The Hunting Horn is one of 14 weapon types in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Very much like the Hammer, the Hunting Horn is a blunt weapon that deals huge stun, and exhaust damage. Another great thing with this weapon is it is great at breaking monster parts. But this isn’t even its main purpose. The Hunting Horn plays out notes with every attack, and when certain note combinations are reached, one of many various buffs will be played out, and offered to you, and your group. This makes the weapon one of the most wanted weapons in multiplayer. With Sunbreak, the Hunting Horn will obtain new Silkbind Attacks as well as new Switch Skills which will add even more depth to its already powerful arsenal.
The Hunting Horn is a blunt weapon that can buff the party with their songs.
New Silkbind Attack: Silkbind Shockwave¶
This new technique for the Hunting Horn wraps your weapon in Ironsilk. You’ll launch yourself into the air before you come crashing down in a slamming motion. After the initial attack, any further attacks will cause the silk to vibrate, releasing a time-delayed shockwave that triggers extra hits when it connects with a monster. Furthermore, the additional hits deal major stun, exhaust, and part damage!.
New Switch Skill: Swing Combo¶
The Swing Combo technique is a two-hit attack that can be unleashed from either the left or right. The main purpose of this attack is for mobility as it allows you to quickly change directions which can help you with repositioning.
Switch Skill Swap¶
This isn’t a new skill, but it is a new way to use them! The Switch Skill Swap will allow you to change your equipped skills whilst in battle. There will be two scrolls, one red, and one blue. By visiting an Item box either at the hub or in the tent during a quest, you can customize your favorite skills to each scroll.
The Switch Skill Swap system looks to reinvent the way Monster Hunter Rise is played.
When you’re in battle, you can swap between each set to give you access to your other skills. Another great addition to this system was the Swap Evade. This allows you to evade in any direction by pressing the roll button after you have swapped sets.
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