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Icon Title In-Game Description Objectives Description Enemies Events in this Dungeon Detailed Location Screenshots Video Related Quests General Reward Item Reward Gold XP Location Region Rarity/Type
Item icon
Abandoned Mineworks

A maze of tunnels, walked by those who died here. Awards the…

Free the Prisoners (6) Travel to the Haunted Tunnels Activate…

+30 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

"Spider Host" iconSpider Host Spiders
"Spider" iconSpider Spiders
"Vengeful Spirit" iconVengeful Spirit Ghosts

Located in the Scouring Sands region of Kehjistan, to the southwest…

"Payment Past Due" iconPayment Past Due Kehjistan Side Quest

Aspect of Retribution

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Collapsed Vault

In dead hands do these ancient treasures lie.

Slay all enemies in the Unstable Rampart Return the Ancients…

Tis dungeon is often filled with Bugs and Skeleton themed enemies,…

First time completion: Aspect of Cyclone Force +30 Kehjistan…

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon

Tales of profane rituals grip the people with fear. Successfully…

Slay the Sanguine Channelers (2) Travel to the Nesting Grounds…

+30 Kehjistan Renown upon completion. Conclave is a dungeon which…

"Mother's Chosen" iconMother's Chosen Cultists
"Mother's Herald" iconMother's Herald Cultists
"Fallen" iconFallen Fallen
"Fallen Shaman" iconFallen Shaman Fallen

Northeast of the Southern Expanse region of Kehjistan, leave…

"A Voice from the Past" iconA Voice from the Past Kehjistan Side Quest

XP and Gold

"Aspect of the Changeling's Debt" iconAspect of the Changeling's Debt Kehjistan Aspects

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Corrupted Grotto

The Forgotten dead languish under barren rock.

Collect Animus from Animus CarriersDeposit Animus into the Animus…

The dungeon has mixed enemy types, featuring Drowned (Undead),…

A dungeon inside the Southeast corner of the Jagged Coastline.…

Aspect of Grasping Vines

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Crumbling Hekma

A hate-infested catacomb of the Zakarum faith.

Slay all enemies in the Desolate Sacellum Travel to the Catacomb…

The dungeon is monastery tileset, featuring a lot of undead enemies.…

"Bone Warrior" iconBone Warrior Skeletons
"Wraith" iconWraith Ghosts
"Tomb Lord" iconTomb Lord Bosses

A dungeon that is locked, requiring players to beat the Omath’s…

Aspect of Splintering Energy

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Crusaders' Cathedral

Knights seized this temple and its undead warriors alike.

Collect the Pristine Key from the Small Coffer. Use the Pristine…

The Crusader’s Cathedral is a dungeon similar to the Crumbling…

"Cleric" iconCleric Knights
Knight Errant Knights
"Dreadknight" iconDreadknight Knights
"Herald" iconHerald Knights
"Tomb Lord" iconTomb Lord Bosses

A dungeon found in Caldeum, Kehjistan which is only accessible…

Stormshifter’s Aspect

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Deserted Underpass

A threat lurks in caves under the ruined Overlook

Slay all enemies in the Webbed Caverns. Travel to the Slithering…

The Underpass is a level filled with various forms of spiders,…

"Toxic Lurker" iconToxic Lurker Spiders
"Spider Host" iconSpider Host Spiders
"Spider" iconSpider Spiders

A dungeon in the Caldeum region. it can be located along the…

Torturous Aspect

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Fading Echo

These ruins have become host to a growing arm of demons.

Slay the lieutenants of Svanjasga x2 Travel to the Coarse Clearance…

The dungeon is infested with demon threats, meaning an Elixir…

"Warden" iconWarden Demons
"Pit Lord" iconPit Lord Demons
"Balrog" iconBalrog Demons
"Bilefiend" iconBilefiend Demons
"Fallen" iconFallen Fallen
"Succubus" iconSuccubus Demons

Unlock this dungeon by completing the palace mission in Act 4..…

Skinwalker’s Aspect

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Forgotten Ruins

Serpents infest the bones of these forbidden mage halls. Completing…

Slay all enemies in the Archives Travel to the Study Halls Return…

+30 Kehjistan Renown upon completion.

"Skeleton Archer" iconSkeleton Archer Skeletons
"Skeleton Captain" iconSkeleton Captain Skeletons
"Skeleton" iconSkeleton Skeletons
"Skeleton Corpse Bow" iconSkeleton Corpse Bow Skeletons
Nangari Spitter Snakes

A dungeon located in the north, central part of the Jagged Coastline…

"A Wolf's Honor" iconA Wolf's Honor Kehjistan Side Quest

XP and Gold

"Iron Blood Aspect" iconIron Blood Aspect Kehjistan Aspects

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Hakan's Refuge

This one grand manor lies in ruins, festering with memories.…

Return the Ancients Statue to the Pedestalx 2 Travel to the…

The dungeon is often occupied by the dead, meaning an Elixir…

A dungeon located very close to the Gea Kul city in the southwest…

Relentless Berserker’s Aspect

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Halls of the Damned

Triune mages once pioneered strange magics here.

Destroy the Idol of the Overseer and the Seborn Goddess x2 Travel…

This dungeon is often filled with undead and Wraiths, meaning…

"Bone Warrior" iconBone Warrior Skeletons
"Wraith" iconWraith Ghosts

Aspect of Disobedience

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Heretics Asylum

A jail home to the corrupt and cruel.

Collect Animus from the Animus Carriers Slay Scar Gundror and…

The dungeon is filled with enemies similar to Inarius’ folowers,…

"Cleric" iconCleric Knights
"Herald" iconHerald Knights
"Dreadknight" iconDreadknight Knights
Knight Errant Knights

A dungeon located on the keep along the coast of Kehjistan adjacent…

Veteran’s Brawler Aspect

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon

We have carved into the rock to seek Hell.

Collect Animus from Animus Carriers Deposit Animus into the…

The dungeon is filled with Mother’s followers, meaning that the…

"Balrog" iconBalrog Demons
"Pit Lord" iconPit Lord Demons
"Mother's Chosen" iconMother's Chosen Cultists
"Bilefiend" iconBilefiend Demons

First time completion: Vengeful Aspect +30 Kehjistan Renown…

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Prison of Caldeum

Something wicked stirs in the prison. Completing the dungeon…

Slay the Warden and collect the Warden’s Key Use the Warden’s…

+30 Kehjistan renown upon completion.

"Adherent" iconAdherent Knights
"Inquisitor" iconInquisitor Knights
"Knight Penitent" iconKnight Penitent Knights
Knight Errant Knights
"Copperfang" iconCopperfang Snakes
"Warden" iconWarden Demons

Head inside the City of Caldeum and capture foes located inside…

XP and Gold

"Opportunist's Aspect" iconOpportunist's Aspect Campaign Aspect

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Putrid Aquifier

Death taints the water

Collect Animus from Animus Carriers Deposit Animus into the…

The dungeon is filled with different types of snakes and undead,…

"Copperfang" iconCopperfang Snakes
"Plague Maggot" iconPlague Maggot Wildlife

Found on the far central, eastern part of the Jagged Coastline…

Aspect of the Unwavering

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Renegade's Retreat

Renegade Knights reap the spoils from Inarious’ Crusades.

Slay the Keepers x 3 Travel to the Treasure Room using the Treasure…

The dungeon is filled with bandit enemies, meaning the best case…

Bonesnapper Bandits
"Blackguard" iconBlackguard Bandits
"Adherent" iconAdherent Knights

Inside Caldeum City, which unlocks after beating the Act 6 Campaign.…

Aspect of Corruption

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Sepulcher of the Forsworn

Evil stirs below the alter of Baal.

Collect Animus from Animus Carriers Deposit the Animus in the…

This dungeon contains a mix of enemies, featuring Goatmen at…

This dungeon is unlocked by completing the Alter of Ruin Stronghold…

Hulking Aspect

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Shivta Ruins

The corruption in Alcarnus has bled into these ruins

Return to the Pedestal x2 Travel to the Shambles of Vermin Defeat…

The dungeon consists of quite a lot of undead at the start throughout…

Go to the Dunes of Despair, which is a region of the Amber Sands…

First time completion: Wind Striker Aspect +30 Kehjistan Renown…

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Sirocco Caverns

A foul infestation has claimed these caverns.

Destroy the Silken Spires x3 Travel to the Corrupted Sands Slay…

This dungeon is filled with a variety of beasts and maggots,…

"Toxic Lurker" iconToxic Lurker Spiders
"Plague Maggot" iconPlague Maggot Wildlife
"Fallen" iconFallen Fallen
"Fallen Shaman" iconFallen Shaman Fallen

This dungeon is found on the border between Dry Steppes and Kehjistan,…

Aspect of Echoing Fury

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Sunken Library

The dead guard secrets confined in the ancient vault

Slay the Archival Guardians x3 Travel to Acquisitions Slay the…

The dungeon is largely filled with undead, meaning a Elixir of…

The Sunken Library is a region of Kehjistan called the Tar Pits,…

Aspect of Control

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Tomb of the Saints

This once barren tomb was fat with gold. Awards the Incendiary…

Activate the Release Switch (2) Open the Saint’s Door Travel…

"Wrathful Phantom" iconWrathful Phantom Ghosts
"Wraith" iconWraith Ghosts
"Scorched Stinger" iconScorched Stinger Wildlife
"Scorpion" iconScorpion Wildlife
"Plains Hornet" iconPlains Hornet Wildlife
"Plague Maggot" iconPlague Maggot Wildlife

Located just below the Zakarum Chapel to the west, found in the…

"Symbol of Faith" iconSymbol of Faith Kehjistan Side Quest

+30 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

"Incendiary Aspect" iconIncendiary Aspect Kehjistan Aspects

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Uldur's Cave

A den of murderers and carrion feeders.

Destroy the Barricades x3 Travel to the Bandit Hideout Slay…

The dungeon is home to lots of bandits, making the Elixir of…

"Scorched Stinger" iconScorched Stinger Wildlife
"Blackguard" iconBlackguard Bandits
"Scorpion" iconScorpion Wildlife

A dungeon found in the center of the Jagged Coastline province…

Aspect of the Damned

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Yshari Sanctum

Cultists corrupt the ancient Sanctum.

Slay all enemies in the Occult Forums. Travel to Hell’s Annex.…

+30 Kehjistan Renown

A dungeon found in the library annex of the Caldeum. You will…

XP and Gold

"Needleflare Aspect" iconNeedleflare Aspect Campaign Aspect

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Exalted Terrace

A place of study where Elias shares Lilith’s gifts.

Find Elias within the Exalted Terrace

You will access this Dungeon as part of the Piercing the Veil…

The Outer Gardens in the Scouring Sands region of Kehjistan…

"Piercing the Veil" iconPiercing the Veil Kehjistan Campaign Quest

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Mahjoob's Safehouse

A place of reprieve for the Kehjistani guide. You will only be…

Just outside the western exit of the Alcarnus Stronghold, in…

"Unsafe Travels" iconUnsafe Travels Kehjistan Side Quest
"Road to Ruin" iconRoad to Ruin Kehjistan Side Quest
"The Only Cure" iconThe Only Cure Kehjistan Side Quest

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Vizjerei Athenaeum

Ruins belonging to the once great Vizjerei Mage Clan. You will…

Bonesnapper Bandits

In the Amber Sands region of Kehjistan, head to the Altar of…

"The Speaking Stone" iconThe Speaking Stone Kehjistan Side Quest
"A Voice from the Past" iconA Voice from the Past Kehjistan Side Quest
"Izel of the Vizjerei" iconIzel of the Vizjerei Kehjistan Side Quest

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Tunnels Beneath The Oasis

Sharp acrid smells seep from the hidden caverns. You will only…

"Blackguard" iconBlackguard Bandits
Bonesnapper Bandits
"Plague Maggot" iconPlague Maggot Wildlife
"Plague Maggot Young" iconPlague Maggot Young Wildlife
Pestilent Host Demons

South of the Iron Wolves Encampment in the Ragged Coastline…

"More Value Than Gold" iconMore Value Than Gold Kehjistan Side Quest

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Triune Hideout

Under the Iron Wolves’ noses, Triune plot and connive. You will…

Southwest of the Iron Wolves Encampment in the Ragged Coastline…

"Head of the Snake" iconHead of the Snake Kehjistan Side Quest

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Hideout Entrance

This entrance was obstructed by rubble. You will only be able…

Found in the southwest of Caeldum, in the Residential District.…

"Remnants" iconRemnants Kehjistan Side Quest

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

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