The Lance is one of 14 weapon types in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Unlike most weapons, the Lance is a highly defensive weapon that comes with a large shield. With the right skills, the Lance can withstand the mightiest blows that any monster has to offer. Furthermore, it is capable of great counters, and piercing combos. With Sunbreak, the Lance will obtain new Silkbind Attacks as well as new Switch Skills which will add even more depth to its already powerful arsenal.
The Lance is a highly defensive weapon whose sturdy shield can withstand fierce attacks.
New Silkbind Attack: Skyward Thrust¶
This new technique for the Lance allows you to launch yourself into the air before you come crashing down with a stabbing motion. When you launch yourself into the air, the attack can hit once, but the falling portion of this attack can hit multiple times. This gives the lance a much-needed damage boost as it can be found lacking sometimes.
New Switch Skill: Shield Tackle¶
The Shield Tackle technique allows you to charge forward with your shield raised which is a great tool to close the distance while still being protected from your shield. This can be followed up with thrusting attacks.
Switch Skill Swap¶
This isn’t a new skill, but it is a new way to use them! The Switch Skill Swap will allow you to change your equipped skills whilst in battle. There will be two scrolls, one red, and one blue. By visiting an Item box either at the hub or in the tent during a quest, you can customize your favorite skills to each scroll.
The Switch Skill Swap system looks to reinvent the way Monster Hunter Rise is played.
When you’re in battle, you can swap between each set to give you access to your other skills. Another great addition to this system was the Swap Evade. This allows you to evade in any direction by pressing the roll button after you have swapped sets.
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