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Pokémon: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

Soaring in Hoenn

Vincent Lau
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While soaring, you can press B to dash.

When you earn the Eon Flute during the events in Sootopolis City, you’ll be able to Soar on the back of Mega "Latios" IconLatios/Mega "Latias" IconLatias, flying around the Hoenn region in a very free manner. Besides being an incredible experience, there are some things you can only encounter while soaring.

Flying Pokemon

Firstly, as you fly over Hoenn, you’ll see various flocks of birds. If you collide with one of them, you’ll end up battling some kind of bird Pokémon: as far as we know, the list below is all that can be found in such a fashion.

Mirage Spots

As you Soar throughout the region, you’ll be able to see a number of reddish sparkles above various areas. If you land there, at one of these Mirage Spots, you’ll often be able to encounter Pokémon normally not native to the Hoenn region, yet nonetheless there in the wild.

In some cases, you’ll even find legendary Pokémon! In any case, the variety of Pokémon will be determined by the name of the Mirage Spot and its location, as noted below. Note that they’ll not all be available to begin with; some will disappear depending on the day and others can be received by StreetPass.

Mirage Caves

Area Found Available Pokémon
West of Rustboro City "Boldore" IconBoldore, "Graveler" IconGraveler, "Klink" IconKlink, "Tynamo" IconTynamo
South of Route 107 "Unown" IconUnown
North of Fallarbor Town "Slowpoke" IconSlowpoke, "Tynamo" IconTynamo
North of Fortree City "Excadrill" IconExcadrill, "Klink" IconKlink, "Onix" IconOnix, "Tynamo" IconTynamo
North of Route 122 "Ditto" IconDitto, "Excadrill" IconExcadrill, "Tynamo" IconTynamo
North of Route 124 "Boldore" IconBoldore, "Cofagrigus" IconCofagrigus, "Graveler" IconGraveler, "Klink" IconKlink
South of Pacifidlog Town "Cofagrigus" IconCofagrigus, "Slowpoke" IconSlowpoke, "Tynamo" IconTynamo
Southeast Hoenn "Boldore" IconBoldore, "Graveler" IconGraveler, "Onix" IconOnix, "Tynamo" IconTynamo

Mirage Forests

Area Found Available Pokémon
West of Route 105 "Forretress" IconForretress, "Graveler" IconGraveler, "Happiny" IconHappiny
South of Route 109 "Audino" IconAudino, "Sunkern" IconSunkern
North of Route 111 "Kricketune" IconKricketune, "Larvesta" IconLarvesta
West of Route 114 "Petilil" IconPetilil, "Purugly" IconPurugly, "Sunkern" IconSunkern, "Tangela" IconTangela
North of Lilycove City "Cherrim" IconCherrim, "Purugly" IconPurugly, "Sunkern" IconSunkern, "Tangela" IconTangela
East of Mossdeep City "Cinccino" IconCinccino, "Glameow" IconGlameow, "Sunkern" IconSunkern, "Tangela" IconTangela
North of Route 124 "Purugly" IconPurugly, "Sunkern" IconSunkern, "Tangela" IconTangela, "Vulpix" IconVulpix
South of Route 132 "Audino" IconAudino, "Petilil" IconPetilil, "Sunkern" IconSunkern

Mirage Islands

Area Found Available Pokémon
West of Route 104 "Darmanitan" IconDarmanitan, "Venomoth" IconVenomoth, "Xatu" IconXatu, "Zebstrika" IconZebstrika
West of Dewford Town "Tangela" IconTangela, "Venomoth" IconVenomoth, "Xatu" IconXatu, "Zebstrika" IconZebstrika
Next to Route 114 "Darmanitan" IconDarmanitan, "Larvesta" IconLarvesta
On Route 124 "Persian" IconPersian, "Venomoth" IconVenomoth, "Xatu" IconXatu, "Zebstrika" IconZebstrika
East of Route 125 "Porygon" IconPorygon, "Purugly" IconPurugly
South of Pacifidlog Town "Audino" IconAudino, "Binacle" IconBinacle, "Graveler" IconGraveler, "Xatu" IconXatu
On Route 132 "Ditto" IconDitto, "Munna" IconMunna
South of Route 134 "Graveler" IconGraveler, "Maractus" IconMaractus, "Venomoth" IconVenomoth, "Xatu" IconXatu, "Zebstrika" IconZebstrika

Mirage Mountains

Area Found Available Pokémon
West of Route 104 "Donphan" IconDonphan, Forrtress, "Kricketune" IconKricketune, "Sawsbuck" IconSawsbuck
North of Lilycove City "Donphan" IconDonphan, Forrtress, "Kricketune" IconKricketune, "Rufflet" IconRufflet
East of Mossdeep City "Audino" IconAudino, "Happiny" IconHappiny, "Tangela" IconTangela
North of Shoal Cave "Darmanitan" IconDarmanitan, "Magby" IconMagby
South of Route 129 "Elekid" IconElekid, "Zebstrika" IconZebstrika
South of Route 131 "Donphan" IconDonphan, "Forretress" IconForretress, "Girafarig" IconGirafarig, "Kricketune" IconKricketune
Northeast Hoenn "Donphan" IconDonphan, "Forretress" IconForretress, "Kricketune" IconKricketune, "Vullaby" IconVullaby
Southeast Hoenn "Crustle" IconCrustle, "Graveler" IconGraveler, "Munna" IconMunna, "Porygon" IconPorygon, "Xatu" IconXatu

Mirage Spot Legendaries

Legendary-hunters are going to be extremely busy!

There are also additional Mirage Spots that have certain legendary Pokémon on them, Pokémon otherwise unobtainable in Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire. Some of these will simply contain a lone Pokémon, and others will give one of a certain group once daily.

In any case, most of them also have certain conditions attributed to them. Below, you’ll find the Pokémon, the locations of their Mirage Spots, and their unlocking conditions.

Name Mirage Spot Location Condition
"Azelf" IconAzelf Nameless Cavern Near Sootopolis City Have three max-Happiness Pokémon on active team. Found from 4:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
"Cobalion" IconCobalion Pathless Plain South of Route 131 Have three max-EV’d Pokémon on active team. Found on Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday.
"Cresselia" IconCresselia Crescent Isle Southeast of Route 129 Found at random daily or through StreetPass.
"Dialga" IconDialga (AS only) N/A South of Dewford Soar with "Azelf" IconAzelf, "Uxie" IconUxie, and "Mesprit" IconMesprit in the team.
"Entei" IconEntei Trackless Forest East of Petalburg Woods Soar with "Lugia" IconLugia or "Ho-Oh" IconHo-Oh in your party. Found from 20 to 40 minutes past the hour.
"Giratina" IconGiratina N/A South of Dewford Soar with both "Dialga" IconDialga and "Palkia" IconPalkia in your team.
"Kyurem" IconKyurem Gnarled Den North of Mt. Chimney Have both "Reshiram" IconReshiram and "Zekrom" IconZekrom on your active team when Soaring.
Name Mirage Spot Location Condition
"Landorus" IconLandorus N/A Thunderhead above Fortree Soar with both "Thundurus" IconThundurus and "Tornadus" IconTornadus on the team.
"Mesprit" IconMesprit Nameless Cavern Near Sootopolis City Have three max-Happiness Pokémon on team. Found from 9:00 PM to 4:00 AM.
"Palkia" IconPalkia (OR only) N/A South of Dewford Soar with "Azelf" IconAzelf, "Uxie" IconUxie, and "Mesprit" IconMesprit in the team.
"Raikou" IconRaikou Trackless Forest East of Petalburg Woods Soar with "Lugia" IconLugia or "Ho-Oh" IconHo-Oh in the your party. Found from 0 to 20 minutes past the hour.
"Reshiram" IconReshiram (OR only) Fabled Cave North of Route 134 Soaring with a Level 100 Pokémon in the active party.
"Suicune" IconSuicune Trackless Forest East of Petalburg Woods Soar with "Lugia" IconLugia or "Ho-Oh" IconHo-Oh in your party. Found from 40 minutes past the hour to the next hour.
"Terrakion" IconTerrakion Pathless Plain South of Route 131 Have three max-EV’d Pokémon on active team. Found on Tuesday or Saturday.
Name Mirage Spot Location Condition
"Thundurus" IconThundurus (AS Only) N/A Thunderhead above Fortree Soar with a "Castform" IconCastform on the team.
"Tornadus" IconTornadus (OR Only) N/A Thunderhead above Fortree Soar with a "Castform" IconCastform on the team.
"Uxie" IconUxie Nameless Cavern Near Sootopolis City Have three max-Happiness Pokémon on active team. Found from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
"Virizion" IconVirizion Pathless Plain South of Route 131 Have three max-EV’d Pokémon on active team. Found on Monday or Thursday.
"Zekrom" IconZekrom (AS Only) Fabled Cave North of Route 134 Soaring with a Level 100 Pokémon in the active party.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    27 November 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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Relive your adventures in Hoenn or start a brand new journey with this re-imagining of a much-loved game. Collect and battle your way to the Pokemon League for the right to challenge the Elite Four. Hunt legendary Pokemon, breed them and become the best Pokemon Master you can be with the help of our guide!

  • A full walkthrough for all badges and the Pokemon League challenges.
  • Side quest information on legendary Pokemon and the different Routes and Caves.
  • Information on breeding, Pokemon Contests, the Battle Maison and much more!
  • Full-color screenshots throughout and useful tips to help you along the way.
  • Comparisons between the original game and remake.

Updates (Aug 2016):

  • Added Encounter Rates to Wild Pokémon table lists as well as general locations making it easier to find your favorite Pokémon.
  • Fixed some formatting issues and general editing.
  • Expanded Introduction with loads of new information.
  • Restructured Extra Activities section (at the end) for easier navigation and reading.

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