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STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl

The Poppy Field Walkthrough

Matt Chard
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"The Poppy Field" iconThe Poppy Field is a side mission in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl that can be accepted by speaking to Mitay in Zalissya. This mission sends you to the northwest of the "Lesser Zone" iconLesser Zone to the ominous Poppy Field, known for putting Stalkers to sleep when they go through it. At the end of the mission, you’ll have a choice on what to do with the item that Mitay asks you to retrieve, with one of them leading to a unique weapon. Read on to find out how to complete The Poppy Field mission, and how to get all rewards.

The Poppy Field will put you to sleep while traversing it. Make sure you bring Energy Drinks.

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Mitay Location

Beginning this mission starts by speaking to Mitay, who can be found in Hamster’s shop in Zalissya (Map Marker). You’ll find him sitting down opposite the shop counter, near the entrance. After speaking to him, you’ll find out he wants his wife’s keepsake, a religious icon to be specific, but it was last seen in a root cellar in the Poppy Field. Before you make your way to the Poppy Field, stock up on at least 10 energy drinks if you can afford them (you can find some during the mission), as they are imperative in staying awake in the Poppy Field.

(1 of 2) Mitay can be found in Hamster’s shop in Zalissya.

Mitay can be found in Hamster’s shop in Zalissya. (left), You’ll find him sitting down near the entrance to the shop. (right)

The Poppy Field Location

Leave Zalissya via the western road and follow it until you reach an intersection. At the intersection, take the northern road until you reach the POL Depot, but don’t go inside it. From the POL Depot, head northwest into the wilderness, and you’ll eventually reach the Poppy Field (Map Marker). The location itself is in the northwest corner of the Lesser Zone.

From Zalissya, head west, and then northwest to find the Poppy Field.

Pomor Location

This part of the mission is optional but is well worth doing as you’ll get extra objectives as well as a unique gun depending on your choice. You can find Pomor in a house with a white door on the eastern edge of the Poppy Field. Enter the house, speak to Pomor, and you can ask him some questions about the Poppy Field. In short, the Poppy Field will make you drowsy when traversing through it, and that is where the energy drinks come in, as they’ll have the opposite effect, and keep you awake.

Now, your first choice will be whether you want to search for the Root Cellar yourself (where the icon is), pay Pomor 2000 K for the information, or perform a quick job for him to get the information for “free”. You don’t want to search it for yourself unless you have unlimited energy drinks, and surely you don’t want to waste 2000 K? So, the only option is to help him out.

Pomor will ask you to retrieve the gear, more importantly the weapons, from the dead bodies scattered around the Poppy Field. Accept his proposal, and head out into the Poppy Field.

(1 of 2) Pomor can be found inside the house with the white door, east of the Poppy Field.

Pomor can be found inside the house with the white door, east of the Poppy Field. (left), He’ll tell you to pay him for information on the Root Cellar, however, you can help him out instead. (right)

Pomor’s Body Locations

Fortunately, Pomor is kind enough to show you on the map exactly where the bodies are, so it’s as simple as running to each objective marker. To make things easier, here are the body locations:

  1. West of Pomor’s house, slumped against a tree in the Poppy Field.
  2. In the corner of the barn, southwest of the previous body.
  3. In the house southwest of the previous body. You can climb on top of the wreckage to reach the roof and drop into the house, or break the wooden boards on the western doorway. You can find the body on the bed in the eastern room on the first floor.
  4. East of the previous body. If you let yourself fall asleep, you’ll be transported here.

When you’re traversing the Poppy Field, you will become drowsy, indicated by your eyes opening and shutting. Eventually, you’ll fall asleep and get transported to the place of the last body. You won’t take any damage or get attacked, so the threat of falling asleep doesn’t matter too much, outside of making you have to run back to where you were.

However, if you have energy drinks on you, wait until you’re almost asleep and use one to keep you awake a bit longer. A lot of the dilapidated buildings in the Poppy Field have a couple of energy drinks in them should you run out.

Once you’ve retrieved the weapons for Pomor, head back to his house, and hand them over in exchange for the root cellar location. Also, he will offer to buy the icon from you when you get it. Remember this for later.

(1 of 5) Here are the locations of each body you need to find for Pomor.

Finding the Root Cellar

The Root Cellar is at the western end of the Poppy Field, which means going through said Poppy Field. The best way to get there is to follow the northern edge of the field until you are in line with the barn to the south, and then head southwest between the fields to the west of the barn.

However, if you make sure you’re not encumbered (drop your stuff on the floor in Pomor’s house if you are), you can run through the fields while drinking energy drinks to stay awake, but you’ll need to sprint though. The root cellar is a small square hole in a patch of grass with a ladder leading down. Proceed down the ladder, loot the body at the bottom if you want, and then pick up the "Religious Icon" iconReligious Icon (Map Marker)from the shelf.

(1 of 3) The root cellar is in the western side of the Poppy Field.

Sell the Icon to Pomor or Give it to Mitay?

Return to Pomor, and you’ll have the choice to give him the Religious Icon instead. If you do so, you’ll obtain the unique assault rifle “"Unknown Stalker’s AR416" iconUnknown Stalker’s AR416”, although it does need to be repaired. Alternatively, you can return the Icon to Mitay in Zalissya, and obtain 1000 K (coupons) as a reward for completing the quest.

If you’re heartless, however, you can give the Icon to Pomor to get the gun, shoot him, and loot his body to get the Icon back and access to the locked room next to him, which has some useful loot. That way, you’ll get the 1000 K reward for the mission, the unique gun, and some useful loot. The choice is yours. If you’re a good person, you’ll just take the Icon back to Mitay in Zalissya, who will now be at the back of Hamster’s bar, and get the mission reward.

(1 of 3) Hand the icon over to Pomor for the unique gun.

That’s it for The Poppy Field mission. As long as you bring some energy drinks along with you, you should be fine as there are no enemies to defeat in the area, and if you do fall asleep, you’ll just wake up in the middle of the field, so there are no real consequences to falling asleep. We recommend the heartless option if you want to survive The Zone, but we have no moral compass.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    GSC Game World
  • Platforms,
    PC, XB X|S
  • Genre
    FPS, Survival Horror
  • Guide Release
    15 November 2024
  • Last Updated
    3 January 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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