- Location - SW of Wayfarer Mansion (Blossom Heights)
- Req - Day
Reward - 120 XP, Slab Bacon (x2)
The girl wants to go out to play, but his mother won’t let her. Talk to the mother and it turns out a Yokai is Inspiriting her. Use your Lens to reveal Blowkade just north of her. Defeat the Yokai, then talk to the girl to finish.
Comic-Book Caper
- Location - Western riverbank (Uptown)
- Req - Day, Clear weather
Reward - 249 XP, Spirit Talisman
The kid’s friend stole his comic book and refuses to give it back. You’ll find this friend to the south, standing in front of a vending machine. Use your Lens to reveal a Peckpocket to the left of the kid, then defeat it in a fight. Talk to the kid again after to get the Comic Book, then return it to the first kid.
Detective Quest 2
- Location - Elementary School (Uptown)
- Req - Day
Reward - 201 XP, The Pest’s Quest, Roe Rice Ball
To get to the item for this request, you need to go to the Tucked Away Lot, which is one of the alleys with enemy Yokai on the map. From the upper entrance to Blossom Heights, take the first road going south and you’ll spot the alley on the left side. Once there, you’ll see a Roughraff standing in front of a bicycle, so take care of him to gain access to the bike, letting you grab the Detective Badge+. Bring it back to the kids.
Fusion Time!
- Location - Inside Shoten Temple (Blossom Heights)
- Req - None
Reward - 187 XP, Plain Ring, Blank Charm
Mr. Zen asks if you want to try Yokai Fusion, with the test subjects being Dulluma and Mochismo. Whisper points out that Dulluma can be found behind the Everymart in Uptown Springdale, but you can find him a lot underneath vending machines/cars. Mochismo, on the other hand, can be found on the hidden path right next to Shoten Temple. Bring them both back (they don’t have to be in your active party) to finish.
Completing Fusion Time will allow you to combine Yokai and items together.
Groovalicious Dance
- Location - Community Center (Uptown)
- Req - Night
Reward - 166 XP, Simple Badge
Groovalicious wants to learn some new dance moves and Whisper suggests going to the riverside to find some Yokai who can teach you. Both Wiglin and Steppa are in the same spot, next to each other, so find them with your Lens first. Talk to both of them and then defeat them in battle. Return to Groovalicious.
- Location - Inside Hot Springs (Blossom Heights)
- Req - Day
Reward - 154 XP, Staminum (x2), Staminum Alpha
This is a fairly easy Request that begins as soon as you accept to do it. You will have 5 minutes to catch 6 kids, who will be hiding around a limited area of the map given to you. A few of them will be hiding behind certain things, so don’t forget to move the camera with L and R to give you a better view. Most of them, however, will be runners, who will take off at the first sight of you. That means you’ll have to give chase and spam the A button to talk to them before they get too far out of reach. If you have any variants of the Staminum line of items, use them to give yourself unlimited stamina for a short period of time. The request is finished upon finding six kids.
Lock It Down
- Location - North of Sunshine Station (Uptown)
- Req - None
Reward - 247 XP, Get Guardin
People are forgetting to lock their doors and have been robbed. Whisper suggests that it’s three of the same Yokai who are up to no good and wants to look around the homes. Remember to look for the “?” on your Watch to find them. The first is just north of the officer, and the second will be a little north and then east (go through a fence). For the last one, head south through the alley where you found the second, then head east; it will be next to the house just southeast of Bear’s home. All three will have you fighting some Pandles, so defeat them all and return to the officer.
Noko Hunt!
- Location - Mt. Wildwood (Near NE corner)
- Req - Day
Reward - 77 XP, Medium Exporb
The lady is trying to prove that the mythical tsuchinoko exists, and asks you to find three pieces of proof. Whisper mentions that the creature that the lady is referring to is most likely the Yokai, Noko. As the lady said, you can find the evidence along the water, so head to the stream/pond and look for the sparkly bits on the ground, which will net you the Noko Skin, Noko Dirt, and Noko Dung. Return the evidence to the lady.
Now with Mushrooms
- Location - Flower Shop (Uptown Springdale)
- Req - Day
Reward - 99 XP, Cheery Coat
The florist wants a Tasty Mushroom to start selling it in her store. You can get one on Mt. Wildwood, but when you find the right spot (towards the northeast), you’ll find a Yokai (Mynimo) already got to it before you. Fight it, then put up the mushroom off the ground and return it to the lady.
You’ll find the items for Noko Hunt on the ground as sparkly things near the water.
Out of Step
- Location - Community Center
- Req - None
Reward - 241 XP, Dancing Star (x2)
Two guys are practicing for a dance contest and can’t dance in sync. Whisper suggests that you befriend a Yokai named Enefly in order to help them. The catch is that Enefly can only be found in the trees on Mt. Wildwood at night, so you’ll have to wait until it becomes nighttime first (or go to sleep in your bed at home). To help with befriending Enefly, go to any vending machine and buy a drink until you get a VoltXtreme, which is the best juice in the game.
Remember that you’re looking for Rank D on your Watch, which will always be an Enefly. Save before going into battle (especially if you only have 1 or 2 VoltXtremes), then use the juice you got at the start of the battle (give to enemy) and hope you get Enefly to join after (reset when you’ve used all of your juices). Bring the Enefly back and it turns out it’s the wrong Yokai, as you really need Enerfly. You’ll be doing the same thing as before, except during the day, as Enerfly only spawns then. Return to the pair of boys to finish.
Sneaking Suspicion
- Location - Community Center (Uptown Springdale)
- Req - Day
Reward - 216 XP, Bronze Doll
Go outside and you’ll spot Zoey, who has been Inspirited. However, before you can do anything, Zoey takes off towards the school. Head inside and Whisper says to go to the library on the third floor. Zoey will be there, so talk to her and then use your Lens to reveal a Suspicioni just to the north. Take it out, talk to Zoey again, then report to Lina.
The Giant Huchen
- Location - The Fish Place (Uptown Springdale; Requires fishing rod)
- Req - Day, Clear weather
Reward - 186 XP, Fresh Urchin, Small Exporb (x2)
You cannot start this Request until you’ve gotten the fishing rod from Walkappa in the main story. The man wants a Giant Huchen and asks if you can catch him one. You will be able to find them at Catfish Pond and he only wants a normal one, not a rare one. It’s very easy to tell which one is the Huchen, as it’s much, much bigger than any other fish, but you will likely need to use a Fish Bait or two to increase your chances of catching it. Once you do, bring it back to the man.
The Lost Family
- Location - Wayfarer Manor (Blossom Heights)
- Req - Day
Reward - 177 XP, Aged Charm
A little girl told us her family is lost and remembers three places where they last were. The first location is the flower shop, which is on the west side of Uptown Springdale. The second location is inside Banter Bakery, west of The Fish Place in Uptown Springdale. The last location is in front of Shoten Temple. Talk to the three people with markers at each location, then report back to the little girl.
Trying to Laugh
- Location - Inside Hot Springs (Blossom Heights)
- Req - Day
Reward - 208 XP, Shrimp Rice Ball (x2)
A young woman is trying to laugh at her boyfriend’s jokes, but they aren’t really funny. Go through the blue side and talk to her boyfriend, only to find out that the young woman wasn’t lying. Whisper suggests bringing Heheheel to turn his jokes into “veritable belly busters.” You can find Heheheel at Catfish Pond during the day. The only problem with this one is that Heheheel can only be found along the water and is a Rank D Yokai, so you only have a few chances to even attempt to befriend it (save either before or after attempts and reload). Once you catch one, go talk to the young woman again to finish.
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