Yokai | Rank | Location |
Agon | B | Rarely found behind Rank C Watch Lock in Abandoned Tunnel |
Babblong | C | Tranquility Apartments (Shopper’s Row) |
Beetler | B | Trees on Mountain Trail in Mt. Wildwood (Night only) |
Chansin | C | Under vending machines/cars in Shopper’s Row; Tranquility Apartments |
Cheeksqueek | C | Shopping Street Narrows (Shopper’s Row) |
Chippa | C | In trash in Shopping Street Narrows (Day) |
Confuze | B | In grass at Shade Road around Nocturne Hospital (Shopper’s Row; Night) |
Cynake | B | In grass at Sunrise Way in Downtown Springdale |
Daiz | C | Rare spawn on Owl Light Road; Grass (Shopper’s Row; Day) |
Yokai | Rank | Location |
Darumacho | B | Under vending machines/cars at Sunshine Station (Uptown Springdale) |
Flumpy | C | Trees anywhere in Shopper’s Row |
Grubsnitch | D | Grass in Shopper’s Row; Tranquility Apartments |
Hungorge | B | Trash in alleys in Uptown Springdale |
Lodo | D | In trash in Shopping Street Narrows (Night) |
Nird | B | Trees around Tranquility Apartments (Day) |
N’more | C | Inside Tranquility Apartments (Room B-201) |
Ol’ Saint Trick | B | In trees in Triangle Way in Uptown Springdale (Night) |
Q’wit | C | Rarely inside Tranquility Apartments (Room B-201) |
Yokai | Rank | Location |
Rageon | B | Eastern riverbank in Shopper’s Row; Western riverbank in Downtown |
Rhinoggin | B | In trees on Mountain Trail at Mt. Wildwood (Night) |
Slacka-slash | B | 2F of Construction Site (Downtown; Can only enter at night) |
Sushiyama | B | Under vending machines/cars on Owl Light Road (Shopper’s Row) |
Tanbo | B | Under vending machines/cars at Sunshine Station (Blossom Heights; Day) |
Tengloom | C | Trees at Tranquility Apartments (Night) |
Undy | C | Inside Tranquility Apartments (Room A-204 or B-203) |
Whapir | C | Inside Tranquility Apartments (Room C-303) |
At the beginning of this chapter, you will get a nice present from your father…a bicycle! This lets you move around a lot faster without having to worry about running out of stamina, but you can’t use the bicycle on stairs. Anyway, you can get off/on your Bicycle by pressing down on the directional pad. You say that you’re going to take a test ride out to Flower Road, which is located in Shopper’s Row, west of Blossom Heights. Despite what your dad says about not going to Downtown with your bike, you don’t have to listen to him. As with the previous chapter, you have another Watch upgrade request available to you, so you should definitely do that before anything else.
Once you arrive at Flower Road, you’ll mention to Whisper that you want to check out the bookstore, so go inside. After a short confrontation with a businessman, you learn that they want to turn Flower Road into a generic mall. There seems to be some strange things going on, so the shopkeeper says to ask your science teacher about them. He can be found on the northern end of Flower Road and he mentions that one of your classmates was present with the recent fire that happened, and you can find him at the Everymart in this area. When you talk to him, he says that the fire started on its own, making Whisper suggest it was done by a Yokai. Your next stop is Nocturne Hospital to the south!
Find the hole in the wall and when you step inside the area, a large Yokai will appear and tell you to meet them at the Construction Site in the Downtown area, at night. When you get there, you’ll find another Yokai (Komasan) standing at the entrance, who is too scared to go in by himself, so you decide you help him, making him join your team. Your goal is to get to the top of the Construction Site, which is where Kyubi will be waiting for you, but it can be a little confusing to get up there due to the layout of the place.
The bicycle will let you get around town faster (left). Don’t forget to check out Timers & More for another Watch Rank request (right).
Construction Site¶
Encountered Yokai |
Blazion, Blowkade, Castelius III, Croonger, Cutta-nah-nah, Dismarelda (trash), Elloo, Moskevil, Slacka-slash, Tengloom, Urnaconda |
When you first enter the Construction Site, there will be an Eyepo in the room on your left, so you can utilize that if you need to beef up your team at all. Some of the above Yokai that you can find in here are restricted to certain floors, with Slacka-slash being a rare spawn. You might want to get two of the Castelius IIIs, since you can fuse them together to make a Castelius II (and two of those can fuse to a Castelius I). Anyway, as previously mentioned, Kyubi is waiting for you at the top of the building. There are a bunch of treasure chests in the place, but nothing really stands out as needing to be grabbed (and most of it you can get elsewhere).
At the beginning, go north and up the skinny hallway to the left of the Rank S Watch Lock to find a set of stairs leading to the second floor. There’s only one path to take here, so move along until you come to a very skinny walkway to your right and a very giant hole to the north. Falling down in either of the holes will send you to the respective area on the first floor, but you can also get there by crossing the walkway and climbing down the rope on the other side. Once you’re back on the first floor, you are free to explore this new area, but the goal will be to use the stairs to go back up to the second floor.
There’s not much to do here, except take the marked rope up to the third floor. You will find a lot of different paths here, but the one needed to get to the objective marker is to the left. Take this and when you get the opportunity to set yourself on the narrow path surrounding the entire floor, do so and follow it east, then north. This will bring you a room with an Eyepo, so make sure you use it to heal your Yokai and save, then go into the northern room for a scene and a boss!
BOSS - Massiface¶
Well, that’s certainly a big Yokai! Massiface has multiple points you can hit, with the first being the big “X” mark on his forehead, which is the weak point. In fact, it’s entirely possible to concentrate solely on that spot and take down this boss without worrying about his other targetable points. However, if you want to make the boss easier on yourself, then you will go after the two eyeballs (his two other targets). Dealing enough damage to either one will make that eye close and once both eyes are closed, Massiface will miss with all (or the majority) of his attacks.
As for attacks, he can perform Earthquake , where he pounds the floor with his fist, causing debris to fall down and hit all of your front-line Yokai. Forehead Flick will only target a single Yokai, but it can inspirit them, with the inspirit being confusion. He will also slam the ground with his palm, hitting a single Yokai. Stink Eye doesn’t deal any damage, but it can inspirit a Yokai, dropping their defense some. His Soultimate, Massive Swat, hits all of your front-line Yokai for some damage. The easiest way to defeat this boss is to continually take out the eyes to blind him, then work on his weak point.
Taking out the eyes of Massiface will make it so his accuracy will decrease.
Enjoy the scene after the battle, as this chapter comes to a close.
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