Continue until you reach a large neon sign spelling out HOTEL. When the sign is lit up, contact with it will result in instant death, so be sure to time your jumps to avoid that. Wait for the H to switch off and as it does, quickly jump across the top of the letter to the O. The O will move to the right and strike the T dislodging a cable below.
Jump across to the ‘H’ when the lights are off (left) and then quickly over to the ‘O’. Drop down the gap between the ‘O’ and the ‘H’ and swing across the gap below (right).
Drop down the gap between the H and the O and jump to the cable in the middle of the large gap. Swing across to the right and jump and activate the switch here. This will turn the power to the sign off. Swing back across the gap and climb the wall pipe here.
Jump across to the E, from here jump to the L, the L will rotate when you land on it, so be sure to jump across to the arrow when able. Using the arrow quickly run and jump up to the ledge above and to the right before it plummets into the abyss below. Continue to the right.
Drop down from the roof here onto a large glass dome.
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