Following the completion of A Rage Unleashed, you’ll find Sadie and Dutch in the Saint Denis saloon as they prepare to watch over the hanging of Colm O’Driscoll. This is a tough Gold Medal to obtain, you’ll have to be quick and accurate without shots on top of skipping all cutscenes to save yourself as much time as possible.
Follow Dutch and Sadie to the gallows where Dutch will notice a suspicious person, follow him to an alley and wait for the two O’Driscoll’s to split up. You now have 45 seconds to find the shooter on the roof, quickly run through the courtyard and into the arch, taking a left and following the stairs all the way to the top. Once at the top, head out onto the balcony and climb the ladder to the left. It’s not a short distance over the rooftop to the rifle where you’ll be ambushed by the shooter. This O’Driscoll is deadly while wielding the knive so be sure to counter his blows to take him down as quickly as possible.
(1 of 4) Dash through the arch across the courtyard
Pick up the rifle here and begin watching over the hanging, skipping the next cutscene to save more time. You’ll now need to provide cover support for Dutch and Sadie and you’ll need to be quick about it. There’s no accuracy requirement here but you do need to score at least 8 headshots before Dutch and Sadie take them out themselves. Dead Eye is useful here to slow down time and allow you to pick off your shots with greater ease, just note that you won’t be able to restore your Dead Eye.
Use Dead Eye to make it easier to land headshots.
Once the shootout is complete, skip the next cutscene and you’ll find yourself back at Beaver Hollow where Tilly will approach you and hand a letter over. Put the letter away immediately to complete the mission and hopefully earn a tough Gold Medal.
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