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Yo-Kai Watch

Chapter 8 Requests

Jarrod Garripoli

Biggest. Crisis. EVER.

  • Location - Inside Gourd Pond Museum (Breezy Hills)
  • Req - Day
  • Reward - 564 XP, Yellowed Sash
    You cannot access this request until you get the Museum Ticket from Eddie in the beginning of the chapter. The boy smashed a vase in his home and wants you to help him get his parents’ favorite foods. You need both a Marbled Beef and a Mighty Medicine, the first of which is very expensive to buy and the second of which can’t be bought. Lucky for you, both of those things can be traded in for at Jungle Hunter in Uptown.

Marbled Beef requires 3x Dorcus Stag and 3x Brown Cicada, the latter of which are easy to find. Dorcus Stags can be found at night on Mt. Wildwood, on trees. Mighty Medicine requires 3x Anglerfish, which can be fished at night at Rolling Waves Park in Downtown (it’s a bit rare), and 2x Flower Scarabs, which can be found anywhere there are bushes. Once you have both of the items needed for the boy, bring them to him to finish the request.

There are two tricks you can use to farm the harder to find animals, the first of which is saving, then quitting back to the title screen. This will reset the entire area, including the Yokai and animals on the trees/in the water. The other trick pertains to fishing, where you can get all but one of the fish (or all of them if there’s an item on the ground), then exit out of the fishing area and go right back in. Doing this will respawn the fishes, making it easier to not have to worry about emptying out the spawn points.

Detective Quest 4

  • Location - Elementary School (Uptown)
  • Req - Day, Clear weather, Clear Detective Quest 3
  • Reward - 490 XP, VoltXtreme
    It’s time for another riddle from the Springdale Kids Detective Team. The badge is located inside of the Seabreeze Tunnel, which is that tunnel that connects Downtown Springdale and Breezy Hills (the fish head-looking thing on your map). It will located on the ground in the middle of the tunnel. Bring it back to the kids to finish.

Detective Quest 5

  • Location - Elementary School (Uptown)
  • Req - Day, Clear weather, Clear Detective Quest 4
  • Reward - 593 XP, Sleep ‘n’ Study
    This is the final riddle from the Detective Team. Head to Breezy Hills and find Gourd Pond Park. On the southern side of the lake is a boathouse, with three boats; check the white swan boat to find a KD Note with another riddle. For the second riddle, go back to the Elementary School and you should see a slide right by the three kids. Search around in the sand at the bottom of the slide to find the badge, then bring it back to the kids.

Fishy Business

  • Location - Triangle Park (Uptown)
  • Req - Night
  • Reward - 618 XP, Opal
    Lina and Zoey asks you to check out the pool, so you decide to talk to the teacher. Unfortunately, the teacher is only there during the day, so you’ll either have to wait until then or go back to your home to sleep until morning. To get to the pool, you need to enter the gym’s eastern entrance, then find the door in the southwest corner that will lead to the pool. Talk to the teacher, then go back home and rest until evening. Back at the school, there will be a kid by the bike stand, so talk to him, then go back to school during the day again to talk to the teacher once more.

He mentions some kids that hang out at the candy store, so head there and talk to both of them. Something is fishy here, so Whisper suggests going to the pool at night to see if you can find the culprit. Talk to the boy and then find the Yokai (three sets), defeating them in battle. Check up on the boy, but there are still fish in the pool, so bring back Walkappa to help with that problem. If you don’t have him anymore, then check the western riverbank in Uptown Springdale. Once he’s finished, report back to Lina.

Get the Ball Back!

  • Location - Doughnut Hill (Blossom Heights)
  • Req - Day
  • Reward - 582 XP, Bronze Doll, Medium Exporb
    A boy has kicked his ball into Mr. Byrd’s yard and cannot get it back, due to both not wanting to go into the yard and because the front gate is locked. In order to find the back way, go to Shoten Temple and take the Secret Byway to the right of it. There will be a Watch Lock here, but you’ll be fine with your current Watch Rank. Take the exit that is past the Watch Lock and you’ll be close to Mr. Byrd’s house. Head inside and talk to him to get the soccer ball, then unlock the front gate from this inside before returning the ball to the boy.

You’ll need to go past the Watch Lock (left) to get to Byrd’s house. Don’t forget to unlock the front gate (right).

Inside Blues

  • Location - Flower Road (Shopper’s Row)
  • Req - Day
  • Reward - 645 XP, Tourmaline
    A mother is having trouble with her son, as he is refusing to play outside. He can be found at the Tranquility Apartments, specifically tower C, room 304. This room is locked at night, so you will have to go during the day. Talk to the boy and Whisper says he feels a strong Yokai presence, which is in the room next door, so head over there and find the Hidabat, defeating it in battle. Return to the boy, who mentions two girls outside, so go to the playground to find them on the swings. Talk to them both to find out the problem, with the solution being to bring a Wazzat to the boy. You should already have one, but if not, go to the trees in Downtown Springdale and look for a Rank E Yokai. Once you have one, return to the boy, then talk to his mother again.

You can find the secluded boy in the C set of apartments (left), on the third floor (right).

Marry Me Someday?

  • Location - Whatta Find (Shopper’s Row)
  • Req - Night
  • Reward - 558 XP, Water Ring
    Whatta Find is in the building that is past Shopping Street Narrows that can be accessed from Flower Road in Shopper’s Row. The kid asks for your help in procuring a Fire Ring, which is something that you can fuse at Shoten Temple. The only thing is that you need both a Ruby and a Plain Ring in order to make one, with the first ingredient being a little harder to find than the Plain Ring, which you can purchase from the very store you found the questgiver in. Luckily, it isn’t too troublesome, as you can trade for a Ruby at Jungle Hunter in Uptown Springdale, but you need three Mackerel, which can be purchased from The Fish Place in the same area. Once you have both items, go make the Fire Ring at Shoten Temple and bring it back to the boy.

Mega Hide-and-Seek

  • Location - Shade Road near Tranquility Apartments (Shopper’s Row)
  • Req - Day; Complete Hyper Hide-and-Seek
  • Reward - 433 XP, Ski Mask
    As with the previous requests, you have to find a certain number of kids within 5 minutes, this time being 10 of them. There will be two hiding behind some trees by Nocturne Hospital, but a majority of them are runners. So, you should be used to these by now, but remember to try to approach the runners from an angle or something, as going head-on can result in them running in the opposite direction.

More Like Bombedy…

  • Location - Gourd Pond Park (Breezy Hills)
  • Req - Day
  • Reward - 730 XP, Speed Bell
    The man had a horrible comedian act and is afraid to get back on stage. Talk to the other comedian, as well as the audience members to get an idea why it was bad. After talking to them all, it seems like the manager is quite suspicious, so head to the convenience store (Everymart) to find her. As you approach her, you’ll see she’s being inspirited by a Yokai, who is right next to her. Reveal and defeat Lafalotta, then return to the comedian.

Ms. Frost’s Favor

  • Location - Frostia’s Place (Downtown)
  • Req - None
  • Reward - 562 XP, Bitter Medicine (x2)
    Frostia’s Place is located in the northwestern section of Downtown; it’s the middle building of the three small (two colored) buildings there. It is only opened at night, but you can enter the backdoor via the alley behind the place during the day. Either way, you can get the request during either time. She will ask for two items, with the first being some Black Syrup, something you should have plenty of; if not, go to Jungle Hunter in Uptown Springdale to buy some. After returning some, she will request some Refreshing Herbs, which she says can be found at Catfish Pond in Mt. Wildwood. When you get there, you’ll find a Walkappa who says that there’s a Mad Mountain by the Refreshing Herbs. Follow that to the north to find Mad Mountain, who wants to fight. After defeating him, you’ll automatically get the Refreshing Herbs , so return to Ms. Frost. She’ll give you the Frostina Yokai medal!

Phony Phoning

  • Location - Sauna Road (Blossom Heights)
  • Req - Day
  • Reward - 605 XP, Lightning Ring
    The boy’s grandmother has been getting prank calls and is never home when he visits. She lives near the bike shop that’s close to Sunshine Station, so pay her a visit to find no one is home, so go back to the boy. Once again, go back to the grandma’s house and talk with the boy’s siblings to find out that grandma likes a bench at the river in Uptown Springdale, close to where you initially got Walkappa in the story. You agree to help her out with the phone problem by getting Signibble, who can be found on the telephones in Blossom Heights and Shopper’s Row (Rank D; favorite food is Rice Balls). Return to the house with Signibble in hand to finish.

Rank A Challenge

  • Location - Timers & More (Blossom Heights)
  • Req - Complete Rank B Challenge
  • Reward - 598 XP, Dancing Star (x3)
    Another test to upgrade your Watch, with another three Yokai to defeat. This time, however, all three of them are in the Underground Waterway, which is a place that is blocked off by locked gates, so you’ll need to enter from specific spots to get to the Yokai. First is Benkei , who can be found by entering near Sunshine Station in Blossom Heights. Second is Quaken , who can be found by finding the entrance along the river in Uptown. The third Yokai, Alhail , can be found by finding the entrance along the river in Breezy Hills.

The one in Uptown is on the eastern riverbank (storm drain) and the one in Breezy Hills is location at the far north of the path along the riverbank. The entrance to the area with Benkei, though, is a little more challenging to find. South of Timers & More is a bike shop and to the east of that is a small path that goes north. Follow this path to the north and go down the stairs to find a spot where you can enter the Underground Waterway. All are fairly close to where you enter, so you should have no trouble finding them (don’t forget to explore and unlock some of the gates down there).

Shopping Spree

  • Location - Shade Road near Tranquility Apartments (Shopper’s Row)
  • Req - None
  • Reward - 729 XP, Bronze Doll (x3)
    Eric seems to have spent all of his money at the toy store, despite not meaning to do that. Head over to the toy store at Flower Road and you’ll find a Yokai named Spenp. Defeat it, but it seems that the aura is still around, so head south to have Whisper say he’s sensing it from the Shopping Street Narrows area. There will be two more sets of Spenp Yokai here, so defeat them both and return to Eric.

The Spenp Yokai you need to defeat can be found in front of the toy shop (left) and in the Shopping Street Narrows alley (right).


  • Location - Whatta Find (Shopper’s Row)
  • Req - Night
  • Reward - 496 XP, Pretty Ring
    Whatta Find is in the building that is past Shopping Street Narrows that can be accessed from Flower Road in Shopper’s Row. The guy is a fan of The Peachy Ladies and wants a picture of them, but can’t find one. He says he knows there’s another fan of them in Rolling Waves Park in Downtown, so head over there to find him by the dolphin tank. This superfan refuses to give you the picture, but asks you to find a Faded Idol Pic by following his clues. Actually, only one of his clues is true, which has you going to Arcadia Arcade, so go there when it’s during the day. Check the one poster on the wall in the upper right corner to get the pic you need, so bring it back to the superfan to get a Shiny Idol Pic, which you can bring back to the guy in Whatta Find.

Sweet Old Man

  • Location - Fortune Hospital (Downtown)
  • Req - Day
  • Reward - 615 XP, Emerald
    It seems that an elderly patient that loves sweets is troubling the nurse and she wants you to find out where he is. Talk to the two other staff at the hospital to find out that he likes to hang out by Frostia’s Place at night. When you talk to him, Whisper suggests that you get a Yokai to calm him down some, which in this case, will be a Tengloom. If you don’t have one, you can find him on floors 2 and 3 in the Construction, which is only accessible by night (which is good, since it should still be night). Once you get one, you’ll have to unfortunately turn it back into day before you return to the hospital. Talk to the nurse to initiate a scene that will finish up the request.

The Peon’s Poems

  • Location - Tranquility Apartments; Room A-202 (Shopper’s Row)
  • Req - None
  • Reward - 670 XP, A Serious Life
    The man hid something in the Construction Site and wants you to retrieve it for him. Remember that the Construction Site is only accessible at night, so rest at home until the evening if needed. The item you’re looking for isn’t marked on the map, but it’s located in the southwest corner of the second floor, among the barrels and flowers there (it’s Love Poetry). Return it to the owner and finish the request.

The Wimpy Worker

  • Location - Construction Site (Downtown)
  • Req - Day, Clear weather
  • Reward - 623 XP, Iron Plates
    The worker seems to need a lift to his stamina, so Whisper suggests some Livers & Chives, which you can purchase from the Sun Pavilion restaurant on Flower Road. Once you bring one back, the next thing you need to do is bring back a Mochismo for the wimpy worker. If you don’t have one on your team already, you can find some near the Fish Place in Uptown Springdale (Rank D and likes Rice Balls). Return with Mochismo to finish.

You can buy the Liver & Chives at the Sun Pavilion on Flower Road in Shopper’s Row.

Troublesome Yo-kai!

  • Location - Inside Old Mansion (Blossom Heights)
  • Req - None
  • Reward - 625 XP, Brute Bracer
    The Copperled wants to throw a party, but some rough Yokai are occupying the room just beyond the locked door, which is being held shut. So, you’ll need to find a way into the room somehow. Go through the Watch Lock on the right and make your way to the second floor. Find your way to the left side and look for a hole in the floor to the left of the spot where the sun is shining, which will drop you into a small hallway with a door that leads to the locked room. Defeat all three sets, then speak to Copperled to finish.

Unlucky Family

  • Location - Tranquility Apartments; Room B-104 (Shopper’s Row)
  • Req - None
  • Reward - 636 XP, Skill Encyclopedia, 10-Cent Gum (x2)
    The kid is sad that his family never orders pizza anymore, due to not having a lot of money. Talk to the other family members and you’ll learn they are all really unlucky, which seems to be the work of a Yokai. Look above the kids to find a Lodo, so defeat it and everything will return to normal. Lodo will give you his medal after the battle.

Yo-kai Abduction?

  • Location - Gourd Pond Park (Breezy Hills)
  • Req - None
  • Reward - 609 XP, Flood Charm
    The Walkappa’s friend has been abducted and he doesn’t know where he has been taken, but he sends you to ask Appak at Rolling Waves Park in Downtown Springdale. You can find him on the short pier in the northeast corner of the area, close to the entrance of Seabreeze Tunnel. He says that the Yokai responsible for this likely took them to the Abandoned Tunnel in Mt. Wildwood. When you get to the entrance, you find out it was Benkei who did, so head inside of the tunnel. Benkei is located just south of the Rank A Watch Lock, so pull the switch to make sure the minecart at the top will go right, then confront the Yokai. The request will be over once you finish the battle.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    27 February 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Jarrod Garripoli

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You play as either Nate or Katie, who while on a mission to find some bugs for a summer project, stumble upon a mysterious machine in the woods. Using it reveals a loud-mouthed Yokai named Whisper, who ends up giving you a Yokai Watch, letting him/her see the world of Yokai that surrounds them. It is now up to you to go around town, investigating mysteries, helping people out and making sure the Yokai behave themselves.

Let us guide you on a mystical adventure through Springdale and beyond to befriend all of the Yokai in our comprehensive Yokai Watch strategy guide!

Our extensive guide includes:

  • Complete walkthrough of the main story;
  • Detailed strategies for the postgame content;
  • Solutions for all Requests and Favors;
  • Locations for the harder to find Yokai.

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