At first there is no boss in sight, but as soon as you approach the Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome the boss will reveal himself. The objective in the fight with Wolnir is to strike the gold bracelets on his arms while staying away from the black fog that surrounds his body, since it causes heavy damage over time.
While Wolnir strikes down with both his hands, leaving them open for attack, he often uses his left hand to prop up his body while he performs additional attacks with his right arm. This means that it is far easier to destroy the bracelets on his left arm, so leaving them for last is a good idea.
The deadliest attack in Wolnir’s arsenal is a putrid black fog that he spews, covering a good deal of the boss arena and doing massive damage to anything it touches. Run the minute you see him arch his back and lower his head to perform this attack and make sure the fog has cleared before you go back in.
Don’t stay away for too long though, as Wolnir will crawl forward to close the distance between the two of you and leave you with less of the arena to maneuver around. The hardest part of this fight is finding the right distance to attack Wolnir: too close and you could get caught in the fog around Wolnir’s body, while standing too far away will leave you with no where to go when he vomits the same black fog.
The putrid fog is deadly and needs to be avoided while you focus your attention on the golden bracelets on Wolnir’s wrists.
List of Wolnir’s attacks:
- Single Slam: Slowly raises his right arm and slams into the ground with his fist
- Double Slam: Slowly raises both arms and slams into the ground with both fists
- Swipe: Raises his right arm and swipes across the area in front of him
- Sword Slash: Slashes across the area in front of him (requires the sword)
- Sword AOE: Thrusts the sword into the ground, cauing an AOE of damage
- Putrid Fog: Vomits a fog that covers the area and causes damage over time
- Summon Sword: Summons a sword of golden light from the ground
- Summon Skeletons: Summons a number or skeletons to the arena
Drops: 22,000 Souls , Soul of High Lord Wolnir
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