This is another tough mission to achieve a Gold Medal on and you’re shooting skills will be put to the limit once more. Head over to the workplace of Albert Cakes in the Blackwater lumberyard to get the mission underway. After purchasing a precut house, you’ll head off to get some tools from a local blacksmith. Follow Charles as you make your way there and dismount from the wagon to purchase the tools once you reach your location.
Unfortunately for John, you finally have your first run in with the Skinners and they’re a bloodthirsty group. Take cover and immediately switch to dual sidearms and stick with them for the duration of the mission. Beware of any Skinners that run at you with their machete’s, if they make contact then you’ll suffer heavy damage.
Take out any machete wielders that run towards you to avoid heavy damage.
After you fend off the first wave of Skinners, you’ll notice that Mr Wayne has been taken and you’ll dash off to try and rescue him. You’re on a timer here so you’ll need to be accurate with your shots so that you can find Mr Wayne within the time limit. As you reach the marked area, take cover at the nearby fallen treet and then enter Dead Eye. You should spot two Skinner Brothers in the trees, one to the left and one to the right, headshot both of these in Dead Eye and then resume killing the rest of them.
(1 of 2) You’ll find the first Skinner in the tree to the left of the fallen tree
You’ll find the first Skinner in the tree to the left of the fallen tree (left), while the second hides to the right. (right)
The final section of this mission sees you dealing with wave after wave of Skinners. Move from cover to cover as you try to push them back and focus on any machete wielders that may approach your location. Once the final enemy falls, head over to the nearby tool box to discover the fate of Mr Wayne. Pick up the tools and return to the wagon, driving it with Charles on board back to Beecher’s Hope to complete the mission.
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