Quest Info |
Objective: Slay the required number of Kestodon |
Reward Money: 1200z |
Time Limit: 50 min. |
Conditions: None |
Failure Conditions: Time Expires / Faint 3 Times |
Other Monsters: Aptonoth / Jagras / Mernos |
Accept this assignment, and when you arrive at the Southwest Camp, plunder your Supply Box then follow the Field Team Leader to the north. Drop down to the river-crossed lowlands where Aptonoth roam and follow him until he points out a herd of Kestodon, which are smaller, bipedal monsters. This pack includes a male leading a pair of females, and you can tell the two apart by the size disparity, with males being significantly larger. Poor girls. Not that it matters, anyways, because you’re tasked with exterminating them all.
(1 of 2) Follow the Field Team Leader, making use of Scoutflies if necessary
Follow the Field Team Leader, making use of Scoutflies if necessary (left), and kill any Kestodons he happens to lead you to (right)
Do so, and after a brief commendation you’ll have to follow the Field Team Leader northeast to AREA 4, where you can find another, larger herd of Kestodon loitering on a beach, along the southern end of the area. There are more of them here - just enough to get you the number of kills you need to complete your objective, in fact - but Kestodon are not serious threats, regardless of their number. Just don’t attack frontally lest your attacks bounce off their shielded heads, and dodge if you see them readying to charge. The males are more of a threat due to their size and aggressiveness.
(1 of 2) After killing your quota of Kestodons, the Field Team Leader will follow some more monster tracks
After killing your quota of Kestodons, the Field Team Leader will follow some more monster tracks (left), which ultimately lead him to a greater threat - the Great Jagras (right)
When your kill quota has been met, return uphill to the Field Team Leader, who will find some tracks and, naturally, have to follow them. At the end of these tracks he’ll find more Kestodon, along with a much larger, much more dangerous enemy, the Great Jagras, who promptly makes a snack out of one. Now that’s a monster! This ends the quest A Kestodon Kerfuffle, after which the follow-up quest The Great Jagras Hunt seamlessly begins. Your time limit is not refreshed, however, and depending on how beat up you are, you may want to spend the time gathering resources, crafting potions, and perhaps even return to town so you can start the hunt for the Great Jagras fresh. The choice is up to you.
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