This page will cover all of the optional stuff that isn’t covered elsewhere, like the few optional bosses that don’t fit into any other section.
Duwheel is a boss that can be found inside of the Abandoned Tunnel in Mt. Wildwood, but you will need to do a few things before you can fight it. First and foremost, you will want to have your Watch to be at least Rank A, as you will need to get to the eastern section of the dungeon. That means it’s possible to fight Duwheel as soon as Chapter 8, but it’s going to take a lot of finesse to not have the boss wipe the floor with you, so it’s a good idea to wait until you are much stronger (like the postgame).
From the western entrance, you should notice a minecart straight ahead of you, which appears as broken whenever you inspect it. There are three items you need in order to make it operational again, one of which is in this area. Go on the east side and take the minecart there to the west side, then go to the northwest corner to flip a switch (make sure it’s to the right). This will allow you to ride another minecart in the northcentral section that will bring you to the eastern side. Go past the Watch Lock and to the north to find a Leadoni; defeat it in battle to get the Leadoni Wheel .
Target the wrong flame and you’ll receive a counter (left). Duwheel can change the location of the right flame with Wisp Shuffle (right).
That’s one item down and two more to go. Find the Rank A Watch Lock and get rid of it, then head into Abandoned Tunnel East. Take the first minecart and then pull the northern lever to the right, using the minecart next to it to go straight north. Follow the ramps and path up to the northeastern corner, where you’ll find an item on the ground; this is the second item, Payn Oil .
Return to the first platform with the switch and use the Payn Oil on the southern one, then ride the minecart to the southwestern corner of this area. You’ll find a Signiton waiting for you, who will fight you to protect his secret. Well, whatever it was, you’ll receive the Signiton Engine after the battle. With that in hand, you can go back to the broken minecart in the western section of the Abandoned Tunnel to fix it and get ready for the boss battle.
Duwheel is a boss that has two forms, with him switching between the two as the battle draws onward. You can target each of the five flames surround its head (which is another target), but only one of them can be hit. Any false targets will have your attacks missing, with Duwheel countering with a fire attack. Duwheel can also switch up the position of the real flame with Wisp Shuffle , but you don’t need to actually target them.
You see, as previously mentioned, you can just target the head and not have to deal with the flames at all. Eventually, Duwheel will switch his form by turning red, with nothing really changing besides the ability to perform its Soultimate, Redsplosion , which deals pretty big fire damage, so make sure you don’t have any Yokai that are weak to fire in the blast. Besides that, the only other move it does is called Fire Breath , dealing fire damage and having the chance to inspirit your front row.
Terror Time - Gargaros¶
Before you even try to go after Gargaros, who is very strong, you will likely want to make some preparations. Gargaros is a physically strong attacker, and hes knows Incinerate as well, which he won’t use too often. His Soultimate is Nightmare Beat , which is a very strong physical attack against one target. With that knowledge, you know that defense will be somewhat important, as will health, so you don’t want any particularly squishy Yokai on your team. They should be able to survive 2-3 hits from Gargaros’ normal attack.
A party of around 70-80 should be more than enough to deal with Gargaros. You will want your physical attackers with Vampiric Fangs and any magical attackers should not be fire-related, due to the oni being a fire elemental one. If you want a healer, you’re more than welcome to use one, but since all of Gargaros’ attacks are single-target, it might be easier in the end to use items to heal.
Terror Time - Ogralus¶
Ogralus is the blue oni that will periodically replace Gargaros during Terror Time. You will always know which one you will be running from/fighting as soon as Terror Time starts, so there’s no need to worry about that. While Ogralus is still strong physically, he likes to use his elemental attack a lot more often, which is Waterfall . That means you will not want to use any Yokai that are weak to water in this battle, as the oni will make short work of them. His Soultimate is the same as Gargaros.
There are a few Yokai that are extremely beneficial in this battle, due to their skill, which are Castelius I , Castelius Max and Goldenyan . All of their skills will reduce the amount of damage taken from water attacks, so they will be taking not a lot of damage from Waterfall. Castelius Max is great, because his Soultimate increases his defense and draws the enemy’s attack, while Goldenyan’s will increase the stats of the entire front row. A party of around level 80 or so should be more than enough to take this oni down.
You’ll be able to tell which Oni you get at the beginning of Terror Time (left). Orcanos is definitely one of the strongest enemies in the game (right).
Terror Time - Orcanos¶
Orcanos is the black oni and definitely the strongest out of all of them. He can replace any of the others after having defeated Ogralus. It’s possible for Orcanos to one-hit your weaker Yokai, so you definitely want to have them leveled up as much as possible. Even with a team of level 99 Yokai, it’s possible for this oni to wipe the floor with you due to his strong attacks. Orcanos is an absorption-type and he does like to use Reaper (his technique) throughout the battle, but there is no way to mitigate the damage.
You will likely want to have Goldenyan for this battle, since his Soultimate increases the stats of your front row and you’re going to need all you can get in this battle. Equipping physical attackers with Vampiric Fangs is ideal and since Orcanos is an absorption-type, you are free to use whatever magical Yokai you want. You are going to want to handle healing by the use of items, since a healer-type Yokai will likely not be able to handle his attacks; Choice Tuna, Nom Burgers and Marbled Beef are the best ones.
Having a Yokai with the Intimidation skill is useful so your own Yokai don’t loaf in battle. Also, having one in the back row with Oldness Zone will make it so your attacks won’t miss, making the Vampiric Fangs a lot more useful. There is one particular strategy that can make the battle extremely easy, which is to have two healers with a Yokai that can “reflect” damage back to Orcanos. This Yokai taking the damage will need to guard all the time, so have them with the Calm attitude and equip it with the Sticker of Hate item (or a Guard Gem). The healers should have the Ski Mask accessory one.
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