As you explore the Living Lands in Avowed, you’ll find curious purple items called Fragments of Starmetal. You can find one of these per region. While most blacksmiths you encounter won’t know how to use starmetal, there is a way to create some strong gear with it. Read on to find all the Starmetal fragment locations and how you can resolve the Forged of Star-Stuff quest associated with them.
(1 of 2) Head to the forge in Solace Keep.
Head to the forge in Solace Keep. (left), Dela will create weapons with your starmetal. (right)
Quickjump |
How to get Forged of Star-Stuff quest rewards |
Starmetal in Dawnshore |
Starmetal in Emerald Stair |
Starmetal in Shatterscarp |
Starmetal in Galawain’s Tusks |
How to get Forged of Star-Stuff quest rewards¶
Bring four Fragments of Starmetal to Forgemaster Dela in Solace Keep to clear the Forged of Star-Stuff quest. You’ll find him at the forge behind the massive statue that greets you at Solace Keep’s entrance. You can ask Dela to create one of two weapons: a one-handed sword and a long-range arquebus. These consume one fragment each and you can spend another fragment on improving the stats of these weapons. If you’ve used two fragments for a single weapon, you’ll need to create the next one and refine it to complete the quest. If you haven’t got all the pieces yet, the following table will help you pick between these powerful weapons.
Starmetal | Weapon | Type | Damage | Effects |
1 | Meteor Blade | Superb quality one-handed sword | 120 physical damage, 100 stun | Lamenting Fury: A full combo attack deals the hit enemy a -20% damage nerf for 15 seconds. Freezing Lash: All hits deal +10% bonus frost damage. |
2 | Ondra’s Offense | Superb quality one-handed sword | 308 physical damage, 280 stun | Same as Meteor Blade |
1 | Moonstrike | Superb quality arquebus | 141 physical damage, 110 stun | Ondra’s Scorn: All power attacks deal moderate frost accumulation to nearby foes. Freezing Lash: All hits deal +10% bonus frost damage. |
2 | Heavenstrike | Superb quality arquebus | 361 physical damage, 308 stun | Same as Moonstrike |
(1 of 2) This is where you will find the first fragment.
This is where you will find the first fragment. (left), The Godless Ruin lies near the Emerald Stair Gatehouse. (right)
Starmetal in Dawnshore¶
The first Fragment of Starmetal lies at the Godless Altar near the southeast corner of Dawnshore. The closest fast travel point is the one next to the Emerald Stair Gatehouse. Head here and grab the item to start the Forged of Star-Stuff quest. If you’ve wrapped up most of the quests in the first region, use the gatehouse to head to Emerald Stair for the next item.
(1 of 2) Beat the miniboss and find the item inside a cave.
Beat the miniboss and find the item inside a cave. (left), The Damp Burrow is your next destination. (right)
Starmetal in Emerald Stair¶
The second Starmetal piece can be found in the Damp Burrow near the Rolling Crags in Emerald Stair. There’s a party camp right above this location so you shouldn’t have much trouble getting here. You’ll run into a troll named Iscern in a cave here. Sneak past them or defeat them to get access to the Fragment of Starmetal. The bits of stardust and the orange glow will help you find this item near the rear entrance of the cave.
(1 of 4) This is how you can enter the Abandoned Mine.
Starmetal in Shatterscarp¶
Once you’ve reached the Shatterscarp region, it’s time to hunt for the third bit of Starmetal. It can be found in the Abandoned Mine. Its entrance lies to the north of the party camp above Thirdborn. The first map indicates where you’ll be able to enter this spot. Head in and you’ll find yourself at a clearing. Use the rocks and wooden platforms to ascend and you’ll eventually reach the southern side of the mine. The second map above marks the final location that you need to get to. It marks a plateau that has the third Fragment of Starmetal sitting in some purple stardust.
(1 of 2) Head to the Ash Forest via fast travel.
Head to the Ash Forest via fast travel. (left), Grab the last fragment to trigger a boss fight. (right)
Starmetal in Galawain’s Tusks¶
The final fragment you need to collect can be found in the Ash Forest of Galawain’s Tusks. If you pick up all the bounties at Solace Keep, the Revenant bounty is a good marker that points to the location of the last Fragment of Starmetal. Head to the location we’ve marked on the map and you can pick the item from a molten crater. This will summon the Revenant boss and you can either defeat the skeleton or retreat.
Picking up all four pieces and turning them into weapons at Solace Keep will let you complete the Forged of Star-Stuff quest in Avowed. That wraps up all the Starmetal locations you need to visit to get some of the game’s best gear. While I prefer dual pistols myself, I can’t knock the Heavenstrike’s massive Frost accumulation prowess.
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