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Pokémon: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

Bosses: 50 Win Streak (Super)

Vincent Lau
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SINGLE BATTLE BOSS: Battle Chatelaine Nita

Pokemon Type Moves
"Landorus" IconLandorus-Incarnate Ground/Flying Focus Blast, Grass Knot, Earth Power, Extrasensory
"Thundurus" IconThundurus-Incarnate Electric/Flying Crunch, Sky Drop, U-Turn, Wild Charge
"Tornadus" IconTornadus-Incarnate Flying Focus Blast, Double Team, Substitute, Hurricane

You will be fighting against the Therian trio from Pokémon Black/White, although they’re not in their Therian Formes.

"Landorus" IconLandorus is doubly-weak to Ice and weak to Water. It is also immune to Ground and Electric. (I like that irony.) It is advantageous over Fire, Rock, Electric, Steel, Poison, Bug, Grass, and Fighting.

"Thundurus" IconThundurus is weak to Rock and Ice, and immune to Ground. It has advantages over Water, Flying, Grass, Bug, and Fighting.

"Tornadus" IconTornadus is the only pure-Flying type Pokémon as-of-yet . It is thusly weak to Ice, Rock, and Electric, immune to Ground, and advantageous over Bug, Grass, and Fighting.

DOUBLE BATTLE BOSS: Battle Chatelaine Evelyn

Pokemon Type Moves
"Suicune" IconSuicune Water Icy Wind, Surf, Blizzard, Protect
"Raikou" IconRaikou Electric Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Shadow Ball, Protect
"Entei" IconEntei Fire Sacred Fire, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Protect
"Latios" IconLatios Dragon/Psychic Calm Mind, Luster Purge, Dragon Pulse, Recover

The first three members of Evelyn’s team are the legendary beast Pokémon from Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal and HeartGold/SoulSilver. The final member, "Latios" IconLatios is part of (mostly) version-exclusive duo found in Ruby/Sapphire (this one being Ruby’s).

"Suicune" IconSuicune is weak to Grass and Electric, and advantageous over Fire, Rock, and Ground. There is an off-chance that this Pokémon could use Water Absorb to absorb Water-type moves, so beware.

"Raikou" IconRaikou , shockingly enough, is weak only to Ground, and has advantages over Flying and Water. There is an off-chance that this Pokémon could use Volt Absorb to absorb Electric-type moves, so beware.

"Entei" IconEntei will be weak to Rock, Ground, and Water, with advantages over Grass, Bug, Ice, and Steel. There is an off-chance that this Pokémon could use Flash Fire to absorb Fire-type moves, so beware.

Latios is weak to Dragon, Ice, Fairy, Dark, Bug, and Ghost, and advantageous over Dragon, Poison, and Fighting. Due to the Levitate ability, this Pokémon is also immune to Ground.

TRIPLE BATTLE BOSS: Battle Chatelaine Dana

Pokemon Type Moves
"Articuno" IconArticuno Ice/Flying Frost Breath, Reflect, Steel Wing, U-Turn
"Moltres" IconMoltres Fire/Flying Overheat, Air Slash, Tailwind, Will-O-Wisp
"Zapdos" IconZapdos Electric/Flying Thunder, Light Screen, Rain Dance, Drill Peck
"Regice" IconRegice Ice Thunder, Blizzard, Focus Blast, Thunder Wave
"Regirock" IconRegirock Rock Ice Punch, Rock Slide, Drain Punch, Earthquake
"Registeel" IconRegisteel Steel Lock-On, Earthquake, Iron Head, Thunder Punch

The first three members of Dana’s team are the trio of legendary birds from Generation I.

"Articuno" IconArticuno is doubly weak to Rock, and weak to Fire, Ice, Electric, and Steel. It is immune to Ground, and has advantages over Ground, Grass, Flying, Bug, and Fighting. There is an off-chance that this Pokémon could have Snow Cloak to raise evasion when Hailing.

"Moltres" IconMoltres is doubly weak to Rock and weak to Water and Electric. It immune to Ground and is advantageous over Grass, Ice, Bug, Steel, and Fighting. There is an off-chance that this Pokémon could have Flame Body to make contact attackers get burned.

"Zapdos" IconZapdos rounds out the trio and is weak to Rock and Ice with an immunity to Ground. It is advantageous over Water, Flying, Grass, Bug, and Fighting. There is an off-chance that this Pokémon could have Lightningrod to nullify all Electric attacks on the field.

The next three members of Dana’s team are the original Regi trio from Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire, some of the most painful legendaries in history to ever get because you needed to be able to read Braille superimposed on the screen.

"Regice" IconRegice is weak to Fire, Rock, and Steel, and advantageous over Flying, Grass, and Ground. This Pokémon probably will have Clear Body as an ability, so don’t bother lowering its stats.

"Regirock" IconRegirock is weak to Fighting, Ground, Grass, Water, and Steel. It is advantageous over Flying, Fire, Ice, and Bug. This Pokémon probably will have Clear Body as an ability, so don’t bother lowering its stats.

"Registeel" IconRegisteel is weak to Fire, Fighting, and Ground, and advantageous over Rock, Ice, and Fairy. This Pokémon probably will have Clear Body as an ability, so don’t bother lowering its stats.

ROTATION BATTLE BOSS: Battle Chatelaine Morgan

Pokemon Type Moves
"Cobalion" IconCobalion Fighting/Steel Metal Burst, Sacred Sword, Quick Attack, Iron Head
"Virizion" IconVirizion Fighting/Grass Leaf Blade, Stone Edge, Sacred Sword, Protect
"Terrakion" IconTerrakion Fighting/Rock Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, Earthquake, Rock Slide
"Latias" IconLatias Dragon/Psychic Calm Mind, Mist Ball, Dragon Pulse, Recover

Finally, we come to Morgan’s Pokémon, the first three of which are the Musketeer trio from Generation V, representing justice. (And, yes, “Musketeer” can reference the French, the country upon which Kalos is based, which originated the concept of the Battle Maison.

"Cobalion" IconCobalion is weak to Fire, Ground, and Fighting, and is advantageous over Rock, Ice, Fairy, Normal, Steel, and Dark. Don’t hit it with Dark-type moves or you’ll boost its Attack!

"Virizion" IconVirizion is doubly-weak to Flying, and weak to Fire, Ice, Poison, Psychic, and Fairy. It is advantageous over Water, Rock, Ground, Steel, Normal, Dark, and Ice. Don’t hit it with Dark-type moves or you’ll boost its Attack!

"Terrakion" IconTerrakion is weak to Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Psychic, Steel, and Fairy. It has advantages over Flying, Fire, Ice, Bug, Normal, Rock, Steel, and Dark. Don’t hit it with Dark-type moves or you’ll boost its Attack!

"Latias" IconLatias , Latios’s red counterpart, is weak to Dragon, Ice, Fairy, Dark, Bug, and Ghost, and advantageous over Dragon, Poison, and Fighting. Due to the Levitate ability, this Pokémon is also immune to Ground.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    27 November 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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Relive your adventures in Hoenn or start a brand new journey with this re-imagining of a much-loved game. Collect and battle your way to the Pokemon League for the right to challenge the Elite Four. Hunt legendary Pokemon, breed them and become the best Pokemon Master you can be with the help of our guide!

  • A full walkthrough for all badges and the Pokemon League challenges.
  • Side quest information on legendary Pokemon and the different Routes and Caves.
  • Information on breeding, Pokemon Contests, the Battle Maison and much more!
  • Full-color screenshots throughout and useful tips to help you along the way.
  • Comparisons between the original game and remake.

Updates (Aug 2016):

  • Added Encounter Rates to Wild Pokémon table lists as well as general locations making it easier to find your favorite Pokémon.
  • Fixed some formatting issues and general editing.
  • Expanded Introduction with loads of new information.
  • Restructured Extra Activities section (at the end) for easier navigation and reading.

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