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Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition

How to Use & Find Summon Elements

Vincent Lau
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This page explains how to use Summon Elements and where to find them in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition.

Summon Elements are powerful attacks that you can perform during battle, not unlike summons in, say, Final Fantasy.

How to Use Summons

(1 of 2) Summons can only be allocated to extremely high level slots. Also, the character’s Innate Element must match the summon.

Summons can only be allocated to extremely high level slots. Also, the character’s Innate Element must match the summon. (left), During in battle, you also need the Field Match to be all one color–the same color as the Summon. (right)

Like usual, the first thing you must do is allocate the Summon to a character’s Element Grid. Summon Elements can only be placed in the Level 7 or 8 position, depending on the Summon itself. In addition, they can only be equipped by characters whose Innate Element matches theirs. Eg. Blue Summon Elements are restricted to Blue Innates.

During battle, besides needing to build up the character’s Elemental Power Level to 7 or 8, the Field Effect must be all one color–the same color as the Summon before you summon. Using the same example as above, the Field Effect must be all Blue to use a Blue Summon. Like most other Elements, you can only use a particular Summon once per fight.

Where to Find Summons

Actually, the first step to using Summons is finding the darn things!

In total, there are 12 Summons–two for each color.

Level 7 Summon Locations

The first group of Summons are generally obtained by trapping them from certain monsters. Head to Marbule (Another World) to buy the traps from one of the Element Shops–the ones you need have a star symbol next to them.

(1 of 2) Place the Trap Element as soon as you can.

Place the Trap Element as soon as you can. (left), Once the Field Effect is filled with the relevant color, wait for the enemy to Summon and the trap will spring! (right)

During battle, place the appropriate trap as soon as you can. Then wait until the Field Effect is completely one color–the same as the Summon you’re intending to trap. Of course, you can use your own Elements to speed things up.

From there, wait for the enemy to use the Summon, then once it’s trapped, leg it or beat them up. Only one of each Summon can be trapped per playthrough. After obtaining that Summon, no enemy will use the same Summon.

Summon/Color Enemy Location/Notes
Red Wolf (Red) HotDogitty Mt Pyre in Home World. Only used if no other enemy types are present.
Frog Prince (Blue) Lagoonate Water Dragon Isle in Home World. Must be accompanied by two Mantarrey foes.
Sonja (Green) PreyMantis Gaea’s Navel in Home World.
Golem (Yellow) Centaurpede Hydra Marshes in Another World. You may want to use some non-Yellow Elements because the monsters can turn the Field Effect all Yellow before you set up a trap.
Mothership (Black) Shadow Cat Fossil Valley in Another World. Look for the Shadow Cat spawn near where the Dodo in Home World is. Speaking of the Dodo…
Unicorn (White) Dodo Fossil Valley in Home World. Near the nest where you can obtain the Big Egg to recruit Draggy. Get a Dodo to critical health to make them summon.

Level 8 Summon Locations

(1 of 2) Beat up the six dragons…

Beat up the six dragons… (left), …And you’ll receive a Level 8 Summon. (right)

The next set of Summons are obtained by defeating the six dragons towards the endgame. These are much easier to obtain–you simply need to win the fight.

Summon/Color Enemy Location/Notes
Salamander (Red) Fire Dragon Mt Pyre in Another World.
Blue Whale (Blue) Water Dragon Water Dragon Isle in Home World.
Genie (Green) Green Dragon Gaea’s Navel in Home World.
Thunda Snake (Yellow) Earth Dragon Earth Dragon Isle in Home World.
Grim Reaper (Black) Black Dragon Marbule in Another World, after restoring Marbule. Missable!
Saints (White) Sky Dragon Sky Dragon Isle in Another World.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, Switch, XB One
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    5 April 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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