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Icon Title In-Game Description Objectives Description Enemies Events in this Dungeon Detailed Location Screenshots Video Related Quests General Reward Item Reward Gold XP Location Region Rarity/Type
Item icon
Ancient's Lament

A tomb and prison for the anguished souls trapped within. Rewarded…

Aspect of Volatile Shadows

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Betrayer's Row

The twisted remains of a town driven mad by envy. Rewarded on…

Aspect of Potent Blood

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Bloodsoaked Crag

A feasting ground for the flesh-hungry. Rewarded on first completion:…

Shepherd’s Aspect

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Borza's Hideout

Borza, the thief who left Nizaar to die, hides in the caves.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Buried Halls

The Triune fight to reclaim these ancient halls. Rewarded on…

Rapid Aspect

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Carrion Fields

The defilers of this land were cursed to wander it forever. …

Return the Ancients Statue to the Pedestal (2) Defeat the Tomb…

Do not be fooled into thinking Carrion Fields is a quick dungeon…

"Skeleton" iconSkeleton Skeletons
"Skeleton Captain" iconSkeleton Captain Skeletons
"Skeleton Archer" iconSkeleton Archer Skeletons
"Spider" iconSpider Spiders
"Toxic Lurker" iconToxic Lurker Spiders
"Arachnid Horror" iconArachnid Horror Spiders
Executioner Cannibals
"Cleaver" iconCleaver Cannibals
Maniac Cannibals
"Plague Maggot" iconPlague Maggot Wildlife
"Gorger" iconGorger Cannibals
Fanatic Cannibals
"Tomb Lord" iconTomb Lord Bosses

The Scarred Coast

Gold, XP, +30 Dry Steppes Renown

"Aspect of the Iron Warrior" iconAspect of the Iron Warrior Dry Steppes Aspects

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Champion's Demise

Once beautiful homelands now overrun with demons. Rewarded on…

Return the Stone Carving to the Pedestal (3) Slay the Cairn…

+30 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

"Moon Clan Impaler" iconMoon Clan Impaler Goatmen
"Moon Clan Marauder" iconMoon Clan Marauder Goatmen
"Moon Clan Mauler" iconMoon Clan Mauler Goatmen
"Moon Clan Shaman" iconMoon Clan Shaman Goatmen
"Spider" iconSpider Spiders
"Khazra Abomination" iconKhazra Abomination Bosses

Located to the southeast of the Untamed Scarps region of the…

"Raising Spears" iconRaising Spears Dry Steppes Side Quest

XP and Gold

"Aspect of the Umbral" iconAspect of the Umbral Dry Steppes Aspects

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Charnel House

Bodies are stored here, some still alive. Food for demons. Rewarded…

Aspect of Perpetual Stomping

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Dark Ravine

A Triune ritual site. The screams echo far and wide. Note: You…

Collect Animus from the Animus Carriers Deposit Animus in the…

This sandy ravine is another that is packed full of enemies to…

"Mother's Chosen" iconMother's Chosen Cultists
"Succubus" iconSuccubus Demons
"Mother's Herald" iconMother's Herald Cultists
"Mother's Chosen" iconMother's Chosen Cultists
"Oppressor" iconOppressor Demons
"Bilefiend" iconBilefiend Demons
"Fallen" iconFallen Fallen
"Mother's Judgment" iconMother's Judgment Bosses

Gold, XP, +30 Dry Steppes Renown

"Aspect of Might" iconAspect of Might Campaign Aspect

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Family Cellar

A cellar owned by a local family, long since abandoned. This…

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Grinning Labyrinth

These labyrinthine halls have broken far greater warriors.

Destroy the Demonic Corruption (2) Travel to the Endless Coil…

From the name of this dungeon, you could not be blamed for thinking…

"Fallen" iconFallen Fallen
"Oppressor" iconOppressor Demons
"Succubus" iconSuccubus Demons
"Bilefiend" iconBilefiend Demons
"Fallen Shaman" iconFallen Shaman Fallen
"Scourge of the Land" iconScourge of the Land Bosses

The Grinning One

Gold, XP, +30 Dry Steppes Renown

"Aspect of The Calm Breeze" iconAspect of The Calm Breeze Dry Steppes Aspects

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon

The blood-soaked streets where cannibals feed. You will access…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Guulrahn Canals

A rot that even the cannibal tyrant will not touch is below.…

Slay all enemies in the Offal Pits Travel to the Drenched Nests…

This dungeon becomes a Side Dungeon once you finish the Main…

"Arachnid Horror" iconArachnid Horror Spiders
"Toxic Lurker" iconToxic Lurker Spiders
Plagued Creeper Spiders
"Plague Swarm" iconPlague Swarm Wildlife
"Plains Hornet" iconPlains Hornet Wildlife
"Skeleton Captain" iconSkeleton Captain Skeletons
"Skeleton Archer" iconSkeleton Archer Skeletons

Gold, XP, +30 Dry Steppes Renown

"Trickster's Aspect" iconTrickster's Aspect Campaign Aspect

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Guulrahn Slums

Cannibals still hold the streets of the city Guulrahn.

Free the Prisoners (6) Slay the Possessed Brute and collect…

This dungeon becomes a Side Dungeon once you finish the Main…

Maniac Cannibals
"Gorger" iconGorger Cannibals
Executioner Cannibals
"Plains Hornet" iconPlains Hornet Wildlife
"Bloodhawks" iconBloodhawks Wildlife
"Cleaver" iconCleaver Cannibals
"Wraith" iconWraith Ghosts
"Resurrected Malice" iconResurrected Malice Bosses

Gold, XP, +30 Dry Steppes Renown

"Splintering Aspect" iconSplintering Aspect Campaign Aspect

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Komdor Temple

A Triune sect cursed to forever walk Sanctuary as a goatmen.…

Rewarded upon first time completion: Aspect of the Bounding…

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Lost Monument Crypt

This dungeon will only appear here after accepting the quest…

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon

What walks here is living and dead and will rob you.

Slay all the enemies in the Overrun Encampment Travel to the…

This outside ‘dungeon’ sees you entering a bandit encampment…

"Arsonist" iconArsonist Bandits
"Marauder" iconMarauder Bandits
"Razor Spine" iconRazor Spine Wildlife
"Beast" iconBeast Wildlife
Putrid Remains Zombies
"Outlaw Sharpshooter" iconOutlaw Sharpshooter Bosses

Khargai Crags

Gold, XP, +30 Dry Steppes Renown

"Aspect of Berserk Ripping" iconAspect of Berserk Ripping Dry Steppes Aspects

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Offal Pits

These filthy caves hide a secret path into Guulrahn Palace. You…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Onyx Hold

Undead wardens still patrol the halls of this prison. You must…

"The Onyx Watchtower" iconThe Onyx Watchtower Dry Steppes Stronghold

Storm Swell Aspect

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Orbei Monastery Halls

This can only be accessed during the Main Campaign Quest “Suffering…

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Pallid Delve

This dungeon becomes available once you cleanse the Ruins of…

Elementalist’s Aspect

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Path of the Blind

The bloodstained initiation grounds for Triune aspirants.

Slay the Blind Guardians (2) Travel to the Temple of Sight Return…

On entering these cultish killing fields you need to be ready…

"Razor Spine" iconRazor Spine Wildlife
"Plains Hornet" iconPlains Hornet Wildlife
"Mother's Chosen" iconMother's Chosen Cultists
"Beast" iconBeast Wildlife
"Bloodhawks" iconBloodhawks Wildlife
"Succubus" iconSuccubus Demons
"Oppressor" iconOppressor Demons
"Pit Lord" iconPit Lord Demons
"Scourge of the Land" iconScourge of the Land Bosses

Hapless Frontier

Gold, XP, +30 Dry Steppes Renown

"Aspect of Bursting Bones" iconAspect of Bursting Bones Dry Steppes Aspects

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Saraan Caldera

A curse festers beneath the Ruins of Saraan. You can only access…

Rewarded on first completion: +30 Dry Steppes Renown.

"Burning Dead" iconBurning Dead Skeletons
Burning Dead Corpse Axe Skeletons

Found just south of the large Saraan Caldera region (where World…

"More Than Meets the Eye" iconMore Than Meets the Eye Dry Steppes Side Quest

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Sealed Archives

An ancient mage hall. Once refuge, now graveyard. Rewarded on…

Aspect of Mending Stone

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Seaside Descent

A cove nestled among a graveyard of shipwrecks.

Slay all enemies in the Secluded Grotto Travel to the Murky…

Now this is a busy dungeon. You know how most dungeons kinda…

Gold. XP, +30 Dry Steppes Renown

"Aspect of Retaliation" iconAspect of Retaliation Dry Steppes Aspects

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Shifting City

This dungeon becomes available once you cleanse the Ruins of…

Ravenous Aspect

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Temple of The Primes

The seat of the Triune’s power, hidden for millennia. This can…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Veneration of Hatred

A mysterious portal into the realm of Hatred. This can only be…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Whispering Vault

Scholarly halls haunted by whispering spirits of the insane.…

Destroy the Sacred Seal (2) Open the Whispering Door Travel…

+30 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

"Vengeful Spirit" iconVengeful Spirit Ghosts
"Burning Dead" iconBurning Dead Skeletons
Burning Dead Corpse Axe Skeletons
"Bilefiend" iconBilefiend Demons
"Succubus" iconSuccubus Demons
"Flesh Thresher" iconFlesh Thresher Demons
"Tomb Lord" iconTomb Lord Bosses

You can find this Dungeon in the far southeast of the Chambatar…

"In the Name of Love" iconIn the Name of Love Dry Steppes Side Quest

Aspect of Unstable Imbuements

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Zolaya's Hideout

This Side Dungeon is available during the Hunger for a New Life…

Located to the northeast of the Kotama Grasslands region of…

"Hunger for a New Life" iconHunger for a New Life Dry Steppes Side Quest

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Forgotten Depths

A shadow lies beneath these Hollowed stones

Free the Prisoners: 6 - Three tend to be on the southern side…

Aspect of Biting Cold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Wasting Hollow

A bloodstained feeding ground of the cannibal horde. You will…

Maniac Cannibals
Executioner Cannibals
"Gorger" iconGorger Cannibals

Located to the southeast of Crane Tribe Hutmoot in the Untamed…

"Fury Against Fate" iconFury Against Fate Dry Steppes Side Quest

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

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