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Pokémon: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

Credits Roll

Vincent Lau
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Enjoy the ending and the credits reel!

Oh, wait, one more thing!

BOSS: Pokémon Trainer Brendan/May

Pokémon Type Your Starter
"Swellow" IconSwellow Lv. 48 Normal/Flying Any
"Raichu" IconRaichu Lv. 48 Electric Any
"Breloom" IconBreloom Lv. 48 Grass/Fighting "Torchic" IconTorchic or "Treecko" IconTreecko
"Magcargo" IconMagcargo Lv. 48 Fire/Rock "Treecko" IconTreecko or "Mudkip" IconMudkip
"Wailord" IconWailord Lv. 48 Water "Mudkip" IconMudkip or "Torchic" IconTorchic
Mega "Sceptile" IconSceptile Lv. 50 Grass/Dragon "Mudkip" IconMudkip
Mega "Swampert" IconSwampert Lv. 50 Water/Ground "Torchic" IconTorchic
Mega "Blaziken" IconBlaziken Lv. 50 Fire/Fighting "Treecko" IconTreecko

"Swellow" IconSwellow is the a certainty you’ll encounter in your rival’s party. Of course, there’s nothing much you can actually expect from it; a Normal and a Flying move, as expected. U-turn may be problematic if you don’t like those kind of switching moves, and Steel Wing may be problematic for Rock Pokémon.

But, remember, you did just beat Steven, who was much tougher. The big thing here would be to use your "Pikachu" IconPikachu most obviously. Other Electric Pokémon also work well, particularly the "Magnemite" IconMagnemite evolutionary chain, and Rock Pokémon too. If your Lati is here, it’ll nuke with ease, too.

"Raichu" IconRaichu is a second certainty, and in some ways the more threatening one. Okay, not really. Raichu is nothing to worry over from the HP standpoint. It more or less plays a statusing role in that it loves to Paralyze you, set up Light Screen for its party, and then simply pound on you as needed.

Quick, prejudicial treatment is the answer here: a generic STAB move from your starter, a Lati, just about any Pokémon you took to the Elite Four for the purpose of fighting will be more than adequate as Raichu is very frail, much like Pikachu is.

"Breloom" IconBreloom should be a bit more of a pain than it currently is; it’s mostly just a straight-offensive Pokémon, so throw a straight-offensive right back. Any of its weaknesses should be a One-Hit KO at this point: these include Flying (4x), Psychic, Fairy, and Fire.

"Magcargo" IconMagcargo: We have said it everytime; Surf . Other than that, "Swampert" IconSwampert and "Blaziken" IconBlaziken should also have ample ways to take care of this. Swampert could use Surf or some Ground move, and Blaziken could use a number of Fighting or Rock moves… The list goes on.

"Wailord" IconWailord is easy enough to beat; its main reliance is on bulk more than anything, throwing up meager attacks even when super-effective. If you have Grass Knot, Pikachu can hold a Light Ball and easily One-Hit KO this guy (he’s very heavy) or just Thunderbolt or something.

There’s no need to be particular about him; other good ways to deal with him include other Electric Pokémon, Grass Pokémon in general (Mega "Sceptile" IconSceptile is particularly resistant), and Swampert can not only resist Water but counter with unresisted Ground moves.

Mega versus Mega is usually the safest and easiest route.

Sceptile can be a bit problematic; in case it’s not obvious, it can Mega-Evolve. In doing so, it becomes Grass/Dragon type and gains the ability Lightning Rod. (The latter shouldn’t matter to you as you yourself should under no circumstance use an Electric move on it anyhow.)

It will get a nice boost in its stats, but this Sceptile is more angled to Physical despite the higher Special stats, so you can catch a break there. It has an easy double weakness to Ice, and weakeness to Flying, Bug, Poison, Dragon, and Fairy. Use any of those moves you can’t go wrong.

Swampert is not much more of a problem than usual; when it Mega-Evolves - and it will - it will simply gain the Swift Swim ability. This can be a problem if your team is Rain-oriented, but not to much of an extent as he’s slow to begin with.

In any case, hitting this guy with Grass moves is the way to go if you can manage it. Otherwise, your Lati Pokémon will have a fun time with this guy as he/she will still resist most of its moveset altogether.

Blaziken is the strongest and most threatening of the three starters to fight against, boasting both power and speed, and then even furthered Speed every turn due to Speed Boost. Simply assume that, because of Speed Boost, Blaziken will outspeed you on Turn 2.

As you would probably expect, your various Legendary Pokémon - literally any of them you could have caught thus far in the walkthrough: "Ho-Oh" IconHo-Oh/"Lugia" IconLugia, "Latios" IconLatios/"Latias" IconLatias, "Groudon" IconGroudon/"Kyogre" IconKyogre, "Suicune" IconSuicune - have a huge advantage, in terms of type advantages, mostly

Psychic, Flying, Water, or Ground. Generic Psychic Pokémon, such as "Gardevoir" IconGardevoir and "Alakazam" IconAlakazam, also work well too. Mega-Sceptile can also work since it’s no longer weak to Fire, making this an even playing field in which you can probably spam Focus Blast or STAB-boosted Dragon Pulse or the like.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    27 November 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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Relive your adventures in Hoenn or start a brand new journey with this re-imagining of a much-loved game. Collect and battle your way to the Pokemon League for the right to challenge the Elite Four. Hunt legendary Pokemon, breed them and become the best Pokemon Master you can be with the help of our guide!

  • A full walkthrough for all badges and the Pokemon League challenges.
  • Side quest information on legendary Pokemon and the different Routes and Caves.
  • Information on breeding, Pokemon Contests, the Battle Maison and much more!
  • Full-color screenshots throughout and useful tips to help you along the way.
  • Comparisons between the original game and remake.

Updates (Aug 2016):

  • Added Encounter Rates to Wild Pokémon table lists as well as general locations making it easier to find your favorite Pokémon.
  • Fixed some formatting issues and general editing.
  • Expanded Introduction with loads of new information.
  • Restructured Extra Activities section (at the end) for easier navigation and reading.

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