The Dunes, returning from the original Monster Hunter , are home to many monsters clad in hard armor and accustomed to the acrid, dry conditions, and the towering mountains of sand that make this area famous. The Dunes, like any desert, vary widely in temperature depending on the time of day, and this will affect the drinks you bring to keep your own temperature stable. During the day, the Dunes is forbiddingly hot, so bring Cool Drinks. When the sun sets, the Dunes become dangerously frigid, so bring Hot Drinks to prevent hypothermia from draining you of stamina!
Gathering Areas of Interest
Plants: Areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11
Mushrooms: Areas 5, 6
Berries and Seeds: Areas 2, 3
Bones: Areas 2, 5
Ores: Area 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Insects: Areas 3, 6, 9, 11
Dung: Area 3
Other Areas of Interest
The Base Camp itself is unique in that it branches into two different directions, depending on which half of the Dunes you need to travel to. Pick carefully, because if you end up in the wrong half, the only way to cross to the other half is through Area 10, and that’s a long walk.
A lot of monsters will go and rest in Area 5. If you’re unsure of where a monster went but you know it’s on its last leg, check that area.
Area 9 is where you can fish.
Area 11 is the Felyne Village. Recruit Palicos here!
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