Woof woof rawr rawr
Nohrian. A mighty wolfskin who surpasses peers in skill and savagery.
Stat | Growth Rate |
Health | 20% |
Strength | 20% |
Magic | 0% |
Skill | 5% |
Speed | 15% |
Luck | 5% |
Defense | 10% |
Resistance | 0% |
Weapons |
Beaststones |
Skill | Effect |
Better Odds | Recover 40% of user’s HP at the start of odd-numbered turns |
Grisly Wound | The enemy’s HP is reduced by 20% after any battle with the user |
The counterpart to the Nine-Tails, the Wolfssegner has a cooler name, higher health, and is much more bulkier and stronger in exchange for being quite slow, and also has much poorer Resistance compared to the Nine-Tails (but much better defense). Skillwise, the Wolfssegner and the Nine-Tails get the same stuff. Better Odds is for odd-numbered turns just as Even Better is for even-numbered turns, and both classes get Grisly Wound, a great way to inflict passive damage to weaken enemies.
The Wolfssegner’s weapon, the Beaststone, sits outside of the weapons triangle, and Beastbane allows a Wolfssegner to be great at killing mounted units with ease. What with its brute Strength and the unique exclusivity of the class (Keaton and Velouria only, and potentially male Kana if female Avatar marries Keaton), the Wolfssegner is a charming, if in a somewhat unconventional way, class.
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