You’ll find Hosea speaking to a man at Emerald Ranch, head on over to him to aid him in securing a new business partner. The man will ask you to rob his cousin (by marriage) of his new stagecoach along with anything else in the house. Follow the marker northwest of Emerald Ranch to reach Carmody Dell and then scope the place out with your binoculars. You’ll get a choice of how you want the robbery to go down, select night for an easier time securing the Gold Medal.
Begin by crouch walking (stay crouch walked the entire time) toward the window and take a peek inside. You can then enter via the side door where you’ll find the first resident sleeping. Provided you stay crouch walked the entire time, you shouldn’t get spotted. You’ll need to make sure you loot everything you can in the house, don’t forget the three chests, the medical cabinet downstairs, the money in the chimney and all of the food scattered around everywhere. If you’re unable to pick up any of the provisions, use it from your satchel and then pick it up.
(1 of 2) This Medicine Chest
This Medicine Chest (left), along with the chimney are easily missed. (right)
Once you’ve looted everything, head out the front door to meet with Hosea and mount up. You’ll now have 1 minute 10 seconds to reach Emerald Ranch, gallop as fast as possible the entire time and cut across the grass. Once you reach Emerald Ranch, quickly drive the stagecoach into the barn to complete the mission.
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