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Icon Color Key
Icon Title In-game Description (Abilities) Screenshot (Ability) Companion Weapon Abilities Origin Conviction (Abilities) Archtype Type Cost Targets Attack Pattern Duration Cooldown Penalties
Item icon
Above Thundering Guns

The Rogue Trader and two random allies start combat with temporary…

Item icon

In the first round of combat, all critical scored by the Rogue…

Item icon
Aim for the Opening

The Assassin chooses an enemy in their line of sight and marks…


1 AP

One enemy creature (unlimited range).
Icon for <span>One enemy creature (unlimited range).</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Air of Authority

The Officer increases an ally’s Resolve by a Resolve until the…


1 AP

One friendly creature within a 4-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 4-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Analyse Enemies

The Operative targets one enemy within 10 cells from the Operative.…


1 AP

One enemy creature within a 20 cell radius
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 20 cell radius</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Assign Objective

The Master Tactician marks an enemy. If that enemy is killed…


1 AP

One enemy creature within a 20 cell radius
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 20 cell radius</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
At All Costs

The Commissar’s next single-shot or single-target melee attack…


Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Once per Combat
Icon for <span>Once per Combat</span>

Item icon
Blitz Stratagem

The Grand Strategist chooses one of the Combat Tactics areas.…


1 AP

All allies within the selected Combat Tactics area.
Icon for <span>All allies within the selected Combat Tactics area.</span>

Small Grid
Icon for <span>Small Grid</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Brace for Impact!

For 1 round, the Navy officer and their allies in a 3-cell radius…

"Abelard" iconAbelard Companions
Navy Officer Origins

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Once per Combat
Icon for <span>Once per Combat</span>

Item icon
Break Their Ranks!

This ability can only target allies who have enemies adjacent…


1 AP

One friendly creature within a 4-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 4-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Break Through

The Warrior gains the Slash ability with (AGI bonus / 2) charges…


2 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Item icon
Bring it Down!

The Officer immediately grants an ally an extra turn with action…


2 AP

One friendly creature within a 7-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 7-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

Until the start of their next turn, the Vanguard gains damage…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Cautious Approach

The Arch-Militant gains the cautious approach effect until the…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

The Warrior moves in a straight line and launches a melee attack…


2 AP

First creature along 6-cell line.
Icon for <span>First creature along 6-cell line.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Claim the Bounty

The Bounty Hunter makes a free single attack with the selected…


1 AP

One enemy creature within weapon's range.
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within weapon's range.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Combat Locus Stratagem

The Grand Strategist chooses one of the Combat Tactics areas.…


1 AP

All creatures within the selected Combat Tactics area.
Icon for <span>All creatures within the selected Combat Tactics area.</span>

Small Grid
Icon for <span>Small Grid</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Combat Tactics

The Grand Strategist analyses the battlefield and can create…

Item icon
Concentrated Fire

The next ranged area attack made by the Soldier deals (50 + 10…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Confident Approach

The Arch-Militant gains the confident approach effect until the…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Controlled Shot

The Soldier gives a sign that they are about to open fire. The…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Courage and Steel

The Rogue Trader and their allies need 30 less momentum to activate…

Item icon
Cull the Bold

The Bounty Hunter’s next attack this turn will have additional…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

Once per battle the Rogue Trader may choose an ally (including…

Item icon
Danse Macabre

The Assassin dashes in a straight line for up to (1 + bonus/2)…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Movement</span>

Item icon
Daring Breach (Desperate Measure)

The Warrior immediately restores all and gains +(2 x Warrior’s…


Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Once per Combat
Icon for <span>Once per Combat</span>

Item icon
Daring Breach (Heroic Act)

The Warrior immediately restores all Ap and MP and gains +4 MP…


Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Once per Combat
Icon for <span>Once per Combat</span>

Item icon

The Soldier immediately dashes in the selected direction, spending…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

Movement within a 3 cell radius.
Icon for <span>Movement within a 3 cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Spends all Movement Points
Icon for <span>Spends all Movement Points</span>

Item icon
Death Whisper

The Assassin makes an attack that does not count toward the limit…


One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius </span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Defensive Stance

The Vanguard gains +(10 + 2 x number of unyielding beacon stacks)%…


2 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Destroy the Weak

For the first combat, everyone in the Rogue Trader’s party gains…

Item icon
Devastating Attack

The Arch-Militant’s next attack, if it hit, will cause all the…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Dismantling Attack (Desperate Measure)

The Operative immediately inflicts 1 exploit on all enemies in…


One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius </span>

Item icon
Dismantling Attack (Heroic Act)

The Operative immediately inflicts 1 exploit on all enemies in…


One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius </span>

Item icon
Dispatch (Desperate Measure)

The Assassin makes an attack with the current weapon against…


One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius </span>

Item icon
Dispatch (Heroic Act)

The Assassin makes an attack with the current weapon against…


One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius </span>

Item icon

The target must pass a Willpower resistance test with a –(5 x…

Item icon
Elusive Shadow

For 1 round the Assassin becomes the lowest priority target for…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

Until the Warrior’s next turn , all incoming damage is reduced…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

1 Turn
Icon for <span>1 Turn</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

Until the end of combat, all targets within the area suffer a…


1 AP

All creatures within a 10 cell radius
Icon for <span>All creatures within a 10 cell radius</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Ensnare the Prey

The Bounty Hunter sets a trap on a free cell in a 10-cell radius…


1 AP

All enemies within a 10 cell radius
Icon for <span>All enemies within a 10 cell radius</span>

Giant Square (No Corners)
Icon for <span>Giant Square (No Corners)</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

The soldier immediately spends all their AP and MP and tins a…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Ends Turn
Icon for <span>Ends Turn</span>

Item icon

Any attacks from allies that may hit other allies will be dodged…

Item icon
Expose Weakness

The Operative removes all exploits from the target to decrease…


1 AP

One enemy within a 30 cell radius
Icon for <span>One enemy within a 30 cell radius</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Feinting Attack

The Assassin’s next single-target attack will have a —50% armour…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

The Master Tactician suffers direct damage equal to 20% of their…


Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Finest Hour! (Desperate Measure)

The Officer grants an ally an extra turn with full AP and MP.…


One friendly creature (unlimited range).
Icon for <span>One friendly creature (unlimited range).</span>

Item icon
Finest Hour! (Heroic Act)

The Officer grants an ally an extra turn with full AP and MP.…


One friendly creature (unlimited range).
Icon for <span>One friendly creature (unlimited range).</span>

Item icon
Finish the Job

Can only be used on enemies with the unfinished business effect.…


1 AP

One enemy creature within weapon's range.
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within weapon's range.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Firearm Mastery (Desperate Measure)

The Soldier gains the ability to make a number of extra attacks…


Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Once per Combat
Icon for <span>Once per Combat</span>

Item icon
Firearm Mastery (Heroic Act)

The Soldier gains the ability to make a number of extra attacks…


Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Once per Combat
Icon for <span>Once per Combat</span>

Item icon

This psychic power only impacts creatures suffering from warp…

Item icon
Follow my Lead

Until the start of their next turn, the Vanguard gains +(10 +…


1 AP

All allies within the area of effect.
Icon for <span>All allies within the area of effect.</span>

Giant Square (No Corners)
Icon for <span>Giant Square (No Corners)</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Forced Distraction

The Vanguard chooses an ally. All enemies in a 3-cell radius…


1 AP

All enemies within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius
Icon for <span>All enemies within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius</span>

Circle AoE (Large)
Icon for <span>Circle AoE (Large)</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Forceful Strike

The Warrior gathers all their strength for a crushing strike.…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

Creates an area that lasts until the start of the psyker’s next…

Item icon
Get Back in the Fight!

The Officer encourages an ally, who immediately recovers from…


1 AP

One friendly creature within a 4-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 4-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Gifts of the Warp

Any psychic phenomena increase the momentum of the Rogue Trader’s…

Item icon
Glimpse of Fate

The target gains +(5 X Navigator’s WP bonus)% increased hit chance…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

1 AP

One friendly creature within a 12-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 12-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Go for the Throat

Ulfar immediately moves to the target, ignoring attacks of opportunity,…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

2 AP

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Grim Determination

The Rogue Trader and their allies gain a +10% chance to survive…

Item icon
Hammer of the Emperor

All allies affected by Word of the Emperor gain the Hammer of…

Item icon
Held in My Gaze

The Navigator deals (1 + 2 x Willpower bonus)-(6 + 4 x Willpower…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

1 AP

One creature within a 16-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One creature within a 16-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn
Icon for <span>Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn</span>
, Spends all Movement Points
Icon for <span>Spends all Movement Points</span>

Item icon
Heroic Sacrifice (Desperate Measure)

Until the end of combat, the Arch-Militant can make one additional…


Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Once per Combat
Icon for <span>Once per Combat</span>

Item icon
Hot on the Trail

The Bounty Hunter designates an enemy in a 10-cell radius as…


One enemy creature within a 10-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 10-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Ends Turn
Icon for <span>Ends Turn</span>

Item icon
Immolate the Soul

Deals (3 + 2 xWP bonus)-(10 + 4 xWP bonus) damage to all targets…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

1 AP

All creatures within the area of effect (unlimited range)
Icon for <span>All creatures within the area of effect (unlimited range)</span>

Single Line
Icon for <span>Single Line</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn
Icon for <span>Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn</span>
, Spends all Movement Points
Icon for <span>Spends all Movement Points</span>

Item icon

The target suffers double the damage the Ignite psychic power…

Item icon

Until the end of combat, all burning conditions will deal + (2…

Item icon
Inscribed Soul

The psyker gains the Inscribed Soul ability. It costs no AP but…

0 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

The target gains +1 damage and +1 additional damage for every…


1 AP

One friendly creature within a 10-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 10-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Instrument of His Will

Until the start of their next turn, the Rogue Trader becomes…

Item icon

The Operative’s next non-area attack inflicts the intimidated…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

Restores (2 x psyker’s psy rating + WP bonus) wounds to the target.…


1 AP

One friendly creature within a 10-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 10-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Iron Arm

The target gains +14 Strength and Toughness until the end of…

"Heinrix van Calox" iconHeinrix van Calox Companions

1 AP

One friendly creature within a 10-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 10-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Increased veil degradation
Icon for <span>Increased veil degradation</span>

Item icon
Joint Analysis

Until the Operative’s next turn, their allies attacks also remove…


1 AP

All Allies
Icon for <span>All Allies</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

The Arch-Militant makes a melee attack with a kick, dealing (TGH…


1 AP

One enemy creature within a 12-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 12-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Killing Edge

The Assassins attacks and grants +40% dodge to the target for…


1 AP

One enemy creature within weapon's range.
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within weapon's range.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn
Icon for <span>Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn</span>

Item icon
Killzone Stratagem

The Grand Strategist chooses one of the Combat Tactics areas.…


1 AP

All enemies within the selected Combat Tactics area.
Icon for <span>All enemies within the selected Combat Tactics area.</span>

Small Grid
Icon for <span>Small Grid</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Last Volley (Desperate Measure)

The Master Tactician selects a 3x3 zone on the battlefield.All…


All creatures within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius.
Icon for <span>All creatures within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius.</span>

Small Grid (Center)
Icon for <span>Small Grid (Center)</span>

Item icon
Lidless Stare

All creatures within the area of effect (unlimited range).…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

2 AP

All creatures within the area of effect (unlimited range)
Icon for <span>All creatures within the area of effect (unlimited range)</span>

Giant Triangle
Icon for <span>Giant Triangle</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Light of the Emperor

All allies affected by Word of the Emperor are healed for (from…

Item icon

The target ally or the Master Tactician gains +1 resolve for…


1 AP

One ally within a 10 cell radius
Icon for <span>One ally within a 10 cell radius</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Machine Spirit Banishment

Reduces the damage dealt from the target’s attacks by -30% for…

"Pasqal" iconPasqal Companions

1 AP

One enemy creature within a 10-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 10-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Machine Spirit Communion

All weapons in a huge area gain additional effects: Allies’ Weapons:…

"Pasqal" iconPasqal Companions

2 AP

All creatures within a 10 cell radius
Icon for <span>All creatures within a 10 cell radius</span>

Circle AoE (Large)
Icon for <span>Circle AoE (Large)</span>

Rounds: 3
Icon for <span>Rounds: 3</span>

Item icon
Master of Command

In the first round of every combat, the Rogue Trader and their…

Item icon
Mend Reality

The Navigator decreases veil degradation by WP bonus points.…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

2 AP

All allies within a 12-cell radius
Icon for <span>All allies within a 12-cell radius</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Metabolic Overcharge

The target ally immediately gains an extra turn with twice the…


1 AP

One ally within a 10 cell radius
Icon for <span>One ally within a 10 cell radius</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Mind Bond

At any time until the end of combat, the target of Mind Bond…

Item icon
Mind Rupture

The target makes a Willpower resistance test. If that test fails,…

Item icon
Molten Beam

Deals double the damage of Ignite to all creatures in a 12-cell…

Item icon
Move, Move, Move!

The Officer immediately grants an ally additional movement points…


1 AP

One friendly creature within a 4-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 4-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Notch of Purpose

The Navigator designates a square. The enemy closest to that…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

1 AP

Target point within a 12-cell radius.
Icon for <span>Target point within a 12-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Orchestrate Flames

The target does not stop burning and no longer makes tests to…

Item icon
Orchestrated Firestorm (Heroic Act)

All allies, including the Master Tactician, that have line f…


All creatures within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius.
Icon for <span>All creatures within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius.</span>

Small Grid (Center)
Icon for <span>Small Grid (Center)</span>

Item icon
Overwhelming Stratagem

The Grand Strategist chooses one of the Combat Tactics areas.…


1 AP

All allies within the selected Combat Tactics area.
Icon for <span>All allies within the selected Combat Tactics area.</span>

Small Grid
Icon for <span>Small Grid</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Path of Redemption

Any momentum expenditure by the Rogue Trader and their allies,…

Item icon
Perfect Spot

While in cover, the Operative gains +25% cover efficiency, +15…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Perfect Timing - Diviner

All allies that are currently affected by any of the psyker’s…

Item icon
Piercing Resolution

Once per battle, the Rogue Trader may choose an ally (including…

Item icon
Piercing Shot

The Bounty Hunter’s next attack during this turn will have +100%…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Point of Curiosity

All enemies in a 6-cell radius around the target point must pass…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

1 AP

All enemies within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius
Icon for <span>All enemies within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius</span>

Circle AoE (Large)
Icon for <span>Circle AoE (Large)</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Poised to Strike

The Assassir makes an enemy suffer -(2 x Assassin’s AGI bonus)%…


1 AP

One enemy creature within a 10-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 10-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Power from beyond the Veil

All weapons on the battlefield become warp-imbued for 1 round,…

Item icon
Precise Attack

For the next attack against a target affected by an exploit,…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

Once per round, the psyker’s next turn is moved up by 2 turns…

Item icon

The target gains +(4 + 2 x psy rating) Intelligence, Perception,…

Item icon
Press the Advantage

The Master Tactician empowers their next attack to deal +4% additional…


Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Prophetic Intervention

Whenever an ally suffers damage that would make them fall unconscious,…

Item icon

The Vanguard forces an enemy in their melee range to immediately…


1 AP

One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 1 cell radius </span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Psychic Assault

The psyker deals Psychic Shriek damage to everyone within a 7-cell…

Item icon
Psychic Shriek

Deals (1 + (psyker’s WP Bonus x psy rating))-(8 + (psyker’s WP…


2 AP

One creature within a 12 cell radius
Icon for <span>One creature within a 12 cell radius</span>

Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn
Icon for <span>Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn</span>
, Spends all Movement Points
Icon for <span>Spends all Movement Points</span>

Item icon
Purge Soul

Deals (from (1 + psyker’s psy rating + 1) x resolve /4) to(4…

Item icon

A pyromancer is a master of flame, a psyker who is able to create…

Psyker Other
Item icon

Until the Bounty Hunter’s next whenever an ally attacks a target…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Rapid Fire

The Soldier’s next burst attacks will have its rate of fire doubled…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Reckless Rush

The Arch-Militant immediately gains +(3 + Arch-Militant’s AGI…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Reckless Strike

The Warrior’s next melee attack gains +(5 x STR bonus)% armour…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

Until the end of combat, the target recovers +(psyker’s psy rating…


2 AP

One ally within a 10 cell radius
Icon for <span>One ally within a 10 cell radius</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Regimental Tactics

The Astra Militarum commander and all their allies deal an additional…

Item icon
Resource Preservation

The Rogue Trader and their allies gain a +20% chance to save…

Item icon
Reveal the Light

The target ally gains +(4 x Navigator’s WP bonus) to their Willpower…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

1 AP

All allies within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius
Icon for <span>All allies within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius</span>

Small Grid (Center)
Icon for <span>Small Grid (Center)</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Revel in Slaughter

The Soldier immediately removes the winded effect. Until the…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Run and Gun

The Soldier gains +4MP . Their next attack costs -1 AP less and…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Sanctic Powers

A concentration of faith, sanctic powers are used by pious psykers…

Psyker Other
Item icon
Scourge of the Red Tide

Creates a 3x3 zone. Every creature that is in it, enters it,…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

2 AP

All creatures within the area of effect within a 16-cell radius.
Icon for <span>All creatures within the area of effect within a 16-cell radius.</span>

Giant Square (No Corners)
Icon for <span>Giant Square (No Corners)</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn
Icon for <span>Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn</span>
, Spends all Movement Points
Icon for <span>Spends all Movement Points</span>

Item icon
Seek the Opening

The Assassin sees a single opening for each enemy on one of the…

Item icon
Sensory Deprivation

The target makes a Willpower resistance test. If it succeeds,…

Item icon
Shield of the Emperor

Until the start of the psyker’s next turn, all allies affected…

Item icon
Show the Path

This ability can only target allies that have at least one melee…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

2 AP

One friendly creature within a 4-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 4-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Spot of Apathy

The Navigator creates a circle with a 3-cell radius. Any creature…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

2 AP

All creatures within the area of effect within a 16-cell radius.
Icon for <span>All creatures within the area of effect within a 16-cell radius.</span>

Giant Square (No Corners)
Icon for <span>Giant Square (No Corners)</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn
Icon for <span>Can no longer use attacking abilities on current turn</span>
, Spends all Movement Points
Icon for <span>Spends all Movement Points</span>

Item icon
Steady Superiority (Heroic Act)

Until the end of combat, the Arch-Militant can make one additional…


Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Once per Combat
Icon for <span>Once per Combat</span>

Item icon
Stronghold Stratagem

The Grand Strategist chooses one of the Combat Tactics areas.…


1 AP

All allies within the selected Combat Tactics area.
Icon for <span>All allies within the selected Combat Tactics area.</span>

Small Grid
Icon for <span>Small Grid</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon

The target gains +2 temporary wounds and +1 additional temporary…


1 AP

One friendly creature within a 10-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 10-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Sword of Faith

This psychic power costs 50 momentum and can only be used when…

Item icon
Sworn Enemy

The Warrior marks a target, gaining +(10 + 2 x TGH bonus)% armour…


1 AP

One enemy creature within a 12-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 12-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Tactical Knowledge

The Operative removes -1 exploit from each enemy in a 5-cell…


1 AP

All enemies within a 10 cell radius
Icon for <span>All enemies within a 10 cell radius</span>

Circle AoE (Large)
Icon for <span>Circle AoE (Large)</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Take Aim!

The target’s next attack will ignore cover and will have double…


1 AP

One friendly creature within a 8-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 8-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Take and Hold (Desperate Measure)

The Grand Strategist chooses one combat tactics area. Every ally…


Target Point within a 15-cell radius
Icon for <span>Target Point within a 15-cell radius</span>

Item icon
Take and Hold (Heroic Act)

The Grand Strategist chooses one combat tactics area. Every ally…


Target Point within a 15-cell radius
Icon for <span>Target Point within a 15-cell radius</span>

Item icon
Taunting Scream

The Warrior screams at their enemies to draw their attention…


1 AP

Icon for <span>Cone</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Transcend the Potential

Once per battle, the Rogue Trader may choose an ally. The target…

Item icon
Trenchline Stratagem

The Grand Strategist chooses one of the Combat Tactics areas.…


All allies within the selected Combat Tactics area.
Icon for <span>All allies within the selected Combat Tactics area.</span>

Small Grid
Icon for <span>Small Grid</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Unyielding Beacon

Each attack against the Vanguard grants them +1 stack of Inyielding…

Item icon
Unyielding Guard (Desperate Measure)

Until their next turn, the Vanguard attacks each enemy that attacks…


Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Item icon
Unyielding Guard (Heoic Act)

Until their next turn, the Vanguard attacks each enemy that attacks…


Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Item icon

Whenever the Arch-Militant uses an attack that is of a different…

Item icon
Vigil Beyond Time

The first use on any target marks it with the under the Navigator’s…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

1 AP

One creature within a 12 cell radius
Icon for <span>One creature within a 12 cell radius</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Voice of Command

The Officer forces an ally to fully push themselves, increasing…


1 AP

One friendly creature within a 16-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One friendly creature within a 16-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Waking Nightmare

All enemies within a 4-cell radius circle suffer a -24 penalty…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

1 AP

All enemies within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius
Icon for <span>All enemies within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius</span>

Cross Plus
Icon for <span>Cross Plus</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Wall of Rockcrete

The Vanguard and all their allies in a 3-cell radius around them…


2 AP

All allies within the area of effect.
Icon for <span>All allies within the area of effect.</span>

Circle AoE (Large)
Icon for <span>Circle AoE (Large)</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
War Hym

Grants momentum equal to (2 X devotee’s WP bonus). This ability…

Item icon
Warp Curse Unleashed

The enemy becomes cursed until the end of combat. Cursed: all…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

1 AP

One enemy creature within a 12-cell radius.
Icon for <span>One enemy creature within a 12-cell radius.</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Warp Speed

Until the end of combat, the target ally increases their by +(3…


2 AP

One ally within a 10 cell radius
Icon for <span>One ally within a 10 cell radius</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Wild Hunt (Desperate Measures)

The Bounty Hunter simultaneously makes several attacks. The number…


All enemies within the area of effect within a 36-cell radius.
Icon for <span>All enemies within the area of effect within a 36-cell radius. </span>

Item icon
Wild Hunt (Heroic Act)

The Bounty Hunter simultaneously makes several attacks. The number…


All enemies within the area of effect within a 36-cell radius.
Icon for <span>All enemies within the area of effect within a 36-cell radius. </span>

Item icon

The Arch-Militant’s next attack will cost 0 will not count toward…

"Ulfar" iconUlfar Companions

3 AP

Icon for <span>Personal</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

Item icon
Word of the Emperor

All allies in a circle with a 5-cell radius gain +(I + psy rating)…

Item icon
Zone of Fear

All units in a 3x3 zone must pass a Willpower resistance test…

"Cassia" iconCassia Companions

1 AP

All creatures within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius.
Icon for <span>All creatures within the area of effect within a 12-cell radius.</span>

Giant Square (No Corners)
Icon for <span>Giant Square (No Corners)</span>

Rounds: 1
Icon for <span>Rounds: 1</span>

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