I Am Setsuna is a Japanese role-playing game that was initially announced in June of 2015, with a tentative release window of 2016 globally. It is developed by Tokyo RPG Factory, a company created by Square Enix to focus on purely RPGs. It was released on both the Playstation 4 and Playstation Vita on February 18, 2016, in Japan. However, it was released in the west on July 19, 2016, only on Playstation 4 and PC via Steam, both digitally only.
The world of I Am Setsuna is filled with dangerous monsters that are quelled by a sacrifice being chosen every ten years. However, one year, the monsters grew more and more violent before the next sacrifice should have been chosen. This led to Setsuna, a girl with great magical powers, being chosen as the next sacrifice. You play as a masked mercenary, who has orders to kill her, but ends up becoming one of her guard, as she journeys to the Last Lands, where she will sacrifice herself to bring the land back to peace.
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