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Pokémon: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

Seafloor Cavern

Vincent Lau
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An ancient Pokémon slumbers here and Team Magma/Aqua are after its power…

Wild Pokémon Encounters

The Pokémon here are merely "Golbat" IconGolbat, "Zubat" IconZubat and "Tentacruel" IconTentacruel if surfing. For your own sanity, be sure you have plenty of Repel items!

Local Trainers Pokémon

Omega Ruby

Name Money Party
Team Magma Grunt 1,560 "Numel" IconNumel Lv. 39, Mightena Lv. 39
Team Magma Grunt 1,640 "Golbat" IconGolbat Lv. 41
Team Magma Grunt 1,600 "Mightyena" IconMightyena Lv. 38, "Weezing" IconWeezing Lv. 40

Alpha Sapphire

Name Money Party
Team Aqua Grunt 1,560 "Carvanha" IconCarvanha Lv. 39, "Mightyena" IconMightyena Lv. 39
Team Aqua Grunt 1,640 "Golbat" IconGolbat Lv. 41
Team Aqua Grunt 1,600 "Mightyena" IconMightyena Lv. 38, "Muk" IconMuk Lv. 40

Upon emerging inside the cavern, hit the surface! **** Make landfall to the east and use the Dowsing Machine to find a Heart Scale , but, aside from that, go north and to the next area.

In this area, first go north and east to the Strength boulder. Push it east and into the hole, then go north and beat up the Grunt. Push the Strength boulder to the west into the hole, then go east and upstairs to beat the Grunt further to the south. After, go through the archway at the northern side of the area.

The second area contains a moderately complex version of the Strength boulder puzzle we usually find in Pokémon games. Or it should’ve, given it’s supposed to emulate the Ruby/Sapphire set-up.

Scald is a great Water-type move that sacrifices multi-hitting for the chance to Burn.

Anyhow, go northwest and push the Strength boulder into the hole. Past it, go north and push the next boulder east once, then go north and push that boulder north once.

Before finishing, go east and along to the side of another boulder; break the rock blocking it, then get around to its other side and push into the next hole, then push the next boulder to the south into the hole. This helps create a helpful shortcut if you come back by foot.

Now, go through the northwest door. Get into the water and note that there are number of currents that will push you along. Go into the water and use the northbound currents, then use the bottom set of currents. Grab TM55 (Scald), then swim towards the the left set of currents.

Land on the other side and head through the doorway. In this area, go along to the Strength boulder. Push it east once, then simply head north and battle the Grunt. Push the nearby Strength boulder into the hole for the sake of a minor convenience, then go north to the next area.

In this area, you’ll have to push the Strength boulders into various holes. First, push the southernmost two boulders into the holes nearest them.

Now, get to the southwestern boulder and push it east thrice, then go around to the north side of the one that was above it. Push it south so you can push that boulder into the hole. Cross it and head downstairs to the next area.

In this area, simply follow the path for a bit. As you reach the stairs down into the deep pit, go west and grab TM26 (Earthquake), then go down.

In this room, you’ll see Archie and Maxie having finished their face-off, with the main leader of your version’s team being the victor. Approach them and finally battle the team’s leader at their full power!

BOSS: Team Magma Leader Maxie (Omega Ruby)

Pokémon Type Moves
"Mightyena" IconMightyena Lv. 41 Dark Scary Face, Embargo, Taunt, Take Down
"Weezing" IconWeezing Lv. 41 Poison Haze, Double Hit, Sludge Bomb, Explosion
"Crobat" IconCrobat Lv. 41 Poison/Flying Poison Fang, Mean Look, Acrobatics, Haze
Mega "Camerupt" IconCamerupt Lv. 43 Fire/Ground Curse, Take Down, Rock Slide, Yawn

Rewards : $6,880

"Mightyena" IconMightyena is easy enough to dispose of, assuming you have that generic Fighting or Fairy Pokémon you ought to have: "Azumarill" IconAzumarill, "Gardevoir" IconGardevoir, "Gallade" IconGallade, "Breloom" IconBreloom, and "Blaziken" IconBlaziken are all good examples. Otherwise your starter is more than fine; Mightyena is mostly a filler here.

"Weezing" IconWeezing here is a bulky Pokémon that can use strong attacks, so try to take him out quickly. Your "Latios" IconLatios/"Latias" IconLatias should know Psychic by this point and they make a good way to finish it off, as would Gardevoir or Gallade. Otherwise, nuke it was a starter - preferably not "Sceptile" IconSceptile.

"Crobat" IconCrobat mostly serves to annoy you with status ailments, particularly Confusion, so he’s another one you’ll enjoy taking out ASAP; your main problem will be his high Speed. Outspeeding him usually requires - on average - Level 48 or so Pokémon.

That said, he’s also notably frail and, after confusion, mostly relies on Flying moves. This is the guy you’ll want your fastest Pokémon to fight, even if he has a particular weakness, since a good STAB attack will usually One-Hit KO him anyway.

"Camerupt" IconCamerupt ought to be your biggest problem in the fight, obviously so as he is a Mega Pokémon. However, even in his Mega state, he retains that painful double-weakness to Water that has led to so many downfalls. You’ve brought a Surf and a Dive user here, so spamming them will be best.

Aside from that, liberal use of that Earthquake TM you recently got also helps, particularly if you’re using Blaziken or "Swampert" IconSwampert. Sceptile might get off by Mega-Evolving (saves him from the Fire weakness) and using STAB moves, but it’ll be better if you just spam a Water Pokémon in general.

BOSS: Team Aqua Leader Archie (Alpha Sapphire)

Pokémon Type Moves
"Mightyena" IconMightyena Lv. 41 Dark Scary Face, Embargo, Taunt, Take Down
"Muk" IconMuk Lv. 41 Poison Sludge Wave, Screech, Venom Drench, Gunk Shot
"Crobat" IconCrobat Lv. 41 Poison/Flying Poison Fang, Mean Look, Acrobatics, Haze
Mega "Sharpedo" IconSharpedo Lv. 43 Water/Dark Scary Face, Slash, Poison Fang, Crunch

Rewards : $6,880

Archie shares Mightyena and Crobat with Maxie so check above for the strategies.

"Muk" IconMuk will be Archie’s analogue to Maxie’s Weezing, playing the same role as a wall that can ail you. Unlike Weezing, though, he has more weaknesses, and is thus easier to take down. For starters, he is weak to Ground, so you can wipe the floor with him with that Earthquake TM you just found.

If you have a Psychic user - your Lati, Gallade, "Kadabra" IconKadabra, "Alakazam" IconAlakazam, and Gardevoir are high-ranking candidates for the role - you’ll also have no problems here. Even if a wall, Muk doesn’t really have the bulk to stand up to a STAB-boosted super-effective attack unless you’re severely underleveled.

"Sharpedo" IconSharpedo is actually quite tough unless you know exactly what’s coming. You will be facing Mega-Sharpedo (as the trainers also Mega Evolve on their first turn) from the onset and he loves biting moves, such as Crunch, per the Strong Jaw ability.

The ability to resist them aptly will be a good portion of your strategy against him. In other words, it degenerates to the usual strategy we have against him. That is, use a Fighting Pokémon, particularly Breloom if you have him, to both wall him and super-effectively attack him.

Grass-types in general also work, and your Latios/Latias can probably use Dragon Breath/Pulse, Charge Beam, or Thunder for high enough damage. If you bought Focus Blast back in Lilycove, there are also a number of Pokémon that can utilize that well. Plus the various Fairy-types.

So long as you get something that, for the most part, resists Dark (and to some degree Water) and also can hit super-effectively, you won’t have a problem here.

After the battle, the leader you just beat will nonetheless proceed to revive "Groudon" IconGroudon/"Kyogre" IconKyogre. Much to the leader’s dismay, the Legendary Pokémon ignores them and sets course for Sootopolis City. To top it off, the worst news has yet to come…

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    27 November 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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Relive your adventures in Hoenn or start a brand new journey with this re-imagining of a much-loved game. Collect and battle your way to the Pokemon League for the right to challenge the Elite Four. Hunt legendary Pokemon, breed them and become the best Pokemon Master you can be with the help of our guide!

  • A full walkthrough for all badges and the Pokemon League challenges.
  • Side quest information on legendary Pokemon and the different Routes and Caves.
  • Information on breeding, Pokemon Contests, the Battle Maison and much more!
  • Full-color screenshots throughout and useful tips to help you along the way.
  • Comparisons between the original game and remake.

Updates (Aug 2016):

  • Added Encounter Rates to Wild Pokémon table lists as well as general locations making it easier to find your favorite Pokémon.
  • Fixed some formatting issues and general editing.
  • Expanded Introduction with loads of new information.
  • Restructured Extra Activities section (at the end) for easier navigation and reading.

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