Back to Bandits Bonesnapper Bandits Deckhand Blackguard In-Game Description A tough bandit warrior with a powerful blow. Found In Renegade's Retreat Kehjistan Dungeon Tunnels Beneath The Oasis Kehjistan Dungeon Vizjerei Athenaeum Kehjistan Dungeon Interactive Map Locations 1. Sanctuary Map X: 7118 Y: 14598 2. Sanctuary Map X: 6603 Y: 15883 3. Sanctuary Map X: 6868 Y: 15139 4. Sanctuary Map X: 7305 Y: 15327 5. Sanctuary Map X: 2853 Y: 17437 Bonesnapper’s among other enemies can spawn here. 6. Sanctuary Map X: 1998 Y: 17808 Bonesnapper’s among other enemies can spawn here. 7. Sanctuary Map X: 1935 Y: 17659 Bonesnapper’s among other enemies can spawn here. 8. Sanctuary Map X: 3224 Y: 16650 Bonesnapper’s among other enemies can spawn here. 9. Sanctuary Map X: 3332 Y: 16306 Bonesnapper’s among other enemies can spawn here. 10. Sanctuary Map X: 2851 Y: 16143 Bonesnapper’s among other enemies can spawn here. 11. Sanctuary Map X: 2541 Y: 16181 Bonesnapper’s among other enemies can spawn here. 12. Sanctuary Map X: 1767 Y: 14395 13. Sanctuary Map X: 2706 Y: 14684 14. Sanctuary Map X: 1496 Y: 14677 Bonesnapper’s among other enemies can spawn here. 15. Sanctuary Map X: 1797 Y: 14655 Bonesnapper’s among other enemies can spawn here. Subscribe Now to Remove Ads
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