This is another train level, meaning that it will autoscroll and if you fall behind too much, you lose a life. As soon as the level begins, jump on the ?-Block and jump again to hit an invisible one, allowing you to reach the top of the train car and Green Star #1. To the right of that will be a Goomba Tower, which has a Fire Flower on the top of it. Continue right, past a swinging spiked roller, as well as some Condors. There will be three Bullies on a car to the right of the Condors, then a Jump Panel that lets jump into a tank with some Madpoles on top.
(1 of 2) The first Green Star is on the very first car
The first Green Star is on the very first car (left), You have to dodge the spiked roller to get the coins and the second Green Star (right)
After jumping out of it, there will be another car with a swinging spiked roller, but this one will have a Green Star Ring in the middle. As soon as you see the ring, trigger it to make the coins appear, four on the left side and four on the right. Quickly grab all of the coins, netting you Green Star #2, then get ready for the next part. The next car is covered and will have Horned Ant Troopers coming down the side. There is a door here, leading inside the car, which is filled with Goombas. However, you need to get on top of the car, which is quite high and it’s difficult to do normally, as the Stamp is up there.
(1 of 2) You have to get on top of this car to get the Stamp
You have to get on top of this car to get the Stamp (left), The third Green Star is in the tunnel at the end (right)
One way of doing it is by jumping on the side of the Ant Troopers, as they’re coming down the side. The other way is to come back with the Cat Suit and just climb the wall. The end of the train is following the Stamp, complete with a Hammer Bro in front of the pipe and a Fire Bro in the little tunnel underneath. Go under, defeat the Fire Bro, then grab Green Star #3 at the end of that tunnel. Head topside and enter the pipe to begin a boss fight with Pom Pom.
BOSS - Pom Pom¶
Pom Pom makes a return with more and more clones this time. Unfortunately for her, that pink ninja star gives her away every time. Jump on her head three times after dodging her clones for an easy victory. There is absolutely nothing new in this bout with Pom Pom, other than the abundance of clones.
(1 of 2) Despite the higher number of clones
Despite the higher number of clones (left), it’s still pretty easy to tell the real Pom Pom apart from them (right)
After finishing off Pom Pom, take the trip to the Goal Pole and finish this level.
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