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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

Voidsong Mission Dataslates Space Marine 2

Nathan Garvin
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The third and final mission on Avarax, Voidsong features three Dataslates, one of which requires a Jump Pack to reach while another is located painfully close to the end of the mission. This page will save you some time and bother by pointing out where all three Dataslates in the mission Voidsong are in Space Marine 2.

Page Breakdown

Voidsong Dataslates

This mission starts out as your typical fare: Kill Tyranids as you smash your way through the ruined city towards your objective, the Astropathic Relay. This is the main objective for the mission, albeit one frequently interrupted. First you’ll need to restore power to a sealed door, and the first Dataslate can be found nearby. After you get the door open the Thousand Sons will show up briefly, giving us some sadly underutilized Tyranid-vs-Thousand Sons battles.

The Thousand Sons won’t be around for long before you don Jump Packs and turn your focus back to Tyranids, culminating in another battle with a [Carnifex]. Before this fight, however, your Jump Packs will be rendered inoperable, and before that you’ll need to use them to reach a ledge upon which the second Dataslate Dwells. This is the hardest Dataslate in the mission to find, as you won’t get much warning that you’re about to miss it - heed Gadriel when he comments on dust fouling the Jump Packs, as this indicates you need to be looking for the ledge this Dataslate is on, lest you lose access to it.

Finally, defeat the Carnifex and survive until the Hive Tyrant is dealt with (something covered in the Operations mission [Decapitation]) and ride an elevator down towards the Astropathic Relay. When you see Tyranids being cremated, search the corner of the room behind some sandbags to get the third and final Dataslate in this mission. This last one is only tricky because it’s painfully close to the end of the mission, and missing it will waste a good bit of time replaying your way through again.

Dataslate 01: Potential Heresy, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, 2287.8

Near the beginning of the quest you’ll be tasked with reaching the “Astropathic Relay”. Progress through the level until you reach a sealed door, at which point your objective will shift to “Restore Power to the Door”. From the offending sealed door, turn left and enter a room with a weapons pod in it, then continue past the pod and into another chamber. Be wary, however, as this adjoining room is full of spore mines. Pop them before they can get you, then search the room to find this Dataslate on a table.

Advance until you reach a sealed door you need to restore power to. In a side room nearby you’ll find the first Dataslate - and some spore mines!

Dataslate 02: Potential Heresy, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, 2288.8

Restore power to the door (see above) then continue fighting through Tyranids and Thousand Sons until you trigger a scene that ends with Titus and his squad equipping Jump Packs. Assist some Astra Militarum troopers in defeating some Tyranids use a terminal to open some massive, sealed doors, then ascend a ramp to find another weapons pod. Above this weapons pod is a ledge you can reach with your Jump Packs - do so and you’ll find this Dataslate on a desk. Note that if you keep advancing past this point, Gadriel will inform you that the “Jump packs are struggling with all this dust.”. This is your cue to make sure you have this Dataslate, as further progress will render the Jump Packs inoperable. This will happen after you pass an Ammo Cache. If you end up in a fight with a [Carnifex], you’ve gone too far.

(1 of 2) Look for a weapon pod during the Jump Pack sequence, after you use a console to open a door.

Look for a weapon pod during the Jump Pack sequence, after you use a console to open a door. (left), Above this weapon pod is a ledge, upon which you’ll find this Dataslate. (right)

Dataslate 03: Potential Heresy, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, 2289.5

Defeat the Carnifex and survive the brief fight with three Carnifexes that follows until the B-Team dispatches the Hive Tyrant, ridding you of the Tyranid threat. Take an elevator down towards the Relay Sanctum and when it stops head forwards towards a pyre of burning xeno biomass. In the room where the Tyranid filth is being cleansed by holy fire, turn right to find this Dataslate on the floor, tucked away in the corner of the room past some sandbags. If you go through a door and trigger a scene, you’ve gone too far - which would be a real shame, as this scene introduces the final encounter of the level, meaning you’ll need to replay the entirety of Voidsong to get another crack at it.

Ride down an elevator after battling a Carnifex, and when you see some Tyranids being burned, turn left and search the ground behind some sandbags to find this mission’s final Dataslate.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Focus Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    3 September 2024
  • Last Updated
    1 October 2024
  • Guide Author

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