The Charge Blade is one of 14 weapon types in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Similar to the Switch Axe, this weapon also is capable of transforming between both Sword and Axe. Despite the fact that they’re similar, the Charge Blade comes with a shield, and is slightly more defensive when compared to the Switch Axe, although it is still capable of devastating power. Another thing which could be considered similar is the Charge Blade has Phials to fill up while the Switch Axe fills up the switch gauge, but both can unleash various effects with them. With Sunbreak, the Charge Blade will obtain new Silkbind Attacks as well as new Switch Skills which will add even more depth to its already powerful arsenal.
The Charge Blade is a weapon that can transform between Sword, and Axe, and comes with a Shield. Although similar to the Switch Axe in theory, in practice, they play completely different.
New Silkbind Attack: Ready Stance¶
This new technique for the Charge Blade allows you to bind both the sword and axe together. After you guard an attack while this has been used, a heavy knock back leaves you in your sword mode while also lowering your guard reaction. This allows you to chain your sword and axe attacks.
New Switch Skill: Phial Follow-up: Firing Pin¶
The Switch Skill: Phial Follow-up: Firing Pin lowers the pressure of elemental energy generated through Shield Thrust during an Elemental Boost, or when you use sword attacks while in Sword Boost Mode. When you attack a monster, elemental energy builds up on them, leaving behind a powder similar to the Insect Glaive. This can be detonated by attacking it with your Axe, but be careful as the energy will dissipate after time.
Switch Skill Swap¶
This isn’t a new skill, but it is a new way to use them! The Switch Skill Swap will allow you to change your equipped skills whilst in battle. There will be two scrolls, one red, and one blue. By visiting an Item box either at the hub or in the tent during a quest, you can customize your favorite skills to each scroll.
The Switch Skill Swap system looks to reinvent the way Monster Hunter Rise is played.
When you’re in battle, you can swap between each set to give you access to your other skills. Another great addition to this system was the Swap Evade. This allows you to evade in any direction by pressing the roll button after you have swapped sets.
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