Head over to Pearson at the camp to find him and Sadie in a shouting match. Arthur agrees to take her into town to pick up some supplies to get Pearson off her back. Follow the marker to the Rhodes general store and dismount, heading to the Post Office to send Pearson’s mail. Return to the wagon and let Sadie take the reins as you make your way back to the camp when the wagon is attacked by the Lemoyne Raiders.
(1 of 2) Use Dead Eye for easy headshots on the mounted raiders
Use Dead Eye for easy headshots on the mounted raiders (left), you’ll need to be quick and precise for the Gold Medal. (right)
You’ll need to be quick and precise here, make frequent use of Dead Eye and aim for headshots, the first two mounted enemies should be perfect candidates for headshots. Once the wagon comes to a stop, take cover and help Sadie fend off the rest of them. Again, make sure you aim for headshots if you’ve not yet scored at least five of them and only shoot if you’re sure the bullet will land, you need 85% accuracy for the Gold Medal. Once the last of the raiders fall, climb back onboard the wagon and continue the short journey back to camp to complete the mission.
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