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I Am Setsuna

Support Spritnite

Jarrod Garripoli
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Spritnite Materials
Alchemia Bright Blue Gem (x1), Detonation Bag (x1), Hexagonal Pendant (x2), Silver Stone (x2)
Alfadir Warm Scarf (x1), Holy Paulownia Branch (x2), Radiant Light (x1), Bronze Fist Shard (x1)
All-Seeing Eye Dodgeflower (x1), Bitter Berry (x2), Large Teardrop (x1)
Attack Bit Hard Front Tooth (x1), White Cedar Root (x2), Large Teardrop (x1), Gold Stone (x1)
Avenger Mountain Lily Flower (x2), Crimson Gem (x2), Prayer Pebble (x1)
Bait Crystallized Barbel (x3), Charred Powder (x3)
Berserker Light Brown Gem (x2), Pale Blue Gem (x2), Imp Walnut Root (x2), Burning Dust (x1)
Bifrost Light Brown Gem (x2), Detonation Bag (x2), Moss-Oak Moss (x2)
Binding Promise Tree Sap (x1), Royal Feather (x1), Guardian Spirit Shard (x1), Beast’s Bone (x1)
Spritnite Materials
Calor Sticky Thread (x2), Hellmoss Flower (x2), Hellmoss (x1)
Ceaseless Shift Frozen Stone (x2), Inverted Icicle-Flower (x2), Sparkling Scrap (x1), Shiny Black Horn (x1)
Clairvoyance Flame of Duty (x1), Rainbow Gem (x2), Thin Trinket (x2), Shell-Ice (x1)
Cloak Sharp Talon (x2), Large Pincer (x1), Yellow Pine Branch (x1), Old Crested Shield (x1)
Combat Instinct Moss-Oak Root (x1), Jagged Tooth (x2), Golden Claw (x1)
Commanding Wave Jagged Tooth (x1), Perfect Snowball (x2), Patterned Stone (x1), Millennial Meltwater (x1)
Confusion Bit Unknown Shell (x1), Miniature Cherry Blossom (x2), Pengy’s Treasure (x1), Happiness Wreath (x1)
Confusion Shield Perfect Snowball (x1), Snow Powder (x2), Millennial Ice Lump (x1), Magicless Orb (x1)
Creare Crystallized Egg (x1), Crystallized Fungal Fur (x1), Giant Rear Horn (x1), Slanted Scales (x2)
Spritnite Materials
Cursed Helix Crystallized Wing (x1), Crystallized Tail (x1), Blood Crystal (x1), Holy Paulownia Root (x1)
Death Bit Dark Claw Fragment (x1), Strange Timestone Shard (x1), Space-Time Wing (x1), Time Shellstone (x1)
Death Shield Skullstone (x1), Awakening Grass (x2), Snow Cherry Root (x1)
Destined Cycle Pale Blue Gem (x1), Sharp Talon (x2), Mountain Lily Flower (x1)
Dynamic Spirit Inverted Icicle-Flower (x1), Shiny Black Feather (x1), Royal Beak (x1), Snapped Staff (x1)
Earth Shaker Twin Ginkgo Branch (x1), Sweet Banana Seed (x2), Bent Screw (x1), Slicing Wing Feather (x2)
Enigma Red Mushroom (x1), Millennial Snow Crystal (x2), Honey-Bamboo Shoot (x1), White Stone (x2)
Esperanza Crystallized Horn (x1), Sea God’s Light Orb (x1), Dark Bone Horn (x1), Paradise Mushroom (x1)

Some Support Spritnite are easy to get (left), while others might require harder-to-get items (right).

Spritnite Materials
Eternal Recurrence Pale Pink Gem (x1), Bushy Ear (x1), Imp Walnut Flower (x1)
Eternal Void Pale Red Gem (x2), Twin Ginkgo Root (x2), Miniature Cherry Blossom (x2), Miniature Cherry Branch (x1)
Fated Memory Pale Pink Gem (x1), Crimson Gem (x1), Perpetual Frost Lump (x1), Joyflower (x1)
Fatus Moss-Oak Branch (x1), Beadbeech Branch (x2), Sea God’s Rainbow Scale (x1)
Final Comeback Jagged Tooth (x1), Miniature Cherry Blossom (x2), Silky Hair (x2)
Fire Bit White Cedar Branch (x2), Large Teardrop (x2), Silver Stone (x1)
Fire Shield Slippery Hide (x1), Detonation Oil (x1), Aphyllous Fir Branch (x1), Miniature Cherry Branch (x1)
Freeze Bit Flame of Solitude (x1), Tough Gem (x1), Imp Walnut Flower (x1)
Spritnite Materials
Freeze Shield Bitter Berry (x2), Majestic Crest (x2), Yellow Pine Flower (x1), Twin Ginkgo Flower (x1)
Gagnrath Rainbow Gem (x1), Bright Green Gem (x1), Pale Blue Gem (x1), White Bay Laurel Wreath (x2)
Gratia Crystallized Teardrop (x1), Ancient Weapon Shard (x1), Berserker Eyeball (x2)
Guiding Power Pengy’s Treasure (x1), Sturdy Sheet Metal (x2), Miniature Cherry Blossom (x1)
Harmonic Balance Musty Journal (x1), Cracked Faceplate (x1), Hard Front Tooth (x1), Stiff Whisker (x1)
Heavenly Miracle Beach Sand (x1), Giant Sword (x1), Giant Sword Shard (x1), Black Snow Lily Flower (x1)
Incandescent Instant Pengy’s Treasure (x1), Sturdy Sheet Metal (x2), Mountain Lily Flower (x1)
Infinite Ingenuity Thin Trinket (x2), Time Shell (x1), Sweet Banana Seed (x2)
Spritnite Materials
Inner Calm Old Armor (x1), Red Hunger (x1), Shiny Black Shell (x1), Magical Energy Source (x1)
Iron Vow Awakening Grass (x1), Sturdy Sheet Metal (x2), Large Leaf (x1), High-Grade Honey (x1)
Joyful Song Skullstone (x1), Royal Gallstone (x1), Razor-Sharp Claw (x1), Tiny Timestone Fragment (x1)
Kaleidoscopic Shift Magicless Orb (x1), Bent Screw (x1), Earthenware Shard (x2)
Kraftwerk Unknown Shell (x1), Earthenware Shard (x2), Snow Cherry Root (x1), Moss-Oak Moss (x2)
Laplace Snow Fairy’s Feather Robe (x1), Simmering Snow (x2), Shining Seed (x2), Fluffy Fur (x1)
Lifeforce Logic Sturdy Sheet Metal (x1), Pengy’s Treasure (x1), Thawdrop (x1)
Light Bit Bushy Tail (x1), Imp Walnut Root (x2), Large Teardrop (x1), White Stone (x1)
Spritnite Materials
Light Shield Hexagonal Pendant (x1), Bushy Ear (x2), Unknown Shell (x1), Prayer Pebble (x1)
Lock Shield Red Conker Tree Root (x1), Frozen Stone (x2), Giant Magic Arm (x1), Giant Magic Leg (x1)
Magical Pulse Hexagonal Pendant (x1), Majestic Crest (x2), Thawdrop (x1)
Megalith Bushy Ear (x1), Majestic Crest (x2), Weeping Cypress Branch (x1), Twin Ginkgo Flower (x2)
Mental Emancipation Yellow Pine Root (x2), White Cedar Branch (x1), Moss-Oak Moss (x2), Blue Stone (x2)
Monad Crystallized Flipper (x1), Crystallized Neck Fur (x1), Giant Tail (x2), Berserker Eyeball (x2)
Myriad Power Fan-Maple Branch (x1), Yellow Pine Branch (x1), Fan-Maple Sap (x1), Moss-Oak Root (x1)
Omniverse Crystallized Beak (x1), Water Shellstone (x1), Sea God’s Water Orb (x1)

Clairvoyance (left) is great for farming materials. Gagnrath is very useful for spamming skills, since it recovers MP when defeating enemies (right).

Spritnite Materials
Oratio Sea God’s Time Orb (x1), Rich Energy Source (x1), Space-Time Shell (x1), Indomitable Spirit (x2)
Overload Fan-Maple Sap (x1), Tree Sap (x2), Light Brown Gem (x1), Fossilized Snow (x2)
Paralysis Bit Faintly Glowing Gem (x2), Wind Feather (x1), Beadbeech Branch (x1)
Paralysis Shield Snow Powder (x1), Kindlegrass (x2), Patterned Stone (x1)
Paries Pengy’s Treasure (x1), Sturdy Sheet Metal (x1), Perpetual Frost Lump (x2)
Perfect Composure Crystallized Armplate (x1), Flame Shellstone (x1), Sea God’s Flame Orb (x1), Fungal Fur (x1)
Perpetual Fortitude Silky Hair (x1), Moss-Oak Branch (x2), Golden Claw (x1)
Physical Pride Iron Snowsand (x1), Smooth Oil (x1), Beehive Claw (x1)
Spritnite Materials
Radgrid Crystallized Shed Skin (x1), Daemonic Thunder (x1), Snow Fairy’s Feather Robe (x1), Gold Stone (x2)
Radiant Heart Imp Walnut Branch (x2), Red Conker Tree Root (x2), Venomous Fang (x1)
Reginleif Sharp Talon (x1), Pengy’s Treasure (x2), Bushy Ear (x2)
Resonance Pale Pink Gem (x2), Transparent Blade (x2), Deadly Venom (x1)
Returner Dodgeflower (x2), Flame of Comfort (x1), Large Teardrop (x1), Old Hunting Horn (x1)
Reverse Patterned Stone (x1), Large Leaf (x1), Hellmoss Flower (x2)
Revival Counter Deep Green Gem (x1), Crimson Gem (x2), Dodgeflower (x2), Magic Shell (x1)
Rising Reverie Majestic Crest (x1), Perpetual Frost Lump (x2), Bushy Ear (x1)
Spritnite Materials
Rising Spirit Round Stone (x1), Unknown Shell (x2), Small Cog (x1)
Sap Bit Imp Walnut Branch (x1), Bushy Ear (x2), Happiness Wreath (x1)
Sap Shield Unknown Bone (x1), Old Crested Shield (x1), Silver Sand (x1)
Selfless Devotion Pale Pink Gem (x2), Long Red Nose (x1), Chipped Sword (x1), Millennial Snow Crystal (x2)
Shadow Bit Saint’s Legacy (x1), Sinister Urn (x2), Holy Man’s Bone (x1)
Shadow Shield Giant Egg (x1), Veteran’s Armor (x2), Millennial Meltwater (x1)
Sigtyr Snow Cherry Nectar (x2), Pale Red Gem (x1), Black Stone (x1)
Soul Prayer Pale Pink Gem (x1). Happiness Wreath (x1), Faintly Glowing Gem (x1), Blood-Splattered Stone (x1)
Spritnite Materials
Soul Rage Miniature Cherry Branch (x1), Mountain Lily Flower (x2), Unknown Shell (x1)
Spiritual Harmony Hexagonal Pendant (x2), Iron Ore (x2), Squishy Skin (x1)
Stone Bit Crystallized Scale (x1), Shadow Shellstone (x1), Sea God’s Shadow Orb (x1)
Stone Shield Round Stone (x2), Bushy Ear (x1), Imp Walnut Root (x1)
Stop Bit Earthenware Shard (x1), Space-Time Crystal (x1), Weeping Cypress Branch (x1)
Stop Shield Imp Walnut Branch (x1), Punctured Sheet Metal (x1), Jagged Left Tail (x1)
Stun Bit Dark Blackfire (x1), Snow Powder (x2), Happiness Wreath (x1)
Stun Shield Soft Stone (x1), Bitter Berry (x2), Hexagonal Pendant (x1)
Spritnite Materials
Superbia Long Twisting Tongue (x1), Fine Silver Fur (x1), Black Snow Lily Flower (x2)
Tactical Combo Crystallized Pincer (x1), Brave Soul (x2), Squirming Tentacle (x2), Skullstone (x2)
Time Bit Aphyllous Fir Branch (x2), Large Teardrop (x2), Black Stone (x1)
Time Shield Rainbow Gem (x1), Earthenware Shard (x2), Snow Cherry Root (x1), Moss-Oak Root (x1)
Transcendant Mind Jagged Right Tail (x1), Miniature Cherry Blossom (x2), Snow Cherry Nectar (x2)
Ultimate Truth Hexgonal Pendant (x1), Curative Wing Feather (x1), Rusty Coin (x1)
Universal Insight Red Conker Tree Branch (x1), Sharp Talon (x2), Hard Front Tooth (x1)
Unlimited Icy Scale (x2), Hard Front Tooth (x1), Jagged Left Tail (x1)

Support Spritnite offer a wide range of uses, such as recovering MP when being attacked (left) or the enemy taking some damage when they attack (right).

Spritnite Materials
Unstoppable Force Buoyant Metal Shard (x1), Supple Wool (x1), Dodgeflower (x1), Tough Outer Skin (x2)
Valiant Poem Scales of Time (x1), Crystallized Ear Fur (x1), Silver Chalice (x1)
Vinculum Unknown Bone (x2), Punctured Sheet Metal (x2), Iron Snowsand (x1), Beehive (x2)
Wailing Wind Thawdrop (x1), Twin Ginkgo Root (x2), Blue Stone (x1)
Water Bit Large Forked Tail (x1), Imp Walnut Flower (x2), Large Teardrop (x1), Blue Stone (x1)
Water Shield Blue Gem (x1), Aphyllous Fir Root (x2), Large Shell (x1), White Cedar Flower (x1)
Wise Testimony Soft Stone (x1), Rusty Coin (x2), Unknown Shell (x1)
Yggdrasil Curative Wing Feather (x2), Darkness Seed (x1), Glistening Scale (x2)
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS Vita, PS4, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Jarrod Garripoli

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Once a decade, to maintain peace, a sacrifice was made to a fiend on the island. This custom had been effective until recently when the fiend grew violent before the next sacrifice was due. To calm the fiend down, a new sacrifice was offered; Setsuna - chosen because of her powers of enchantment. She must leave with her safeguards to the farthest lands where the sacrifice will be made.

With a battle system based off the legendary JRPG Chrono Trigger, I Am Setsuna is undoubtedly a masterpiece of story-telling and nostalgia. Our guide will cover the following:

Version 1.1:

  • Full walkthrough of the main storyline.

  • Some coverage of side quests and other optional objectives.

  • Partial Trophy/achievement roadmap and guide.

  • All side quests and optional objectives complete.

  • A full trophy/achievement road map showing you the best order to complete each achievement.

  • Finished lists and explanations of all spritnites, recipes and other items.

  • Full gameplay explanations and tips to get the most out of your journey.

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