This mission will begin as soon as you approach Dutch’s tent following the completion of A Short Walk in a Pretty Town. It appears your meddling as caused further trouble and this time, the Braithwaites have kidnapped Jack. Ride with the gang to Braithwaite Manor and dismount your horse, taking a useful Repeater along with the Rare Rolling Block Rifle if you have it.
Once the chaos begins, keep in cover and use Dead Eye to begin headshotting the enemies on the balcony first. You need to keep your accuracy above 85% for the Gold Medal here along with 20 headshots so Dead Eye will be your best bet for that. You’re free to use Snake Oil and Chewing Tobacco to restore it should you need it and if you want to be even more accurate, consider use the sniper to score headshots.
(1 of 2) Target the enemies on the balcony first
Target the enemies on the balcony first (left), look out for the enemy behind the furniture of the door you kick down. (right)
The action continues inside the Manor after the first group of enemies, search the first room to the left and then when you kick down the door to the next room, be prepared to gun down an enemy hiding behind the furniture. Head upstairs to Dutch and then out on to the balcony to intercept the incoming wagons and horses.
Once again, make use of Dead Eye and begin scoring headshots before they even dismount from the wagons, again the sniper is useful here. Once you’ve eliminated enough on this side, more will attack from the right, head over and get in cover. This is the final group of enemies so be sure you use Dead Eye to get any more headshots you may need before they make their retreat (another excellent opportunity to score an easy headshot).
(1 of 2) Headshot the mounted enemies as they arrive
Headshot the mounted enemies as they arrive (left), be sure to headshot both of the Braithwaites at the end. (right)
Head over to John, help him break the door and then get ready as in the following Dead Eye sequence you need to make sure you head shot both of the Braithwaites if you want to score the Gold Medal. You’ll find Lady Braithewaite following this and Dutch wants the place burned down, head back outside with the gang to learn where Jack may be and end the mission.
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