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Combat Tactics Passive Abilities

In-game Description (Abilities)

The "Grand Strategist" iconGrand Strategist analyses the battlefield and can create specific areas providing bonuses to all allies including the Grand Strategist: Frontline, Backline, and Rear. In the first turn all 3 areas can be created. In the following turn, only one of them can be created. All areas can be moved with the corresponding abilities and cannot overlap. If there are two or more Grand Strategists in the party, the "Combat Tactics" iconCombat Tactics areas are common for all the Grand Strategists, and the highest INT bonus and FEL bonus of all the Grand Strategists is used. There cannot be more than one Frontline, Backline, or Rear on the battlefield. Regardless of the abilities used, the Grand Strategist always acts first in combat.

Screenshot (Ability)

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