This is a guide for obtaining the Bad Ending in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition.
Before we begin, we want to mention that the Bad Ending is… bad. Not bad as in bad stuff happens, like the world gets destroyed. Just bad. When you get the Bad Ending, the game just ends and skips straight to the credits. That’s it.
Unless you have to get the Bad Ending for the reasons mentioned above, we suggest gunning for the Good Ending instead. Which is also far easier.
Step 1: Defeat the Time Devourer (True Form) Normally¶
(1 of 2) To get the Bad Ending, you simply need to beat up the Time Devourer.
To get the Bad Ending, you simply need to beat up the Time Devourer. (left), The Green Plate will help a lot during the first half of the fight. (right)
During the final battle with the awakened Time Devourer at Opassa Beach (not at Terra Tower), you simply need to KO the Time Devourer without using the Chrono Cross to land the final blow (which would trigger the Good Ending).
This is fairly easy, compared to the non-awakened Time Devourer at Terra Tower, but it’ll be a long fight and extremely boring. Who thought it’d be a good idea to have no music for the final boss!?!
Similar to the Terra Tower fight, the Time Devourer fights by casting Elements of all six colors. Although (provided you don’t use Green Elements yourself) it will predominantly use Green Elements for most of the fight, for lore purposes. Eventually, it’ll start using other Elements, beginning with Yellow.
(1 of 2) The Time Devourer has some powerful attacks, but you can easily heal or Diminish them.
The Time Devourer has some powerful attacks, but you can easily heal or Diminish them. (left), Keep it up and you’ll repel the Time Devourer. But the world won’t be saved… (right)
Honestly, you can more or less use the same strategy for fighting the non-awakened Time Devourer. Be sure to stock up on healing Elements, like Recover All and Cure All, plus Holy Healing on Serge. Maybe carry a couple of Diminish if you’re struggling to survive.
Since it’s a long fight, you may wish to focus on standard attacks. In which case, use Eagle Eye and/or Strengthen to boost your damage. Plus Vigora to allow you to attack multiple times without expending Stamina.
The Time Devourer has 10,000 HP so expect a long fight lasting several minutes or so.
Regardless, save your game after watching the credits roll (ideally in a different slot). You can then load this save file to begin New Game Plus or Continue Plus.
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