This mission begins immediately following the completion of Paradise Mercifully Departed and is more of a calm mission after all of your antics on Guarma. The mission is a wonderful stroll through the countryside but you still have a Gold Medal to aim for and it’s only of the easier ones in the game if you skip the cutscenes. For this reason, it’s well worth going for the Gold Medal through a replay as to not ruin the mission.
Once you’re back on land, head up the stairs and mount the nearby horse. You now need to follow the marker back to Shady Belle to check on the gang, this is more of a cinematic piece but you are on the clock so decline the choice to change to cinematic view (on a first playthrough by all means switch to cinematic view) and manage your horse’s stamina as you return to Shady Belle. Once in Shady Belle, head through the front door and turn right to find a letter on the table. If this is your second time through the mission then just simply put the letter in your satchel to trigger the next cutscene.
Don’t listen to the entirety of the letter to save yourself some time.
You’ll now need to escape the Pinkertons without being seen if you wish to obtain the Gold Medal. This is easier than it may seem, simply wait for the first Pinkerton to walk past you and sneak past him to the left and out the door. You’ll find the Pinkerton’s horses here, snatch one for yourself and ride out of Shady Belle. After the scene skip, you’ll find yourself a short distance from Lakay so simply ride to the marker and head towards Pearson to end this mission and begin the next.
(1 of 2) Sneak behind the first Pinkerton to the left
Sneak behind the first Pinkerton to the left (left), then take another left to exit out of the house without being seen. (right)
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