This mission is only available if you decided to help Rain’s Fall at the end of A Rage Unleashed. Make the long trek up to Wapiti and enter the tent to speak to Rain Falls regarding his son and Arthur’s health. Mount up and begin following Rain Falls to his sacred site. Along the way, you’ll get the opportunity to help Monroe with a task later, agree to unlock the following mission otherwise it becomes missable.
Once you reach the remains of the sacred site, enter Eagle Eye and examine the items of interest littered around the camp such as the whiskey bottle and the army flask. Before you head back over to Rain Falls, call your horse to you so that it’s close by after your discussion with Rain Falls.
Leave the horse here just outside of camp.
You’re now on the clock and there’s not much room for error as the time limit of 1 minute 30 seconds is just enough to see the task done. Gallop as fast as you can down the path and then bring the horse to a stop to the southwest of the camp. Crouch down and quickly walk around to the left of the campfire, behind the crate and over to the bundle next to the chest behind the two men sitting at the campfire. The two soldiers won’t see you behind them as you take the relics and then quickly retrace your steps back to the horse and gallop as fast as you can back to Rain Falls.
(1 of 2) Enter the camp from here and head past the right side of the crate in front
Enter the camp from here and head past the right side of the crate in front (left), then sneak behind the two soldiers to claim the relics. (right)
You may have to retry this several times before you get the timing perfect but it’s well worth your time to master it. As a reward for not killing anyone, Rain Falls will hand over an Owl Feather Trinket that will permanently reduce Health, Staming and Dead Eye core drain speed by 15%.
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