Crane-Game Mania
- Location - Arcadia Arcade (Downtown)
- Req - Watch Rank C; Day
Reward - 256 XP, Hidden Hits
Some kid is spending a lot of money on the crane game and not winning anything, so the employee wants you to talk to him. It turns out that a Yokai is inspiriting him, which just happens to be to the right of the boy. Defeat Chansin and he will join your party! Go back to the clerk to finish.
Although the outcome of the Bonus Scenes are random, getting a Bingo (left) will always give you an item (right).
Grades of Gloom
- Location - Inside Foundation Academy (Downtown)
- Req - Day
Reward - 336 XP, A Serious Life
The girl mentions that a boy is depressed over a low test score and might need some cheering up. Head to the shrine at Mt. Wildwood to find the boy, who is being inspirited by Buhu. Defeat the Yokai and return to the girl who gave you the request to finish.
Hyper Hide-and-Seek
- Location - Arcadia Arcade (Downtown)
- Req - Complete Crane-Game Mania and Hide-and-Seek ; Day
Reward - 309 XP, Medium Exporb, Speed Talisman
Similar to the latter request, you will need to find a total of 8 kids that are either hiding or running around in the area given to you. As before, you only have five minutes in order to do so. Remember to not exhaust yourself and spam the A button whenever you are chasing after the runners. You should be able to find some of the hidden kids while chasing the others.
Just Say NO
- Location - Everymart (Downtown)
- Req - Day
Reward - 298 XP, Runic Charm
A young man is having trouble saying no to a girl he likes, so Whisper suggests bringing the Yokai, Noway, to him to help him become more manly. If you don’t have one, you can find him in grass in Uptown Springdale (Rank E). Once you’ve caught one, go back to him, but he says to wait and head for Arcadia Arcade before “casting the spell.” As soon as you step inside, a scene will play out and the request will be finished.
Officer Slacker
- Location - North of Central Station (Downtown)
- Req - Day
Reward - 328 XP, Think Karate
A new police recruit seems to be slacking off and hasn’t come back from her patrol of Rolling Waves Park. Head down to the beach and you’ll find her on a bench on the southern side. As usual, she is being inspirited by a Yokai, Cutta-nah, who is to the right. Defeat it, then talk to the officer again before returning to the original one.
Rank C Challenge
- Location - Timers & More (Blossom Heights)
- Req - None
Reward - 265 XP, Dancing Star (x3)
Mr. Goodsight wants you to defeat three Yokai in Downtown Springdale before he will upgrade your Watch. All three are located in alleys, so you need to be on the lookout for the little piece of road that disappears behind a building. Suspicioni can be Behind Frostia’s Place, which is north of the Construction Site. Tantroni is in the Delivery Bay area, which is the little “alley” that is just northwest of Cafe Shanista. Signibble is located in the Academy Shortcut, which is north of Central Station. Once you’ve defeat all three, return to Mr. Goodsight to get your upgrade.
You can find all of the target Yokai in the three alleys in Downtown.
Toy Nabber
- Location - Moonlight Pass (Road north of Shoten Temple in Blossom Heights)
- Req - Watch Rank C; Day
Reward - 225 XP, Dancing Star (x2)
A boy has lost his toy and wants you to help him find it on the beach in Downtown Springdale. Go to the bottom right corner of Downtown and look for three canoes. Use your Lens to reveal a Yokai (Cheeksqueek) that’s at the bottom of the three canoes, then defeat him to get the toy back.
Two Only Live Once
- Location - Springdale Office Building (Downtown)
- Req - Watch Rank C; Day
Reward - 273 XP, Pot Stickers, Beef Tongue, Y-Cola
The lady is worried about her friend, who was supposed to go zip-lining with her. She will be near Cafe Shanista in Rolling Waves Park, so head towards the beach to spot her on the boardwalk. The Yokai inspiriting her, Chatalie, is by the bush just north of the umbrella table. Defeat it in battle and it will join your party. Check back with the lady who gave you the request to finish.
Walkappa’s Bottle
- Location - In front of Shoten Temple (Blossom Heights)
- Req - None
Reward - 271 XP, Shiny Badge
It seems that Walkappa has misplaced his bottle with important water in it. He mentions that it could be on either the eastern or western riverbank in Uptown Springdale. First, go to the east side and find the stairs leading down to the bank, where you’ll find a sparkly item on the ground ( Dusty Charm ). Now, go to the western bank and you’ll find two more items, one on the southern side near the fisherman ( Munched Cucumber ) and the other on the northern side ( Cracked Plate ). Return to Walkappa and he says that he might’ve lost the bottle at Catfish Pond. As with the previous items, go around to the northern side of the pond to find Walkappa’s Bottle , so return it to him to finish.
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