This page provides information about legendary gear in Gotham Knights, including how to obtain legendary gear, how to increase the grade of legendary gear, and other statistical information.
How to Find Legendary Gear¶
There are numerous grades of gear in Gotham Knights, common (white), uncommon (green), rare (blue), heroic (orange), purple (epic) and legendary (yellow). Pretty standard stuff for loot-grind ARPGs, and as may be expected, the higher quality a piece of gear is, the better it will be, possessing higher stats, more conditional stats and potentially more mod slots.
Around the start of the game you’ll be able to find common, uncommon and rare items by defeating enemies and completing premeditated crimes, while heroic items can be obtained by completing side activities (secret caches, etc.), challenges, and missions (both main quest case files and villain case files). Epic and legendary gear, however, is locked behind progression in the main case files, with the latter unlocking at the start of Case 06 and the latter at the start of Case 05. If you want legendary gear, you need to advance the main questline - there’s no way around it.
Farming Legendary Gear¶
Once you reach Case 06, legendary gear will finally drop, but not all activities are equally rewarding. While defeating pretty much any enemy in Gotham City has a chance to drop legendary gear, the odds of getting these drops from any low-tier ganger performing an opportunistic crime are pretty low, and if you’re trying to stock up on legendary blueprints, mods and salvage, this isn’t the best way to go about it.
The best, most reliable source of legendary gear is from premeditated crimes, either from enemy drops or from completion rewards. You can check to see what completion rewards a premeditated crime yields just by checking on the map (provided you’ve discovered the premeditated crime, of course), and pretty much any premeditated crime of any difficulty level can reward you with legendary gear. This is fairly uncommon, but at least you can check these out ahead of time to see if it’s worth your while.
The real haul of legendary gear comes from specific premeditated crimes, however, specifically the most difficult ones. All premeditated crimes have a random difficulty assigned, very easy, easy, normal, high or very high, and for the first half of the game this will probably seem pretty irrelevant. More difficult premeditated crimes aren’t immediately easy to differentiate - the rewards are random and not typically well-correlated with difficulty, and the objectives remain the same. More difficult premeditated crimes have a higher chance of being staged by more elite enemies, including veteran and champion variants, which are significantly more dangerous than lower-tier enemies. This isn’t to say that elite enemies can’t spawn on lower-difficulty premeditated crimes (or even opportunistic crimes), and elite enemies don’t seem to have a higher chance of dropping legendary gear - they’re a threat you need to be wary of.
While very high difficulty premeditated crimes are dangerous, every enemy - elite or not - seems to have a relatively high chance of dropping legendary gear, mods or salvage. On average we found at least one drop of legendary loot on every two or three very high difficulty premeditated crimes, and it wasn’t uncommon to score more than one legendary drop at a time.
If you’re willing to wait a bit, there’s another source of legendary gear you can tap into, and it compliments, rather than competes with, the legendary gear you’ll earn from defeating enemies on very high difficulty premeditated crimes. Once you beat the game and are able to roam around Gotham City in the post-game, you’ll regularly be rewarded with legendary gear for completing various [Challenges], including challenges assigned by Lucius Fox, detective Montoya, the Penguin and various members of The Watch. Since most of these challenges task you with defeating enemies, rescuing cops or outright completing premeditated crimes, you might as well keep track of them and cash them in for extra legendaries as you go around farming premeditated crimes.
Dressed to Impress
Craft a complete set of Legendary equipment (Suit, Melee Weapon, Ranged Weapon)
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