After completing Micah’s previous mission, head back east of Strawberry to find a makeshift camp he’s set up. To make amends for his previous rampage, he wants to bring a peace offering to Dutch and has his mind on a stage coach robbery. Make sure you have a full Dead Eye Core going into this mission along with Snake Oils and Cigars to restore it if needed.
Use Dead Eye to headshot all of the riders.
Follow Micah to the lookout point and wait for the stagecoach to arrive, riding down to meet the guards once they arrive. Activate Dead Eye once you get close and make sure you headshot each of the three mounted guards before shooting the driver to bring the coach to a stop. Micah will take the reins and hand over a Lancaster Repeater, an upgrade over your previous repeater. If you’ve depleted your Dead Eye Core or gauge, recover it now as you ride towards the river.
You’ll be attacked by a large number of O’Driscolls here, keep to cover and begin returning fire using Dead Eye to take them out. You’ll need at least 10 kills from Dead Eye throughout the mission but you’ll also need to be quick. Once the initial wave is dead, a final wave will arrive on wagons, take them out while moving between cover. Once they’re all dead, ignore the bodies for now and head to the stagecoach to shoot the lock off and complete the mission.
(1 of 2) Continue to use Dead Eye to take out the O’Driscoll ambush
Continue to use Dead Eye to take out the O’Driscoll ambush (left), shoot the lock to end the mission. (right)
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