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**Item Name** **Cost** **Limit** **Effects**
10-Point Card - 99 Gain 10 App Points, despite not leveling up
A5 Demoloin - 99 Restores 50 HP to one ally; also sells nicely
Ag Incense - 99 In field for one ally: full HP/MP restore, +3 Agility
Agilao Stone - 20 Hit an enemy with a medium-powered Fire-based attack
Amrita Shower 250,000 10 Heals all allies’ status ailments, except for KO
Amrita Soda 100,000 10 Cures all status ailments for an ally (except KO)
Attack Mirror 150,000 10 Repels all Physical/Gun attacks against your party for a turn
Balm of Rising 10,000 10 Revives an ally from KO with all of their HP
**Item Name** **Cost** **Limit** **Effects**
Bead 1,500 10 Restores one ally’s HP fully
Bead Chain 100,000 5 Restores all allies’ HP fully
Bead of Life - 2 Fully restores all allies HP and MP
Bufula Stone - 20 Hit an enemy with a medium-powered Ice-based attack
Chakra Drop 1,000 20 Heals a small amount of MP to an ally
Chakra Pot 6,000 10 Fully heals one ally’s MP
Dekaja Stone - 20 Dispels all stat boosts on the enemy party
Dekunda Stone - 20 Dispels all stat reductions on your party
Detox Solution 150 25 Heals Poison and Sick for an ally
Dis-Poison 150 25 Heals Poison and Sick for an ally
Dx Incense - 99 In field for one ally: full HP/MP restore, +3 Dexterity
Expanse Meat - 99 Heals 50 HP to an ally; also sells pretty decently
**Item Name** **Cost** **Limit** **Effects**
Gold Bulldozer - 99 Sell it for 5,000 Macca
Gold Death Mask - 99 Sell it for 10,000 Macca
Gold Jet - 99 Sell it for 1,000 Macca
Great Chakra - 5 Fully heals all allies’ MP
Healing Water 50 50 Restores 50 HP to one ally
Heavenly Steak - 99 Restores 50 HP to one ally; also sells pretty decently
Heavy Grimoire - 99 Instant level-up; **best used right after a level-up!**
Holy Fruit 1,500 10 Fully heals one ally’s HP
Knockout Gas 200 20 May put all enemies to Sleep
Life Stone - 50 Restores a small amount of HP to one ally
Light Grimoire - 99 Gives one ally some EXP.
Lu Incense - 99 In field for one ally: full HP/MP restore, +3 Luck
Ma Incense - 99 In field for one ally: full HP/MP restore, +3 Magic
Mabufu Stone 300 20 Hit all enemies with a weak Ice-elemental attack
**Item Name** **Cost** **Limit** **Effects**
Magic Mirror 150,000 20 Repels non-ailment magic attacks for a single turn on your party
Mahama Stone 800 20 Instant-but-unlikely Light kill for all enemies
Mamudo Stone 800 20 Instant-but-unlikely Dark kill for all enemies
Maragi Stone 300 20 Hit all enemies with a weak Fire-elemental attack
Mazan Stone 300 20 Hit all enemies with a weak Force-elemental attack
Mazio Stone 300 20 Hit all enemies with a weak Electric-elemental attack
Me Patra Stone 300 20 Heals Sleep, Panic, and Bind for all allies in battle
Medicine 50 50 Restores 50 HP to one ally
Megido Stone - 20 Hit all enemies with a weak, element-ignoring attack
Megidola Stone - 20 Hit all enemies with a medium-powered, element-ignoring attack
**Item Name** **Cost** **Limit** **Effects**
Needle Orb 300 20 Hit all enemies with a weak Gun-elemental attack
Nerve Gas 200 20 May Bind all enemies
Patra Stone 100 50 Heals Sleep, Panic, and Bind for one ally in battle
Poison Gas 200 20 May Poison all enemies
Revival Bead 300 20 Revives an ally from KO
Revival Leaf 300 20 Revives an ally from KO
Soma - 3 Fully restores the HP and MP of a single ally
Soma Drop - 10 Restores an amount of 100 HP/MP to an ally
St Incense - 99 In field for one ally: full HP/MP restore, +3 Strength
Summon Stone - 5 Summon or Return a demon and revive it from KO
Tetraja Stone 1,000 20 Nullifies one Light/Dark instant kill on your party
Zanma Stone - 20 Hit an enemy with a medium-powered Force-based attack
Zionga Stone - 20 Hit an enemy with a medium-powered Electric-based attack
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    4 July 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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The Eastern Kingdom of Mikado is a peaceful land whose inhabitants are rigidly divided into two castes: the common Casualry and the elite Luxurors. Normally, it is impossible to transcend the class you were born into; that is, unless you are chosen at the age of eighteen by “the Gauntlet Rite” to become a Samurai, one of the sworn protectors of Mikado. You are chosen to become a Samurai, and learn a truth kept hidden from the general population: that beneath Mikado lies Naruku, a realm of demons which the Samurai are tasked with suppressing.

Inside Our Detailed Strategy Guide:

  • Every story branch and ending covered: Law, Chaos and Neutral.
  • Explanations of all the choices that affect alignment; ideal for getting your desired ending.
  • More than a hundred high quality screenshots to enhance your reading experience.
  • The best ways to tackle those challenging… Challenge Quests.
  • Extensive weapon, item and shop listings so won’t miss a thing.
  • A massive Demon Compendium, with all the Demon Skills and Fusion Combinations.

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