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Icon Title Description Homeworld - Talents Screenshots / Gallery Homeworld - Features Agility Athletics Awareness Ballistic Skill Carouse Coercion Commerce Demolition Fellowship Intelligence Logic Lore (Imperium) Lone (Warp) Medicae Perception Strength Toughness Weapon Skill Willpower
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Dark City of Commorragh

An immeasurably vast domain hidden within the depths of the web…

Power From Pain Origin Talents
Prey on the Weak Origin Talents
Shroud of Pain Origin Talents
Burning Touch of the Warp Origin Talents




Item icon
Death World

On Death Worlds, the plants, beasts, and sometimes even the environment…

"Brutal Hunter" iconBrutal Hunter Death World
"Lifetime of Scars" iconLifetime of Scars Death World
"Tenacity" iconTenacity Death World
"Trusty Weapons" iconTrusty Weapons Death World
"Wounded Beast" iconWounded Beast Death World
"Survival Instinct" iconSurvival Instinct Death World






Item icon
Forge World

Forge Worlds are the domain of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Entire…




Item icon
Fortress World

Fortress worlds are planets, where the entire populace is immersed…

"Combat Addict" iconCombat Addict Fortress World
"Familiar Kickback" iconFamiliar Kickback Fortress World
"Hail of Steel" iconHail of Steel Fortress World
"Never Stop Believing" iconNever Stop Believing Fortress World
"Spare Magazine" iconSpare Magazine Fortress World
"Never Stop Shooting" iconNever Stop Shooting Fortress World




Item icon
Hive World

A Hive World’s population is so dense that great swathes of the…

"Comradery" iconComradery Hive World
"Fresh Start" iconFresh Start Hive World
"Helping Hand" iconHelping Hand Hive World
"Outnumber" iconOutnumber Hive World
"Strength in Numbers" iconStrength in Numbers Hive World




Item icon
Imperial World

An Imperial World is one of a million planets united by the belief…

"Doing My Part" iconDoing My Part Imperial World
"Know no Heresy" iconKnow no Heresy Imperial World
"Ready to Serve" iconReady to Serve Imperial World
"Stronger Together" iconStronger Together Imperial World
"Humanity's Finest" iconHumanity's Finest Imperial World
Item icon

Voidborn are humans birthed in the belly of a void vessel or…

"Be Smart" iconBe Smart Voidborn
"Bloody Mess" iconBloody Mess Origin Talents
"Contagious Luck" iconContagious Luck Voidborn
"Jinx" iconJinx Voidborn
"Fortune" iconFortune Voidborn




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