This page explains how to recruit Razzly in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition.
Razzly is a fairy from the Water Dragon Isle.
How to Recruit¶
To recruit Razzly, you need to ultimately rescue her from the Pentapus. This requires a few steps beforehand.
How to Obtain the Beeba Flute¶
(1 of 2) A ghostly fairy will scurry towards the left.
A ghostly fairy will scurry towards the left. (left), No, how about you Beeba off? (right)
When you arrive at Hydra Marshes in Home World, a spectral version of Razzly will appear as you progress through the first screen. It’ll head left, so go and follow it. In the next screen, a giant flying insect will fly past you. Continue onwards to the next area.
A strange umbrella-wielding creature will try to stop you. Cue a potentially annoying fight. This Beeba isn’t very strong, but it will summon up to 3 friends to fight. If possible, focus all your strongest attacks on the initial Beeba. It’s possible to defeat it before it summons all its friends.
(1 of 2) Take the Beeba Flute from the chest.
Take the Beeba Flute from the chest. (left), Then play the Beeba Flute at the wide open area located 2 screens in. (right)
You’ll receive the Beeba Flute as an apology. Borrow the nearby save crystal and exit via the right. Here, there’s another Beeba you can fight, to reach a chest containing a Bushbasher Element. Or you can skip it… Further right is a wide open space where you can play the Beeba Flute via the key items menu.
This will trigger a boss fight versus the massive insect you saw earlier: the Wingapede.
How to Defeat the Wingapede¶
(1 of 2) Wingapede is a Green Innate.
Wingapede is a Green Innate. (left), Be cautious of Wingapede’s poisonous attacks. (right)
Prior the battle, we suggest stocking up on Yellow Elements. If you want, you can also allocate Antidotes, but it’s generally too bothersome to use them. However, if you obtained any Antitoxinal Caps (accessories dropped by Gobledygook), definitely equip those.
The most annoying thing about this battle is the constant poison inflicted by Wingapede’s Acidic Gas and Poison Gas attacks. When poisoned, your HP will slowly tick down. You can cure it with Antidotes, but Wingapede will quickly apply Poison soon afterwards…
Your best bet (if you don’t have Antitoxinal Caps) is to try and wrap this fight up swiftly. Build up your Elemental Power Level and unleash Yellow Element spells like Electro-Jolt to decimate Wingapede’s HP. When your party’s HP falls, use the Recover All from the dragon-feeding game.
(1 of 2) Normally, it’s not a good idea to step on massive cracks.
Normally, it’s not a good idea to step on massive cracks. (left), But in case, it’s the only way to reach your destination. (right)
After the fight, a giant crack will appear in the arena. If you want, head back and save. In any case, ignore the warning and step on the crack, to fall straight down. Below, inspect the cage where Razzly is imprisoned. This will trigger another boss fight.
How to Defeat Pentapus¶
(1 of 2) Pentapus is a Blue Innate.
Pentapus is a Blue Innate. (left), Attack with Red Elements to deal more damage. (right)
Compared to Wingapede, this fight is more straightforward since you don’t have to juggle with Poison. That said, you’ll need to be careful to keep your party healthy, because Pentapus can deal hefty damage with its attacks.
This time, Red Elements are recommended. So build up your Elemental Power Level, then let loose a bunch of Fireballs, Magma Bombs and whatnot. You can also use Tablets for healing, while simultaneously changing the Field Effect Red to strengthen your Red attacks and weaken Tentapus’s Blue attacks.
(1 of 2) Serge and friends will fill in Razzly with what’s happening.
Serge and friends will fill in Razzly with what’s happening. (left), Afterwards, the fairy will join your party. (right)
Once Pentapus has been slain, you can safely rescue Razzly. Also check the chest underneath the cage for another Recover All Element. Nice!
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