to return to Skadovsk. Before you do, head to the western end of the ship to find a stash with some armor next to it. Simply, break the planks/crates to gain access to it.
(1 of 3) At the west end of the ship is a stash. Break the planks and crates and head inside the small room.
When you’re ready to head back, you can jump from the middle of the ship (where the gap in the railing is) to the dock, cutting out the anomalies. All that’s left to do now is to return to Skadovsk, and hand the briefcase over to Sultan. After handing it over, he’ll ask if you had any problem, to which you’ll respond by telling him what happened. This job was more about finding a rat in the camp, than the briefcase. Once the conversation is over, you’ll get your reward.
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