Yokai | Rank | Location |
Cadin | E | Trees everywhere (Blossom Heights) |
Pandle | E | Vending machines/cars (Blossom Heights) |
After the battle with Slimamander, Whisper thinks it’s time to get some stronger Yokai on your team, but you’re going to need to upgrade your Yokai Watch before anything. Whisper suggests going to Timers & More, which is located in Blossom Heights. You can get there by either going to the northwest or southwest sections of Uptown Springdale and following the road/sidewalk to the west. You would be closer to Timers & More if you go from the southwest, but there’s plenty of new things to check out in Blossom Heights, such as Requests, some new Yokai and even new stores.
Go to Timers & More and speak with Mr. Goodsight inside to learn that you’ll need a few things in order to upgrade the Watch, specifically a cog, a screw and a spring. Note that the teddy bear on the couch nearby is actually a Babblong, so you can reveal him if you want. The easiest item to get is the screw, which is acquired by talking to the clerk at the bike shop to the south of Timers. Next, head to the middle section of the town and speak with the guy outside of the building to get the Watch Spring. The last item, the cog, will take a little bit more to obtain.
You’ll be seeing Goodsight (left) a lot throughout the game. Wayfarer Mansion is used as the StreetPass function in the game (right).
Old Mansion¶
Encountered Yokai |
Ake, D’Wanna, Pandle, Snotsolong |
The Old Mansion is a big building that is sort of like a dungeon in this game. While there are two entrances inside, the doors on the left side are locked from the south side, so head in the main entrance. Once inside, you will see four doors in the first area on your map. The middle one is locked and is where you’ll be heading shortly, while the one on the right requires your Watch Rank to be D. The other two on the left side are special doors in this dungeon, one of which will have an eyeball on it. When the eyeball is facing your character, you will be able to use it get on the other side; when it isn’t, you can’t use it.
Of the two doors, you can only use the one going north, then you’ll see two more. The southern of the two just leads to a big room with some Yokai and is a dead end, while the northern heads further inside the mansion. Take the next door here and then climb the ladder to reach the second floor. There’s only one way to go up here, as beams block the way up, as well as to the right, so take it until you come to a big room. Now, you’ll want to be careful here, as certain parts of the floor are weak and stepping on them will cause you to fall through them, to the rooms below.
Think of this big area as being split into three major sections, the bottom where you should be at right now, a large middle section and the top, with each part having two entrances. The right “entrance” to each section is weak, so stick to the left for now and head all the way to the top to find a chest with an Aged Charm inside (there’s a chest with a Leaf Rice Ball in the middle section). Take the right “entrance connecting the middle and top sections to fall through to a new area on the first floor. There will be two chest in the top left corner of this area ( Old Mansion Key and Worn Bangle ), so you’ll need to grab at least the one with the key.
Go south from the chest to head back outside, where you’ll be able to unlock that gate you couldn’t open from the one side. Before going to the locked door inside of the mansion, you should’ve seen another opening before you unlocked the outside gate. Head inside there to find one more chest with Green Coin . Return to the main entrance of the mansion and save/heal your characters, then go through the center door. However, don’t talk to the thing yet, but instead go around and up the ladder to find yet one more chest ( Purple Coin ). Return downstairs and talk to the Yokai, which will trigger a battle with it. The battle should be pretty standard, and Baku will join you after it and even hand over the Watch Cog !
You can only pass through the doors when the eye is facing you (left). The fight with Baku is nothing special, as he is just an ordinary Yokai (right).
Now you can go back to Timers & More to get your new watch…or not. Mr. Goodsight isn’t feeling up to it because he lost his lucky undies and he wants you to sneak into the hot springs at night to look for them. There is one slight problem, though, as you can’t go out at night, but Baku comes to the rescue. After a short scene, you’re finally able to go out at night, but something strange is happening outside. After taking a few steps, a giant monster appears, so get ready to run. Make your way to the marker without being seen by the little Oni, which will trigger the big, bad one to chase after you. When you get there, that mysterious Yokai that helped you with Slimamander will make a door appear, sending you back to the real world.
Anyway, your next destination is the Hot Springs, which as you can see, is located in Blossom Heights. If your Yokai need healed or have their Soul Meters not filled, do so before heading inside. After a short conversation with the lady at the front desk, go into the door on the left to find a Yokai in the baths. Get ready for a boss battle!
BOSS - Sproink¶
Sproink is similar to Slimamander, in that, you need to reveal his weak point in order to do good damage to him. You will notice at the beginning of the battle that Sproink is using the buckets to cover up his belly. If you aim at his belly right now, the buckets will absorb most of the damage, so you’ll need to draw his attention elsewhere. That’s where hitting him in his face comes in, so pin a target on his face to direct your Yokai to attack it. Once you deal some damage to his face, he’ll reveal his belly button, so pin that to start attacking it. With enough damage to that, Sproink will be incapacitated for a few moments before unleashing Squealing Boil , his Soultimate attack.
As far as attacks go, Sproink can deal out some punishment to your Yokai. He can throw one of the buckets at a single Yokai for medium damage, as well as perform a buttslam to hit everyone in the front row. Slippery Soap hits one Yokai and can Inspirit them, so get ready to move them to the back row for purification. Squealing Boil , as you know, is his Soultimate attack and hits everyone in the front row for fire damage. Sproink will use the above pattern throughout the whole fight, so make sure your Yokai have high HP whenever he is about to unleash his Soultimate.
Target Sproink’s face (left) until he covers it with a bucket, reveal his weak spot, the belly button (right).
You’ll get the Old Man Undies after the battle and automatically return to Timers & More. Your Watch is now Rank D and the chapter will end.
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