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I Am Setsuna

Shiny Spots Locations

Jarrod Garripoli
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This section will contain a list of every single Shiny Spot in the game, which you see as the little sparkling bits on the ground on the world map and in towns/dungeons. While most of these are ingredients for the recipes, some are actually items you can just sell. Basically, when you go to the Magic Consortium and are selling materials, anything that’s green in color are used in recipes, while everything in white can be sold.

Floneian Territories

Location Item Where
Forgotten Shore Avalanche Kelp Slightly northwest of save point
Forgotten Shore Antique Bronze Timepiece Just west of two chests area
Forgotten Shore Avalanche Kelp Southwest corner by entrance/exit
Floneian Territories Square Onion Slightly northwest of Forgotten Shore (Overworld)
Serendale Purikka Cobbler By northern exit
Serendale Amber Rock Salt On dock by southern bridge
Floneian Territories Blue Rock Salt Just north of Serendale’s northern exit (Overworld)
Floneian Territories January Cabbage East of Purikka (Overworld)
Purikka Hailbean By well in southeast corner
Purikka Water Broccoli In tower to the north
Location Item Where
Frost Caves Fluffshroom Just before crossing bridge
Frost Caves Stove Asparagus NE corner of area with save point
Frost Caves Blue Rock Salt NW corner of boss arena
Floneia Citadel Winterwhistle Mushroom SW corner of city
Floneia Citadel Black Soybean NE corner of city
Floneia Citadel Speckled Sesame Pod At end of western hallway inside castle
Floneia Citadel Prickly Snowberry Inside ship, in boss room
Floneian Territories King Onion Just west of small lake north of Frost Caves (Overworld)
Floneian Territories Black Sweet Potato Just east of bridge leading to Mysleigh Woods (Overworld)
Mysleigh Woods Icicle Cucumber Just north of southern entrance
Location Item Where
Mysleigh Woods Frost Rock Salt By second encounter
Mysleigh Woods Crunchy Coriander By tree just after crossing bridge
Mysleigh Woods Polestar Onion By northeastern exit
Mysleigh Woods Yellowtop Carrot Take shortcut path by NE exit and go to end of western path at first split
Mysleigh Woods Ancient Indigo Box On secret path to Hiddbury
Floneian Territories Lonely Mushroom West of Tenderville (Overworld)
Floneian Territories Snowflake Peppercorn East of Tenderville (Overworld)
Floneian Territories Prickly Snowberry In area with Laniff Ruins (Overworld)
Tenderville Snowflake Peppercorn Slightly east of village gate
Tenderville Nomad’s Ear Mushroom SW corner of town

You will find shiny spots in towns/dungeons (left), as well as on the world map (right).

Northern Frontier

Location Item Where
Northern Frontier Cracked Bronze Mirror SW of Morbrise Mountain entrance
Morbrise Mountain Cloud Pea In area with second encounter
Morbrise Mountain Crystal Lettuce In area just north of the altar
Morbrise Mountain Twisted Potato In final area before exit
Northern Frontier Philosopher’s Garlic Just north of Morbrise exit (Overworld)
Northern Frontier Red Basil In between Hiddbury and Twallusk Mountain (Overworld)
Hiddbury White Sunflower Seed NW area of town, near the stairs to the vein used in story
Hiddbury Thunder Rock Salt In SE corner of town
Spritnite Pillar Thunder Rock Salt On western side
Location Item Where
Twallusk Mountain Crystal Lettuce On main path, just before Silvara area
Twallusk Mountain Old Broken Flute On main path, just before a passage through mountain
Twallusk Mountain Antique Silver Timepiece On southern end of final area before exit
Northern Frontier Fog Tomato South of Twallusk exit (Overworld)
Northern Frontier Black Courgette South of Apparth Ruins (Overworld)
Floeberg Waters Icicle Kelp On north end of area just past first one
Floeberg Waters Cloud Rock Salt From icy path “blocked” path, go south one area and it’ll be on the east side
Floeberg Waters Eternity Laver On northern end of area just past one with chest
Northern Frontier Hermit’s Ginger Slightly southeast of Floeberg Waters southern exit (Overworld)
Northern Frontier Sunset Citron South of the Hermit’s Ginger (Overworld)
Location Item Where
Royburg Old Silver Coin From entrance, go south and follow shoreline to find it
Royburg Snowbell Mushroom From eastern exit, go south and follow trees to find a dead end path with it
Northern Frontier Blizzard Bean South of Blackwhelm Cave entrance (Overworld)
Blackwhelm Cave Cup Perilla Just north of first encounter
Blackwhelm Cave Horse Oak Mushroom Just north of locked chest
Blackwhelm Cave Lampwort After climbing second ramp, on southern end of area
Floeberg Waters (icy path) Ancient Bronze Pot From exit leading to second area, go south to find on southern end of area to south
Floeberg Waters (icy path) Icicle Kelp South of entrance to second area
Floeberg Waters (icy path) Antique Indigo Ring At second split, go west and it will be at SW corner of large area
Location Item Where
Floeberg Waters (icy path) Eternity Laver South of western exit
Northern Frontier Cracked Bronze Mirror Just west of Floeberg Waters western exit (Overworld)
Northern Frontier Fog Tomato South of Archimell Ruins entrance (Overworld)
Archimell Ruins (1st floor) Broken Indigo Necklace East of second encounter
Archimell Ruins (1st floor) Broken Indigo Necklace After forming bridge to go south, take eastern stairs to find spot to the east
Archimell Ruins (2nd floor) Red Rock Salt At first split, go south to find on southern end of first area
Archimell Ruins (2nd floor) Ancient Crimson Box After crossing lower bridge, will be in southeast corner of first area
Archimell Ruins (3rd floor) Cracked Golden Mirror Take western stairs and follow path until you see a stray one going west
Archimell Ruins (3rd floor) Ancient Crimson Box Take eastern stairs and you’ll find it in the SE corner of the entire area

Once you get the airship, you’ll be able to find some rarer ingredients on various islands.

Fridging Mountain Range

Location Item Where
Fridging Mountain Range Euphoria Pumpkin South of Archimell Ruins exit (Overworld)
Fridging Mountain Range Euphoria Pumpkin East of Archimell Ruins exit (Overworld)
Gatherington Blue Peppermint North of southern entrance
Gatherington Blue Peppermint Between pub and house on north side
Fridging Mountain Range Maple Potato Between Fridging Caves and Abandoned Village (Overworld)
Fridging Mountain Range Ancient Silver Pot South of southern entrance to Magna Valley (Overworld)
Fridging Caves Coiled Parsley By second encounter
Fridging Caves Blue Peppermint In first section of second area
Fridging Caves Broken Green Necklace In first area past barrier in second area of caves
Fridging Caves Broken Green Necklace Right up the ramp after previous one
Location Item Where
Fridging Mountain Range Blue Sugarcane Right outside of exit of Fridging Caves (Overworld)
Fridging Mountain Range Blue Sugarcane Slightly north of Fridging Heights entrance (Overworld)
Fridging Heights Queen Cabbage Across first bridge and to dead end before going north
Fridging Heights Damaged Gold Mask Dead end just past second bridge
Fridging Heights Redtop Radish At north dead end just before exit to second area
Fridging Heights Crowned Peach Near beginning of second area
Fridging Heights Sky Apple Next to second bridge in second area
Fridging Heights Crowned Peach Bottom right of area right before area with Jewelly enemies
Magna Valley Springy Broad Bean Just to left of first split
Magna Valley Red Olive At north end of area with Crystal Shroomback
Magna Valley Ancient Silver Pot Outside entrance to Ithees Ruins
Location Item Where
Magna Valley Springy Broad Bean Bottom right corner of second area
Magna Valley Ancient Silver Pot North end of area right before northern exit
Ithees Ruins Antique Green Ring South dead end just past first encounter
Ithees Ruins Antique Green Ring NW corner of first floor
Ithees Ruins Damaged Bronze Mask North of locked chest on second floor
Ithees Ruins Red Rock Salt SE corner of second floor
Ithees Ruins Ancient Crimson Box Right by first encounter on third floor
Ithees Ruins Ancient Gold Pot Near shortcut back to exit to second floor (third floor)
Ithees Ruins Antique Green Ring By first encounter on fourth floor
Ithees Ruins Ancient Crimson Box NE corner of fourth floor
Location Item Where
Fridging Mountain Range Sky Apple In area with Moolbeld Ruins (Overworld)
Fridging Mountain Range Maple Potato Right outside entrance to Last Lands (Overworld)
Fridging Mountain Range Ancient Silver Pot Area only accessible by airship slightly southwest of Last Lands
Last Lands Coiled Parsley Bottom left corner of first area
Last Lands Old Broken Zither Dead end in upper right of first area
Last Lands Damaged Silver Mask On left side of area with Dinotaurus in first area
Last Lands Cracked Silver Mirror At end of western hallway in first room of castle
Last Lands Damaged Silver Mask In first room of western side of second floor
Last Lands Old Broken Zither Follow western path on second floor to find in second room with two Mountain Shroombacks
Last Lands Damaged Silver Mask In room with western stairs on third floor
Last Lands Damaged Gold Mask In room with eastern stairs on third floor
Location Item Where
Last Lands Old Broken Zither In second room with enemies on fourth floor
Last Lands Cracked Silver Mirror In room with save point on fourth floor
Frozen Land Antique Crimson Ring On south end of second area with enemies on first floor
Frozen Land Old Bronze Coin After passing bridge, find area with three Peacockiels and it’s on western side
Frozen Land Antique Crimson Ring North end of second encounter on second floor
Frozen Land Old Bronze Coin On west side of area with western switch on second floor
Frozen Land Old Bronze Coin North side of area with second encounter on third floor
Frozen Land Old Gold Coin In area just before portal to fourth floor
Frozen Land Antique Gold Timepiece At north end of area with first switch on fourth floor
Frozen Land Old Bronze Coin After crossing two bridges, go west and it will be at western end of first area

As you get into the last few areas, you will notice that you get less actual ingredients from the shiny spots.

Nive Island

Location Item Where
Nive Island Mighty Melon Southeast corner of overworld
Nive Island Luminous Potato Slightly southeast of village on overworld
Nive Island Nive Strawberry On north end of island past woods; Western side
Nive Island Arctic Cauliflower Northeast corner
Nive Village Starberry East of entrance, along southern end
Nive Village Wheel Mushroom In northeast corner
Dazzshire Woods Blue Sweet Sorghum By second encounter
Dazzshire Woods Frosted Salt At north/south intersection
Dazzshire Woods Nive Strawberry Just east of King Empy
Falling Snow Monument Broken Crimson Necklace Just west of entrance
Nive Harbor Old Broken Drum East side of area

Remote Islands

Location Item Where
Mortholm Island Golden Pepper Right outside entrance to forest (Overworld)
Morthshaw Woods Red Sugarcane Just north of entrance
Isle of Misfits Rainbow Nut Just east of entrance to village (Overworld)
Nameless Village Golden Pepper Just inside entrance
Craigholm Island Eskimo Bean Western end of the island (Overworld)
Somber Island Heavenly Pear Western end of the island (Overworld)
Hymncott Island Dumpling Eggplant Right outside entrance to forest (Overworld)
Location Item Where
Hymncott Forest Old Broken Trumpet Just north of first set of enemies
Hymncott Forest Ancient Green Box Just north of second set of enemies
Turbulus Island Sunny Bell Pepper South of Turbulus Fields (Overworld)
Turbulus Island Dumpling Eggplant North end of island (Overworld)
Northern Frontier Crystal Lettuce Area only accessible by airship north of NW entrance to Mysleigh Woods (Overworld)
Northern Frontier Sunset Citron Area only accessible by airship north of Hiddbury (Overworld)
Klimm Island Golden Pepper Very easy to find on island (Overworld)
Crausleig Island Snow Grape Right outside hut (Overworld)
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS Vita, PS4, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Jarrod Garripoli

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Once a decade, to maintain peace, a sacrifice was made to a fiend on the island. This custom had been effective until recently when the fiend grew violent before the next sacrifice was due. To calm the fiend down, a new sacrifice was offered; Setsuna - chosen because of her powers of enchantment. She must leave with her safeguards to the farthest lands where the sacrifice will be made.

With a battle system based off the legendary JRPG Chrono Trigger, I Am Setsuna is undoubtedly a masterpiece of story-telling and nostalgia. Our guide will cover the following:

Version 1.1:

  • Full walkthrough of the main storyline.

  • Some coverage of side quests and other optional objectives.

  • Partial Trophy/achievement roadmap and guide.

  • All side quests and optional objectives complete.

  • A full trophy/achievement road map showing you the best order to complete each achievement.

  • Finished lists and explanations of all spritnites, recipes and other items.

  • Full gameplay explanations and tips to get the most out of your journey.

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