Rise and shine, young samurai; you’ve got a whole game ahead of you!
The next morning, you awaken to find a young samurai - new, like you - simply watching you sleep. He introduces himself as Walter, another Casualry like you. He wonders if you’ve met him somewhere before - you look familiar. Your choices as for your response?
- Alignment -1 = Possibly…
- Alignment +1 = I don’t believe so
Walter decides to head on to the training; he’ll met you at the Naraku entranceway.
Meanwhile, you can explore as you will. There are four “???” options you can look at. … Okay, fine, it’s not an “as you will” thing. No shops or anything have been properly set up, so you cannot shop. For now, just head to the Naraku Entranceway.
There, you will meet the four other new samurai - Navarre, Jonathan, Isabeau, and Walter obviously - one of whom is rather riding a high horse in a figurative manner. The other two, Jonathan and Isabeau, turn out to not be all that bad for Luxurors. The latter of these asks for your name.
- Alignment +1 = Introduce yourself
- Alignment -1 = Remain silent
Soon, Jonathan will mention himself also having a dream with you in it.
After some introductions are passed around, Commander Hope arrives, noting that you are the five new apprentices. According to Navarre, that’s more than usual, but he’s cut off as Hope decides to commence training.
You will be making trips into the demon-infested Naraku to … well, battle demons. You are given 300 Macca and five Healing Waters before being dismissed.
With the limited funds you have now, you can only afford to buy healing items. Still, they might be useful for the tough journey ahead.
There are two shops to look at - see B’s Apothecary and Q’s Blacksmith for details. Sadly enough, most of those items cannot be purchased, beyond those available at B’s. There, it wouldn’t be too bad an idea to stock up on a few more Healing Waters, for now or another time. When you’re ready, head to the Naraku Entrance.
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