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Pokémon: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

Route 111 - South

Vincent Lau
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A long route divided into two, this time by an impassable desert (better than water, at least).

Local Trainers Pokémon

Name Money Party
The Winstrates’ Victor 1,216 "Taillow" IconTaillow Lv. 17, "Zigzagoon" IconZigzagoon Lv. 19
The Winstrates’ Victoria 1,280 "Roselia" IconRoselia Lv. 20
The Winstrates’ Vivi 1,360 "Goldeen" IconGoldeen Lv. 16, "Numel" IconNumel Lv. 16, "Shroomish" IconShroomish Lv. 16
The Winstrates’ Vicky 1,760 "Meditite" IconMeditite Lv. 22
Interviewers Gabby & Ty 3,200 "Whismur" IconWhismur Lv. 20, "Magnemite" IconMagnemite Lv. 20
Picnicker Irene 288 "Plusle" IconPlusle Lv. 16, "Illumise" IconIllumise Lv. 18
Camper Travis 304 "Sandshrew" IconSandshrew Lv. 19
Backpacker Emory 504 "Taillow" IconTaillow Lv. 21

Welcome to Route 111, one of the few Routes that features no grass.

Begin by going northeast and north for a bit and you’ll find a Pokémon Breeder pacing around. When you see him, go west and you will find the Winstrates’ House, a place where you can take on four straight battles. (“Winstrate” = “win straight”, get it?)

Speak with the man at the door to begin! After the four battles, you’re welcomed into their home and the mother will hand you a Macho Brace. When held by a Pokémon, it doubles the rate at which their EVs in all stats go up, although it temporarily reduces their Speed stat.

It may be a good idea to hold the Macho Brace for a while, though their EVs will eventually max out. (To check, go to the Super Training app and look at the bar of the right side of the screen; if filled in whole, the Pokémon has 510 - or maxed - EVs.)

Once done, head back onto the main Route and head further north. If you haven’t taught a Pokémon Rock Smash, now is the time, for you’ll need to break some boulders to proceed forward! As you go along, you’ll see a couple in a corner of the mountainside, sort of a news anchoring duo.

Speak with them to battle, and, after, get pointlessly interviewed. After, go northwest and battle the Picnicker, and a Camper further off to the north. There’s a Backpacker even further off to the north.

If you went off further to the north, you’d find a lot of sand. A lot. So much so that it even flies through the air and blinds you, so it’s better to avoid that Route until we get some Go Goggles or whatever this game’s variant of them are. So instead, just go west to Route 112 .

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    27 November 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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Relive your adventures in Hoenn or start a brand new journey with this re-imagining of a much-loved game. Collect and battle your way to the Pokemon League for the right to challenge the Elite Four. Hunt legendary Pokemon, breed them and become the best Pokemon Master you can be with the help of our guide!

  • A full walkthrough for all badges and the Pokemon League challenges.
  • Side quest information on legendary Pokemon and the different Routes and Caves.
  • Information on breeding, Pokemon Contests, the Battle Maison and much more!
  • Full-color screenshots throughout and useful tips to help you along the way.
  • Comparisons between the original game and remake.

Updates (Aug 2016):

  • Added Encounter Rates to Wild Pokémon table lists as well as general locations making it easier to find your favorite Pokémon.
  • Fixed some formatting issues and general editing.
  • Expanded Introduction with loads of new information.
  • Restructured Extra Activities section (at the end) for easier navigation and reading.

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