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Monster Hunter World

New World Settler

Nathan Garvin
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This trophy/achievement requires you to set up five optional camps in viable campsites across the various maps available to you. To set up a camp, you first must discover a suitable campsite (these tend to be in small, isolated areas, often forcing you to crawl to them - likely to keep the large monsters out), and once discovered you’ll need to return to Astera, talk to the folks at the Resource Center, a fulfill a Critical Bounty… which in turn usually requires you to have a small amount of Research Points and specific monster parts. The locations of these camps can be found below.

Ancient Forest - Northwest Camp

Along the eastern end of AREA 7, near the transition from AREA 7. Turn north, climb some vines, then crawl under a tangled cluster of roots to reach the campsite. This starts the delivery request Setting Up Camp: Ancient Forest I, which requires you to deliver 50 Research Points, Iron Ore x2 and an Ancient Bone.

Ancient Forest - Ancient Forest Camp

Whew, this one can be pretty tricky to reach. Head north from AREA 4 to reach AREA 11, then turn left (west) and follow a walkway until it turns north and leads to a vine-covered cliff. Climb the cliff to reach AREA 15 and follow a waterfall uphill to the north, then turn left (west) and follow a corkscrew path up to the top, then head out a branch-shrouded passage to the northeast to reach AREA 17. You’re now up in the boughs of the Ancient Forest. Follow a path to the south until it forks, then turn east and finally north to reach the platform upon which this camp can be built. This will start the delivery request Setting Up Camp: Ancient Forest II, which can be satisfied by forking over a whopping 1,000 Research Points, an Anjanath Pelt and Monster Bone L x2.

Wildspire Waste - Central Camp

From the Southwest Camp, head southeast into AREA 4, then pass northeast through the swamp, and through AREA 9 to reach AREA 7. Follow the path north through AREA 7 until you find a fork heading northwest to AREA 6, which leads to the southeastern end of the aforementioned area. As you run west along the southern end of AREA 6, keep your eyes to the south to spot a cave, in which is a suitable campsite. Satisfy the delivery request Setting Up Camp: Wildspire Waste I by turning 300 Research Points, Vespoid Shell x2 and a Monster Bone M to the Resource Center and you’ll unlock this camp.

Wildspire Waste - Northeast Camp

Head to the northeastern most area - AREA 8 - and search the northern edge of the area to find some carrier ants harvesting a nearby Herb and scuttling down into a dark hole. Follow their exmaple and drop down into the hole to reach a cavern complex, then head west and drop off a cliff to find this campsite. This will start the delivery bounty Setting Up Camp: Wildspire Waste II, which tasks you with recovering 800 Research Points, Rathian Scale x2 and Monster Bone L x2.

Coral Highlands - Northeast Camp

You’ll have to hunt for this camp during the mandatory expedition to the Coral Highlands. To find it, make your way to the elevated, northern reaches of the Coral Highlands, specifically to AREA 10, which can be reached by climbing some vines in AREA 8 and passing through AREA 12. As you head up a walkway running north form AREA 12, keep your eyes to the east until you spot some Wigglers near a hole in the rock. Crawl through to discover the campsite, which will unlock the critical bounty Setting Up Camp: Coral Highlands, which requires you to turn in 1,000 Research Points, a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Hide and two Monster Bone M.

Elder’s Recess - Eastern Camp

You’ll find this camp along the eastern end of AREA 8, which you can reach by heading east from the large, crystalline cavern at the western end of AREA 8 and climbing some vine-covered ledges until you find a hole in the wall to the east. You can also reach this area by heading north from the Southern Camp, north through AREA 2) and into AREA 3, where you can drop down a ledge to the east. However you manage it, once it’s discovered return to Astera, where you’ll get the critical bounty Setting Up Camp: Elder’s Recess I, which tasks you with racking up 750 Research Points, two Barnos Hide+ and a Monster Bone+.

#Elder’s Recess - Northwest Camp

This camp is best discovered while you complete the bounty Cultural Exchange: Gajalaka Linguistics II. To find this camp, you’ll need to head to the northern-most area (AREA 15) then crawl through a hole to the west to reach AREA 16. From the first cavern in the north, head south and follow some water to reach a location suitable for a camp, upon which you should recieve the critical bounty Setting Up Camp: Elder’s Recess II, which requires you to turn in 1,200 Research Points, a Dodogama Hide+ and two Windrake Hides.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    12 February 2018
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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This guide features a full, beginning-to-end walkthrough written in an “ideal chronological order of events” format. Main quests are interspersed with side quests in the order in which they unlock, although some side quests and arena challenges may only be referenced instead of fully explained. These are typically quests that have you facing a monster you’ve already fought under similar circumstances that offer no unique reward for completion. For example, after completing most main quests you won’t be able to attempt that quest again, but you’ll usually unlock an identical side quest allowing you to hunt the same monster in the same area with the same success/failure conditions.

Monster strategies will be discussed in detail as you encounter them throughout the walkthrough, featuring elemental and status information and drop lists. The guide also features a fully detailed bestiary for those who just want information about specific monsters unaccompanied by a walkthrough. Trophy/achievement information can also be found in a separate trophy/achievement guide, although be warned: many trophies/achievements in Monster Hunter World are easier said than done.

Other features of this guide include:

  • Information on crafting/harvesting.
  • Side quests that unlock mantles, ingredients and other useful features.
  • Field Researcher quests including where to catch rare fish, how to capture small monsters, and where to locate Grimalkynes/Gajalaka.
  • Grimalkyne/Gajalaka quests.
  • How to upgrade the Ancient Tree/Harvest Box and how to unlock various fertilizers.
  • How the Elder Melder works, melding different items and decorations.
  • Where to find the Powertalon and Armortalon, and how to upgrade them into the Powercharm and Armorcharm.
  • Detailed information on how to unlock Tempered Monsters, the difference between Threat Level 1, 2 and 3 Tempered Monsters.
  • Information on Feystones, including drop rates, the differences between the types (Mysterious, Gleaming, Worn and Warped).
  • How to get Warrior’s Streamstones and Hero’s Streamstones.

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